Thursday, January 4, 2007

Weakness - A Frequent Sign Insufficient Supply Of

Weakness - a frequent sign Insufficient supply of a brain by blood, oxygen or, less often, Glucose. Clearness loss in a head "is usually described as", after Than arise instability in vertical position and "a veil before Eyes ". Can accompany hyperventilation, and To precede a faint. "Clearness loss in a head" can be aura Before an attack, and also - the usual complaint of patients with Depression. Dizziness. Illusion Own movement or movement of surrounding subjects, more often in a kind Rotations. The physiological dizziness arises at the unusual Movements of a head or infringement visual, proprio - and (seasickness, dizziness at height, in communication With visions). True dizziness almost never Arises in before an unconscious condition. Instability and sense of the equilibrium concern to To indicators of definition of biological age of the patient. to define biological age of the patient it is possible with Test use on balance. Ask the patient (do not forget about To the insurance!) to put both palms on hips and as much as possible to take away one Foot back.

Especially It Is Necessary To Reveal HIV-infection Risk

Especially it is necessary to reveal HIV-infection risk factors. 2. At regional it is necessary to think first of all of an infection or about malignant process. 3. Laboratory research, usually, includes (On circumstances): the clinical analysis of blood, crops of blood and others Biological liquids, a thorax, intraskin Test of Mantu with PPD (a stable extract of the dry cleared ) and other control skin tests, Researches on mushrooms, viruses, a HIV, parasites, a syphilis, tests on Infectious ( antibodies, the specific Antibodies to Epstein-Barr virus), blood dab on morphology of cages, Puncture of a marrow and research given . 4. If necessary and on circumstances Use the visual technics: scanning of a liver and-or a spleen with 99m, , ultrasonic of bodies of a belly cavity. 5. If remains and does not give in Interpretations, it is necessary to spend knot and histologic Preparation research, culture crops on possible kinds of an infection, To freeze a preparation for research and to paint it for Definitions of other kinds of cages.

It Is Described Arnold J. In 1894, Then

It is described Arnold J. In 1894, then Chiari. 1895. The pathology is caused by squeezing Brain and cerebellum trunk in the narrowed big occipital aperture Owing to deformation of an occipital bone. Characteristic for disease The infantile constitution of patients is connected with spinal Anomalies. in the form of a hydrocephaly, cerebellum defeat, a computer defeats of a trunk of a brain and a spinal cord. It is quite often combined With anomaly of cervical vertebras, a syndrome of Klippelja - Fejlja. - narrowing of the big occipital aperture. Arnold - Kiari a syndrome (J. Arnold, 1835-1915; .Chiari, 1851-1916,), (-741.0), .-: a syndrome, 2nd type, spina bifida a syndrome; And other - a combination , , paralyses of cranial nerves and the spasms, caused by congenital displacement of the head Brain in a direction with its infringement in the big occipital Aperture. ARPKD - autosomno-retsessivnyj kidneys. It is connected genetic (gene PKHD1) by infringements of process of formation of fiber .