Friday, August 31, 2007

4. Irradiirujushchie Pains At Diseases Of Bodies Of A

4. Irradiirujushchie pains at diseases of bodies of a thorax (A pneumonia, a pleurisy, a myocardium heart attack, ).5. Diseases and Damages of a forward belly wall (a hernia, ruptures of vessels, phlegmons); 6. Irradiirujushchie pains at diseases and damages of a backbone and Spinal cord. Abeleva-Tatarinov reaction (G.I.Abelev, 1928; J.S.Tatarinov, 1928), a sin.-alpha-fetoproteinovyj the test. a syndrome, . - Vidalja-Abrami illness, a syndrome - chronic the nature. illness, - zernisto-cellular. Ablepsia - Blindness Abta-Letterera-Sive illness (A.Abt,1867-1955,‡.Letterer,1895-1982,S.Siwe,1897) - . - Letterera - Sive illness. Abt-Letterer-Siwe a syndrome; Letterer' ; Letterer-Siwe a syndrome; Hand-Scheller-Christian'a a syndrome; Siwe' Illness; ; aleukaemic reticuloendotheliosis, X; the infectious ; malignant ; nonlipoid histiocytosis syndrome, nonlipoid reticuloendotheliosis, subacute disseminated histiocytosis X, systemic reticuloendotheliosis syndrome of childhood, malign reticulosis in children and adolescents; ; Pulmonary histiocytosis X; Nonlipid reticuloendotheliosis; Pulmonary langerhans cell granulomatosis; Hand-Schuller-Christian disease; Letterer-Siwe disease; Langerhans cell histiocytosis, etc.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Frequent And Convincing Symptom At Stratifying An Aorta

Frequent and Convincing symptom at stratifying an aorta aneurysm is Appreciable difference in qualities of pulse on the top and bottom finitenesses. 3. - it is considered at Patients with obvious signs of an emphysema, a trauma in a near time. As basic signs are considered-reduction (disappearance) of sounds of breath, Hyperresonance and box sound at a thorax, Trachea deviation far aside from , not Answering oxygen inhalation. 4. A pleurisy and plevrodinii-as the reason Chest pains are usually considered at all patients. In such cases The pain arises or amplifies at breath height, unilateral, is frequent with Short wind, sometimes with , it is not rare with . Other reasons of chest pains: ; a pneumonia / a pleurisy; a stable stenocardia; gastro-ezofagalnyj a reflux; gullet spasms; (candida, Herpes); Varicella zoster; a syndrome of Tittsa (ostochondritis); the mental Frustration (the exception diagnosis!); etc. the Urgent estimation of a condition of patients with pains In breasts can include: Check of signs menacing to a life, such as at carotids on a neck, O2, the HELL and pulse on both Hands and feet.