Saturday, October 11, 2008

Absence Or The Weakened Sounds Reflect The Reduced

Absence or the weakened sounds reflect the reduced Air stream to a listened zone of a lung. There are some types Pathological sounds : (crackles) and rattles (rhonchi). Rattles can be heard sometimes and without a stethoscope. Other pathological Sounds sometimes happen also loud enough and come to light often without Stethoscope. Rattles divide and on duration: long = 80, Short = 20, and to last nearby 10. (crackles = or a crunch). As believe, occur, when air opens the closed alveoluses. it is listened with some ottenkami: - damp, dry, Weak and rough. Rattles (rhonchi = sounds which a timbre are similar on Snore). They arise, when movement of air streams through the big Air lines (a drink, a trachea, large bronchial tubes) it is complicated or Has a barrier. Rattles - high, the sounds made narrowed By air lines also are more often listened in the end of a breath or in the end Exhalation. The general reasons of occurrence of rattles: the Barrier to an air stream; the Emphysema emphysema; an asthma; a hypostasis of lungs; Bronchiectasis; chronic bronchitis Chronic bronchitis; acute bronchitis Acute bronchitis; illnesses of a lung; a pneumonia; and other Lungs Breath sounds Usually in the beginning zones with the silent are listened Breath.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Distinctive Signs Of Diarrheas: Osmotic Sekretornye 1. Effect

Distinctive signs of diarrheas: Osmotic Sekretornye 1. Effect of starvation End of a diarrhoeia diarrhoeia Prolongation 2. excrements Low Norm 3. excrements 330 Moscow m 290 Moscow m 4. "Osmotic distinctions" 210 10 Many patients by mistake identify The increased frequency of a chair or the reduced intervals between As a diarrhoeia so the clinical physician should be convinced that the patient Really understands the term a diarrhoeia as a liquid chair. Traditionally the diarrhoeia is defined as increase in Daily weight of a chair> 250 gr/days. However such definition not It is always fair, because the estimation of weight of a chair is not practical at Primary and secondary infringements, though clinically this useful Definition. The diarrhoeia can be considered and as frequency increase Chair allocation (for example, 3 or more times a day) and-or on To presence of a considerable quantity of a liquid at a chair. The truth some Patients (for example, with IBS) sometimes define diarrhoeia presence In another way.

One Of Variants Of A Breadboard Model Of

One of variants of a breadboard model of the scheme researches of patients in the USA. * The general rules of gathering of the anamnesis and dialogue with the patient * survey and a condition estimation * Samples of records of results of research of patients. 3. New tendencies in diagnostics of illnesses of bronho-pulmonary system * according to a condition of bronho-pulmonary system (English) * recommendations at inspection of patients with a bronho-pulmonary pathology. * modern questionnaires on revealing of syndromes and diseases of respiratory organs. * sharp respiratory insufficiency. * and the reasons of infringements of frequency and depth of breath. * The differential diagnosis of a chronic short wind. *, noisy breath and a hypoventilation syndrome. * cough, algorithms of its diagnostics and complication. * pains at breath. * a syndrome. * syndrome revealings changes in lungs. * and diagnostics of sharp and chronic respiratory insufficiency. * schemes of an estimation and criteria of legochno-warm insufficiency.