Saturday, August 4, 2007

Palpation: Anatomic Signs - Profiles Bones, Presence Of

Palpation: Anatomic signs - profiles Bones, presence of crises, consolidations and morbidity points. Turn Attention to swellings, deformations, pain, etc. signs of an inflammation, Contours of joints, morbidity zones, possible , and Other Special attention turn on a condition of sinews And sheaves (a surface of structure and morbidity!). Further find out Movement range in a joint. An active range for everyone Movement and each joint it is distinguished. Often distinctions in volume of movements It is defined by comparison (if a joint pair). it are defined Comfort of performance of test and various deviations. A passive range Movements in a joint comes to light only at the restrictions revealed at To active estimation of functions of joints. At research of joints turn Attention to any atrophy of muscles. (foto 8a2). Survey of separate joints. Joints of the top finitenesses the Shoulder: Survey - Anatomic features - a head of a humeral bone, a biceps, Shoot, a zone, grudinno-kljuchichnoe connection, a shovel, Muscles round a joint, sheaves and sinews (supra and infraspinatus).

Thursday, August 2, 2007

Blood Culture In Certain Cases Any Reason Can

blood culture in certain cases any reason can to be found. culture-negative endocarditis infective endocarditis Signs: · Weariness; Weakness; Physical examination the Fever; ; Night (evening) sweats; Loss of weight of a body; Warm noise; the Short wind at small physical activity shortness of breath; Hypostases standing; Blood in urine; Excessive ; Red Painless stains on a skin of palms and soles (Janeway damages (Illustration sm); Red, painful knots on phalanxes of fingers and Toes (named in the knots Oslera - illustration sm); (illustration sm nail abnormalities (splinter hemorrhages); colour of urine of type of meat slops (or muddy) blood in the urine (acute) ESRanemia echocardiogram transesophageal echocardiogram chest X-ray. involving of the internal Edges of a century in scarring process (usually lower eyelids) thus hems Rub about an eye surface. The reasons and risk factors: can To be a congenital condition. At babies it seldom creates problems, Because scars very soft and not often damage a cornea Eyes.

Tuesday, July 31, 2007

) Before Or During An Attack ? Whether The

) before or during an attack ? Whether the sizes of a body (footwear have changed recently, Gloves), weight of a body or appetite? Whether it was marked raised Fatigue or sleeplessness? What medical products you Accept (, insulin)? Abusing alcohol? I result one of SCHEMES of the differential diagnosis night at patients Effects of medicines and drugs: alcohol; ; insulin; Niacin; Antidepressants; Meperidine; Tamoxifen; Withdrawal symptoms from alcohol, opiates, or cocaine Infections: HIV; the Tuberculosis; ; the Sepsis; New growths: ; various forms of cancer processes; Neurologic infringements: peripheral ; strokes and strokes; Endokrinnye infringements: ; ; a syndrome; Diabetes and its complications ( and ); . In addition: a tonsillitis; and a climax; panic attacks; a syndrome. More in detail sm - Smetana GW. JAMA. 1993; 270:2502-2503. 1.2 Weakness, dizzinesses and faints (Sinkopalnye of a condition). In 2006 year in San Francisco some rules of definition of a condition (syndrome) are confirmed.

Monday, July 30, 2007

In The Majority Cases The Reason Of A

In the majority Cases the reason of a squint at children is unknown. More than half Cases the problem comes to light soon after a birth (the congenital Squint). not to spend squint correction one eye will be To see much worse than another. amblyopia. Some other infringements connected with a squint at children include: Retinopathy of prematurity Retinoblastoma Hemangioma Apert syndrome Noonan syndrome Cerebral palsy The got squint at adults can be It is caused by damages of an orbit of an eye or a brain. Patients with a diabetes often Have , - the got paralytic squint. Sight loss in one eye at any reason will be usually forces Other eye gradually to turn (exotropia) outside. Diabetes Stroke shellfish Guillain-Barre a syndrome, Botulism Double vision physical examination Standard ophthalmic exam Visual acuity - visual hallucination in the form of preservation of a bright image of a subject after the termination of its influence. a syndrome, sin. - . illness, . - Take-take. , sin.-dehydration: Eyes deeply sink down, a stomach will involve, bright dryness of a skin is marked and Mucous membranes, pulse becomes frequent, decreases and hourly , etc. (2-18); The Hump: The Angular Curvature Of Backbone (2-18); the Hump: the Angular curvature of backbone Gibbus (2-18): Crisis (compression) of a vertebra (a tuberculosis, metastasises of a cancer, Osteoporosis), Spondilolistez ( a vertebra = Spondylolisthesis); ; : Allocation forward the lumbar Backbone parts (pregnancy, fatness =Obesity) ; Reduction lumbar : Straightening of a profile lumbar ( a disk, ); Morbidity: (A trauma, a disk hernia, , metastasises); Restriction of a range of movements: (an osteoarthritis, , a tuberculosis, metastasises). Cervical department. Put one hand ( Usually left) on a head at neck research. Survey: Pay attention On concavity degree (= ) a back part of a neck. Find the seventh Cervical vertebra (C7). Palpation: Probe each accessible awned Shoot of cervical vertebras. to feel the cervical Joints at passive movement of a head (the left hand). Define Range of painless movement of cervical department. Define and measure Active (= spontaneous) scope of movements of a chin upwards and downwards.

5. A Summary Of Tendencies In Diagnostics Of

5. A summary of tendencies in diagnostics of syndromes and illnesses of a gastroenteric path Syndromes of the general property * features of the person and mentality of patients with diseases * Complaints and standard questionnaires (including PAGI - SYM, etc.) the Roman criteria III * a skin and nails at diseases [Vitiligo ( - 709.01), a skin itch (-564.9), , and ( - 374.51), , and ( - 695.0), pigmentary stains on lips Etc.] * appetite * frustration of functions of a stomach (, , ) Estimation of infringements of activity ( - 564.9) * a mouth, a teeth and a drink ( - 529.8; 530.81, etc.) * Eructation, a heartburn and zheludochno-pishchevodnyj a reflux ( - 787.1) * and vomiting (-536.2; 536.8; 787.2; 3) * a gullet ( - 530.5) and * belly-aches (-789.0) * and ( - 537.81) * insufficiency * a chronic pancreatitis *, the reasons and diagnostics * Neurosises of intestines and spastic (-564.0) and other kinds * Lock functional ( - 564.81) * bleedings from and criteria of urgency of intervention Introduction 1.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Subjective Picture In The Form Of Diverse (

Subjective picture in the form of diverse ( Various) complaints of patients to chest pains bears often The uncertain information on the true reason, localisation and Intensity of a pain. Therefore from the first words of the patient the doctor should estimate Intensity (on a 10-mark scale), localisation, periodicity, Plausible reason and accompanying components of a chest pain. Important at It simultaneously to note presence and expressiveness of external signs Atherosclerosis (a senile arch of a cornea, consolidation, a thickening, arteries, , etc.). Indirect symptoms - pallor, Cold and damp skin can sometimes testify to a heart attack Myocardium, the pulmonary artery, stratified an aneurysm Aortas and conditions another urgent and menacing to a life. A pain at Turns and ducking, mobility restriction, sensation Cracklings at head turns the reflected pain at shejno-muscular Pathologies or a syndrome arteries (illnesses cervical and chest Backbone departments). If the pain is shown and amplifies at a thorax (a local pain), it is necessary to think including about Syndrome of Tittsa? Surrounding ? A neuralgia of intercostal nerves?, Etc.