Thursday, June 19, 2008

After That Fills Questionnaires, Including With The Data

After that fills questionnaires, including with the data of the personal Character, describes the basic complaints or the visit reasons to the doctor. Workers of registry (usually staff nurses) help patients To fill offered forms of the questionnaires including , a sex, age, Real and post addresses of the patient, the basic complaints, growth, weight of a body, Body temperature, etc. it is frequent (at will of the patient) suggest to fill Additional questionnaires and inquiries about additional tests. It is important to notice that the majority of doctors of the general Experts (at least among Russian-speaking) do not do detours Patients on houses and apartments as it was accepted in Russia. Visiting of the general practitioner in the USA with the minimum volume of researches For a condition estimation costs to the patient 70-100$. Set of the private companies Offer various on level of service of service of delivery of patients in office And-or hospital. Thus services of delivery of the patient differ and Are measured in tens dollars.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008 Gouty : Adjournment Of Crystals Of Monosodium Of Gouty : Adjournment of crystals of monosodium of uric acid, notable as Hypodermic very dense knots of the various sizes (are inclined !). (PHOTO 8a) see as photo 9a: the Psoriatichesky arthritis. . Damages of sinews. Crises of "boxers". Damages Finger-tips. Over mobile joints (Ehler-Danlos the congenital Syndrome). Joints of the bottom finitenesses. Feet of the person consist of 28 bones and 33 joints Coxofemoral joints - - Survey: at defeat of a coxofemoral joint the body of the patient is bent towards defeat. Thomas's symptom - allows to reveal a coxofemoral joint. At healthy a bending corner in a coxofemoral joint - 120, (at the straightened foot) - 15, amplitude of assignment - 40-45, hip rotation external - 45, internal - 40 (restriction by an internal sign of defeat of a coxofemoral joint). Knee joints. Survey: , a swelling, deformation, damages of sheaves and a meniscus.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

(PHOTO Shoulder) Diagnostics Of A Condition Of A

(PHOTO shoulder) diagnostics of a condition of a humeral joint - The form of joints, skin over joints, a condition and development of muscles about joints. : revealing of morbidity big and small a humeral bone. Volume of movements in joints: rotation and cultivation of hands at possible in limits 50-60. The symptom of Leklerka (as at braces) - allows to reveal movement partial or a complete separation rotating a joint. Symptom of Dauberna - at assignment of a hand more than on 60 - a pain in a humeral joint. Symptom of Sepurlinga - by pressing a head inclined to a sick shoulder, there are pains, , giving to a zone a back. Symptom of Lasega - the same, but at a ducking in the healthy party. Elbow joints. Anatomic Features - lateral and medial epicondyles, a shoot lecrenon, Head of a beam bone, elbow bone. Active movements: Bending -160 degrees, - 0 degrees, the pronation and . Survey: , a swelling, . : revealing hypodermic small knots (30 %) which should be distinguished from small knots at .