Wednesday, December 31, 2008

) Eliminatsionnye Diets - Genoha Of Purple Typical Rash

) Eliminatsionnye diets - Genoha of purple Typical rash on a skin; articulate a syndrome, the latent blood in skin Poisonings The infringements typical for a concrete poisoning Blood tests Migrating or its equivalents Rare syndrome with pains in and vomiting; To thicket at children Usually family history Clinical data Absence The objective data Repeated severe pains, vomiting, it is frequent at a stomach; Sometimes skin and neurologic signs (for example, stains, a rash, muscular weakness, skin zones ); urine; delta-aminolevulinovaja acid; Tests Is crescent-cellular illness Repeated severe pains, including out of a stomach (for example, joints); the Family tree Typical changes in ; haemoglobin * Results are not always unequivocal and can be present at other conditions and diseases. * PID = inflammatory diseases bodies; RLQ = bottom a stomach; RUQ = top a stomach; SBFT = baric filling of a small intestine. It is taken and modified at Barbero GJ: Recurrent abdominal pain. Pediatrics in Review 4:30, 1982 and Greenberger NJ: Sorting through nonsurgical causes of acute abdominal pain.

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

The Syndrome As Weakness Of Small Muscles Of

The syndrome as weakness of small muscles of hands begins with Spasms. The basic clinical features include a syndrome The tennis player, an apelike hand (finally "a cadaveric hand") and Other (monomelic amyotrophy) - (Monomelic amyotrophy) - a hereditary pathology of bone system with thin and long finitenesses and a visible thorax. Argajlla Robertson a pseudo-syndrome (D.Argyll Robertson, 1837-1909)-sin.-Ejdi a syndrome. - a frequent sign , especially tabes dorsales And other illnesses of the central nervous system, at which pupil Is small and answers slowly or does not answer illumination, but Reaction to the adaptation to distance and convergence is kept. It Also meets at an encephalopathy of Vernika and a diabetes (usually Bilateral). The reason pseudo a syndrome still medical riddle. Argajlla Robertson a syndrome (D.Argyll Robertson, 1837-1909,), . - Ardzhila Robertson a syndrome-immovability Pupils reflex-absence a straight line and reactions Pupils on light at safety of reactions to convergence and accommodation, Combined with narrowing and non-uniformity of pupils; it is characteristic for Syphilis of nervous system.

Monday, December 29, 2008

For Example, When Some Alveoluses Are Ventilated Well,

For example, when some alveoluses are ventilated Well, but have no sufficient blood-groove, while others Keep a blood-groove, but have no sufficient ventilation. Pulmonary Emphysemas and the various conditions connected with pulmonary (For example, ) cause infringements of function of breath such Sorts. Infringements of transport of oxygen Fabrics will not receive oxygen if is not available Sufficient volume of blood, including pressure of gases, as It happens, for example, at strokes, an anaemia, a shock and-or if warm emission, as is sharply lowered at Insufficiency of blood circulation. It is necessary to mention also various forms and when blood cannot give in Fabrics the reserved oxygen. The conditions demanding increased demand of oxygen in fabrics At the physical activities, raised Psycho-emotional pressure, at fevers, , Leukaemia and other malignant processes there is an increase Metabolism of fabrics owing to what the tachycardia and develops. Superfluous allocation CO2 and other waste Fabric metabolism leads sometimes to occurrence of a short wind without signs Anoxias (pulmonary emphysemas and other chronic obstructive Conditions and illnesses of lungs).

Sunday, December 28, 2008

At Badly Treated Sick Of A Diabetes With

At badly treated sick of a diabetes with Serious peripheral the diabetic can develop" Diarrhoeia. "Radio, bodies can cause the sharp Or chronic with a diarrhoeia. Transplantation of the bone Brain (BMT) or other bodies also can result to diarrhoeia development. History of surgical interventions The chronic diarrhoeia is usual complication After operation on a belly cavity. Shortening of a way of transit of a chemical moustache Reduces and a field, an internal surface of intestines, and Damage ileum harms to restoration and bilious acids. It is shown that the probability and gravity of a diarrhoeia is proportional to length Gut resections. The chronic diarrhoeia can develop also as Complication , though some researchers not Confirm this opinion. At last, patients with syndrome with Probability will have a chronic diarrhoeia after any operation on Belly cavity, including type (which can To strengthen a diarrhoeia because of bilious acids). At two thirds of the patients who are exposed Operations concerning fatness and adiposity (=jejunoileal), develops Chronic diarrhoeia, as a secondary dumping a syndrome with elements , intolerance of lactose, and-or the excessive fast Bacterial growth (= a syndrome of a dysbacteriosis of intestines).

Thursday, December 25, 2008

The Syndrome Is Accompanied By Four Or Considerable

The syndrome is accompanied by four or Considerable quantity of following basic signs: the attention problems, inflamed Throat, (cervical area or other zones of a body), muscular I-or uncertain pains on zones, headaches, not a grateful sleep and Strong weakness after physical activities. The patient having a variant of a syndrome To sudden weakness ( conditions) it is usually often subject To feeling of a nausea and before or in an aggravation (occurrence) Syndrome. The person in such condition looks pale and, sometimes, feels On a body sticky sweat. After a proceeding syndrome of the general Weaknesses such patients usually long feel tired and The broken. Attacks of the general weakness can last hours or days. The reasons currents of a syndrome of the general weakness can be including a syndrome of a carotid, a hysteria, fear attacks, emotional frustration, a severe pain, cough, etc. Besides exists (more often ) a variant of a syndrome of the general weakness, sin. - syncope. More often this variant connect with fast change The patient of a position from horizontal in the vertical.

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

) , High , And Barium Enema Diafragmalnaja Hernia

) , high , and Barium enema Diafragmalnaja hernia with a reflux Frequent a heartburn, an eructation the sour Baric tests Intolerance of lactose The expressed rumbling, strengthening after reception of fresh dairy products and drinks respiratory tests Eliminatsionnye diets Pancreas cancer Attacks of the strongest pains in The top part of a stomach with in a back; Fast loss of weight of a body; Episodes of a jaundice of obstructive type Computer tomography IMR or ERCP History of travel; episodes of swellings of a stomach; diarrheas and locks Research on eggs or the maintenance of parasites Stomach ulcer Pains in , connected by type of food and decreasing ; awakening from pains at night with on Helicobacter pylori; the Hydrogen respiratory test on H. pylori; research On the latent blood Postoperative adhesive illness of a belly cavity Operation on a belly cavity in the anamnesis; gripes with nausea attacks, sometimes vomitings , SBFT or enteroclysis Ulcer Link sided pains, and diarrheas with with System diseases "" an epilepsy Rare syndrome with severe pains in a stomach The anamnesis; a family tree; Family a hypostasis Family tree and history of a family, belly-ache with hypostases of finitenesses and a fever whey (C4) Repeatability and duration of attacks Family Srednezemnomorsky fever Family tree, fevers and them ; displays at early and children's age Genetic markers Food allergies Development of pains after reception of exotic food (for example, crabs, shrimps and .

Sunday, December 21, 2008

Survey Of A Backbone The General Remarks. The

Survey of a backbone the General Remarks. The doctor should stand behind the patient and observe ability Backbone to be levelled after bending and in the direct Position (=) to define scoliosis presence. Further it is necessary To consider a back ridge from the party, to define presence or Absence (kyphosis). To ask The patient if he knows, about damages and local infringements. Further It is necessary awned shoots of vertebras, process should To be gentle. Further each vertebra, beginning from the cervical Department percuss. To estimate a range of movements of a backbone. The patient should bend, That his feet were straight lines. At healthy faces young and average Age the norm considers: small concavities in cervical and lumbar Department and camber in chest department of a backbone. A pozvonochnaja line and Cleft between buttocks on one line bend down Some pathological deviations: the Scoliosis: the Lateral curvature of a back ridge. : the Approximated chest camber (a frequent sign elderly) http://www.

* Obvious Vials With Contents On To Eardrum

* Obvious vials with contents on To eardrum assume migrating , often Connected with a pneumonia. Sometimes and a herpes infection Leaves serous vials on a membrane (syndrome Ramsay Hunt'). * It is necessary to pay attention to the normal The concave form of an eardrum. The sticking out form not seldom Testifies to an infection and other infringements of a middle ear. * Presence of blood behind an eardrum often assumes crisis of the basis of a skull (sign Laugier'). * Retraction and an eardrum Means obstruction of the Eustachian tube. The membrane centre (Umbo) It will be visible as top in a circus tent (a sign of Dumbo). * Vials, visible behind an eardrum Assume presence of a serous otitis; in such cases it is not seldom possible To notice and liquid level in vials. The following investigation phase - careful search of punching in an eardrum. It is necessary to check up all zones on border (annulus) membranes. Defects on this edge of a membrane can To assume presence which are reminded by the solar zhemchuzhno - Grey or white cellular damage.

Thursday, December 18, 2008

An Estimation Of A Neck, Shoulders, Elbows, Wrists,

An estimation of a neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, and Phalanx joints. Survey: Anatomic defects - to identify Crises, consolidations, uglinesses, symmetry and dispositions. Reveal Reddenings, hypostases, presence of a liquid and a condition of small muscles, sheaves and Sinews. Palpation: Anatomic signs - profiles of bones, Presence of crises, consolidations and morbidity points. Pay attention On swellings, etc. inflammation signs, contours of joints, zones Morbidities, possible , congestions of a liquid, etc. Special Attention turn on a condition of sinews and sheaves (a surface Structures and morbidity!). Further find out a movement range in Joint. An active range for each movement and everyone Joint it is distinguished. Often distinctions in volume of movements it is defined By comparison (if a joint pair). it are defined comfort Performance of test and various deviations. A passive range Movements in a joint comes to light only at the restrictions revealed at To active estimation of functions of joints.

Monday, December 15, 2008

In Some Cases In Clinic The Term A

In some cases in clinic the term a mask is used, sin. - a mask; - a swelling and sharp skin Covers with plural , not disappearing at pressing Finger; develops on a head, a neck and the top part of a thorax at It . Other reasons include following conditions: The normal haemoglobin connected with oxygen is called and is designated as HbFe+2. Other form of haemoglobin is called and is designated as (metHb) or HbFe+3. Even at healthy 2 % of haemoglobin are in the form metHb. As metHb Is incapable to contact oxygen under natural conditions, The arterial saturation oxygen decreases for same quantity, By what the maintenance metHb increases. Maintenance increase gives an intensive bluish shade to a skin and mucous To covers; therefore, which is connected with Strengthens signs . can arise as Reaction to preparations, especially at treatment by nitrates or medicines, Containing nitrates (nitroglycerine), and also at use Some kinds . Dapsone can cause serious at use of a preparation in patients.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

3. Absence Of Mentions In Stories Of Illnesses

3. Absence of mentions in stories of illnesses about the forecast of conditions of patients. 4. Constant imitation of haste and careless registration of the documentation. 5. Aspiration to requisitions of patients. 6. Low motivation to perfection of knowledge and abilities. More in detail sm on sites: [17 [18] I wish to underline once again that this mine Subjective opinion on the basis of individual experience of contacts to doctors To Russia and the USA. Key rules of a choice of methods of research and an estimation of results Great value at a scheme choice Inspections of patients for general practitioners in the USA, in my opinion, Have following qualities of methods: Availability, cost and reliability of researches. Availability is limited Equipment presence at office of primary reception of patients (in the usual Office there are 7-10 devices - electronic scales, , , , an electrocardiogram the device from the automatic Decoding, and set of types diagnostic the test Strips). Each doctor is obliged to conclude the special contract from the concrete Mobile laboratory or special service of service on Additional diagnostic and medical procedures at the office.

Monday, December 8, 2008

Surplus Does The Person Phlegmatic, Passionless With Slowed

Surplus does the person phlegmatic, passionless with slowed down temperamental and quiet. Historians yet did not identify one author, Which has offered these four elements of structure of the person, but thus Possibility is not excluded that the theory has appeared with the help Additions of several authors. [34] Short about works of Gippokrata and its followers "Case Gippokrata" which has reached us (= "Gippokratov the collection") contains more than 70 compositions. "The case "probably contains as own compositions of Gippokrata, and Creations of other authors. A number of researchers assume that "case" Represents more likely the rests what that of medical library. Some of compositions of this collection testify to skill Clinical supervision of that time. However there are researchers, which In general doubt existence of compositions in this collection, Belonging to Gippokratu. Apparently, "case" has been made and Gippokratu already in 1 century AD, when by Erotian (the doctor of an epoch was attributed Boards Nerona), were published by the dictionary of terms of Gippokrata.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

If The Patient Hears Tone, That Ask Again,

If the patient hears tone, That ask again, in which ear are heard a sound. Sound auscultation The patient from both parties not necessarily specifies a normal state Hearing (for example if both ears equally badly hear). If one ear (the healthy!) to close, Audibility of sounds considerably will worsen. If there are unilateral infringements with hearing loss, then by means of test Weber'a It is possible to reveal increase in distance from a metronome to a healthy ear. In This case, slowly move a metronome leg to a sick ear, while Intensity of a sound not . After that close a healthy ear (It is further all from a metronome leg) and define, Whether the balance of intensity of a sound changes. If the sound becomes louder At the closed healthy ear, the doctor approximately estimates restrictions ( Loss) hearing on the corresponding party. If the patient cannot estimate Sound changes when one ear is closed the patient does not distinguish Vibration of a leg of a metronome and loudness of a sound.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

It Testifies That The Sound Reason It Is

It testifies that the sound reason It is connected with a carotid pathology. Patients with ventrikulo-peritonealnymi shunts (At low intracranial pressure) can sometimes hear the soft Smooth sound. Patients with attacks can hear click sounds. Well-known that negligent procedure an internal hollow vein on lines can sometimes To cause sensations and sounds of vials in ears. Eustachian tube inflammation often It is accompanied by obvious sounds of clicks which hears even the investigating The doctor through during time when the patient swallows. Sometimes this symptom (Leudet'รก) it is shown as a ring in ears. At an inflammation of a middle ear patients sometimes hear own sounds of breath. Ring in ears with dizziness or dizziness Separately, which disappears at the big height (= flights in the plane), Offers possible illness of Minera (symptom Bigger'). Ring in ears in a combination to a scratch, connected with Movements of the bottom jaw + headaches and pains in an ear offers Presence temporo - a syndrome.

Monday, December 1, 2008

At The Age Of 50 Years A Fold

At the age of 50 years a fold Skin finishes usually for 5-10 seconds, at 60 summer age The patient time folds increases till 11-30 seconds, and To 70-80 summer age there corresponds time skin folds in 33-48 seconds and more. Some words about a smell of the person - At the person Approximately 2 million glands. The average adult person with everyone In sweat litre loses 540 calories. Men sweat approximately on 40 % more, Than women. The smell of a body of any person is individual, It is coded in genes and remains dominating all life. With the years This smell amplifies and changes a little. Some change of a smell of a body can achieve By means of a diet, but more often a dominating individual smell The person remains. Some kinds of infringements of a metabolism, For example a syndrome , shown to a thicket at adults at Women and accompanied by the expressed dysfunction of the enzyme destroying Amino acid . A smell of a body and breath at such patients Reminds a smell of rotten fish. Other syndrome causing an unpleasant smell of a body It is connected with the special bacteria living on a skin and is called .

Sunday, November 30, 2008

A Unique Place, Where The Traheo-bronchial Tree Is

A unique place, where The traheo-bronchial tree is located close to a wall of a breast without Layers of a fabric of a lung (a trachea, right , etc.) it is possible usually To hear traheo-bronchial breath. In all other places where is available The lung fabric, breath is heard as . Sounds of the bronchial Breath on a trachea and large bronchial tubes have higher tonality, More loudly on an exhalation also have a pause between a breath and an exhalation. Breath are heard on brighter on the bottom departments of a thorax. A tonality This type of sounds slightly more low. The exhalation at this type of breath is heard More shortly also there is no pause between a breath and an exhalation. Intensity Breath sounds it is appreciable above in departments of lungs in the vertical Position. Breath sounds are symmetric and is louder on intensity in departments in comparison with tops in vertical position 2.9.9 Surveys and kinds a stomach. Spending external survey of a stomach, pay attention to colour of a skin and Vascular drawing of hypodermic veins.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Volume Of Movements In Joints: At Healthy 135-150

Volume of movements in joints: at healthy 135-150 often come to light , arthritises, , etc. Fine videos slides on research of functions of a knee joint Palpation of knee superficial anatomy Ankle joints. Survey: The foot arch! a calcaneal sinew! Lobby omission Foot parts (= foot)! Deformation of I finger of foot. Examine Also Achilles' tendons, sheaves of anklebones, etc. (sm palpate rice 9) - The diagnostic criteria offered ACR (1990). ( Art roses of brushes short (is more detailed than sm more low). 1. A pain, or feeling of constraint in Brushes, more often in the afternoon within the last month and 2. The dense Thickening of two or more joints (see more low *) and 3. Less than 3 swelled up a little pjastno-phalanx joints, or 4. A firm thickening of two or more interphalanx joints, or Wrong position one or several Joints, II and 111 interphalanx joints; II and 111 interphalanx joints; zapjastno-pjastnyj a joint on both Brushes.

Thursday, November 27, 2008

YES Inspection At And, Simultaneously A Diet Of

YES Inspection at and, simultaneously a diet of 2 weeks FIBER NO 6. Whether there is for you a liquid chair many times during the day with slime or blood? YES Think about CROHN'S DISEASE or ULCERATIVE COLITIS, infectious diseases of thick intestines. YES Urgent consultation and NO 7. Spastic pains in left bottom a stomach along with a fever? YES To exclude DIVERTICULITIS and infectious - parasitic reasons. YES The three-military analysis on parasites and tifo-paratyphus groups of illnesses. NO 8. Whether you marked bright red blood in fresh excrements? YES Fresh blood, bloody chair can be caused HEMORRHOID or a bleeding POLYP, but same can be signs of more serious problem of type CANCER YES Inspection and consultation NO 9. Whether the delay of a chair is familiar more than 72 hours to you? Whether there is a superfluous pressure at ? YES More often it is connected with locks CONSTIPATION. YES Not less than 2 weeks consumption of surplus of water and food fibres FIBER NO 10. Your appetite has decreased, and you have lost from 10 to 15 pounds for last some months trying? YES Loss of weight without the visible reasons can be sign CANCER.

Friday, November 21, 2008

. With. With Central () On An Opposite

. With. With central () on an opposite side; concerns to to syndromes, it is observed at defeat of the oblong Brain at level of a double kernel. ambiguospinothalamic paralysis Avellis' paralysis. — Schmidt a syndrome (Avellis - Schmidt). Sin.-Shmidta a syndrome. Avsitidijsky-igumenakisa a symptom (I.T.Avsitidijsky; Higoumenakis); - a thickening the end of the right clavicle - a probable symptom of a late syphilis. (. autochthon, native, local), . Autohtonnyj - being in an occurrence or formation place. test (And. P.Avtsyn, 1908-1972) - a method of revealing of hemorrhages in at a typhus by adrenaline introduction in a bag. Agamija-congenital absence of genitals. - absence or defect of development of genitals. limfopenicheskaja - (agammaglobulinaemia lymphopenica), sin.-agammaglobulinemija ; ; - Rinikera a syndrome, the Swiss type - Hereditary illness, (it is inherited on autosomno-retsessivnomu to type). Characterised glands, absence and Plasmatic the test. with congenital, . - Kouza a syndrome.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Hrjashchevye Surfaces Of Joints Eat And Restored From

Hrjashchevye surfaces of joints eat and restored from liquids by a way. Complaints: specific complaints At diseases of joints it is not enough; to not the specific carry: - Morning constraint; - a painful syndrome in rest; - a painful syndrome at To loading; - symmetry of defeat, etc. The anamnesis: revealing of the transferred diseases; Frequency of infectious diseases and localisation of the chronic centres Infections (a tonsillitis, etc.); communication with intoxications, including with Professional (work in a lap, in an elbow position); The disease beginning (sharp, under sharp, gradual) a family tree. Survey of joints the Estimation: Bearings in a standing position and sitting; gait, including on tiptoe ; Poses in lying position. An estimation of a neck, shoulders, elbows, wrists, and phalanx joints. Survey: Anatomic Defects - to identify crises, consolidations, uglinesses, Symmetry and dispositions. Search and revealing of reddenings, hypostases, Presence of superfluous quantity of a liquid and a condition of small muscles, sheaves And sinews.

Tuesday, November 18, 2008

In Certain Cases It Can Be Observed At

In certain cases It can be observed at an arthritis, a gout, Infections. (-369.00) - blindness. ั‘ - a yellow fever. Amelia - congenital absence of finitenesses. - a twilight condition ( or the psychogenic nature). - treatment by grapes. , - acoustical with infringement of musical abilities. Quinsy - an inflammation (allocate more than 15 kinds). The Anderson illness, sin. - 1V type, with a cirrhosis, etc. a symptom - the compelled position of the patient on healthy to a side at a pleurisy. - an oral aperture. - shortening of a bridle of language. - narrowing apertures, the back pass, not punched anus, etc. (sm a clip) - absence of inclinations. Andry a syndrome, (-757.39), sin.-congenital pigmentary anomaly of a skin; the congenital; congenital scar; etc. Anorexia - (-9- 783.0, on -10 the nervous anorexia and a bulimia are allocated as independent frustration, -10-F50.0 and F50.2). Disease is shown by refusal of meal for the purpose of correction Superfluous weight of a body overestimated by patients.

Monday, November 17, 2008

Priests Usually Ordered Baths, Diets, Exercises, Changes Of

Priests usually ordered baths, Diets, exercises, changes of a kind of activity, a place of residing and Others, established in practice and instructions of that time Recommendations. It is interesting that a cult of "therapeutic dreams", Hypnosis (Kashpirovsky, Chumak, etc.), treatment at "magicians" and "wizards" Remained in the various countries even during Christian times. [26] Philosophers and Gippokrat the first in the history Mankind has undertaken attempts to explain the world in terms, visible it Elements without the reference to supernatural intervention. So they in The final account have laid a way to transition to a rational explanation of a peace arrangement and, including, medicine [15] Historically the period of a life of Gippokrata It was crossed with a considerable quantity of Greek naturalistic philosophy representatives Empedocles (Nearby 495-435 B.C.E.), Socrates (469-399 B.C.E.), Plato (429-347 B.C.E.) and Aristotle (384-322 B.C.E.). Thus he lived during the period The Golden Age of Greece (approximately 500 - 300 B.

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

It Is Shown That Specificity Of Changes On

It is shown that specificity of changes on The electrocardiogram at a chest pain syndrome makes only 52-55 % (at Sensitivity about 90 %). Therefore the vital analysis of a maximum quantity of the accessible data. Thus it is necessary to remember that: -- The changes connected with the years Cardiovascular system include, reduction of the arterial Interface and balance between shock volume of blood and peripheral Resistance, increase in warm return of blood and deterioration functions left hearts. Besides, with the years Considerably the myocardium metabolism varies. -- Warm efficiency goes down Approximately on 1 % a year after age in 30 years. At the elderly Than patients ability quickly to increase frequency of the warm also there is less Reductions in reply to physical activity. As a result it can To lead to development of warm insufficiency and \or a sudden stop Hearts. -- Only 40 % of patients 85 summer age or the senior have repeating syndrome of a pain of a breast in comparison with 77 percent of those patients who is younger (65 years and less).

It Is Necessary To Pay Attention To Any

It is necessary to pay attention to any changes Nostril at breath. Superfluous movements of wings of a nose - the important sign Respiratory infringements. It is sometimes more appreciable, for example, at Inflammatory processes in the top floors of a belly cavity. Excessive point of the form of a nose, at presence Or presence of other signs, can be an early sign of a meningitis (Sign Lafora'). Deepenings and elements with the lifted surface possibility assumes Vegenera. Prominent aspect of an estimation of functions of a nose-paranazalnye Bosoms (sine) - the cavities filled with air and areas in bones Skulls which serve as resonators for pronouncing of sounds and Manufactures of protective slime with which the nasal cavity is greased. The frontal bosom is extremely individual on To the sizes also is in the bottom part a frontal bone. Verhnecheljustnye bosoms are for lateral to walls of a nasal hollow in Body of the top jaw. Trellised bosoms - between eyes and a nose, and a bosom in a body of the basic bone of a skull.

Saturday, October 11, 2008

Absence Or The Weakened Sounds Reflect The Reduced

Absence or the weakened sounds reflect the reduced Air stream to a listened zone of a lung. There are some types Pathological sounds : (crackles) and rattles (rhonchi). Rattles can be heard sometimes and without a stethoscope. Other pathological Sounds sometimes happen also loud enough and come to light often without Stethoscope. Rattles divide and on duration: long = 80, Short = 20, and to last nearby 10. (crackles = or a crunch). As believe, occur, when air opens the closed alveoluses. it is listened with some ottenkami: - damp, dry, Weak and rough. Rattles (rhonchi = sounds which a timbre are similar on Snore). They arise, when movement of air streams through the big Air lines (a drink, a trachea, large bronchial tubes) it is complicated or Has a barrier. Rattles - high, the sounds made narrowed By air lines also are more often listened in the end of a breath or in the end Exhalation. The general reasons of occurrence of rattles: the Barrier to an air stream; the Emphysema emphysema; an asthma; a hypostasis of lungs; Bronchiectasis; chronic bronchitis Chronic bronchitis; acute bronchitis Acute bronchitis; illnesses of a lung; a pneumonia; and other Lungs Breath sounds Usually in the beginning zones with the silent are listened Breath.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Distinctive Signs Of Diarrheas: Osmotic Sekretornye 1. Effect

Distinctive signs of diarrheas: Osmotic Sekretornye 1. Effect of starvation End of a diarrhoeia diarrhoeia Prolongation 2. excrements Low Norm 3. excrements 330 Moscow m 290 Moscow m 4. "Osmotic distinctions" 210 10 Many patients by mistake identify The increased frequency of a chair or the reduced intervals between As a diarrhoeia so the clinical physician should be convinced that the patient Really understands the term a diarrhoeia as a liquid chair. Traditionally the diarrhoeia is defined as increase in Daily weight of a chair> 250 gr/days. However such definition not It is always fair, because the estimation of weight of a chair is not practical at Primary and secondary infringements, though clinically this useful Definition. The diarrhoeia can be considered and as frequency increase Chair allocation (for example, 3 or more times a day) and-or on To presence of a considerable quantity of a liquid at a chair. The truth some Patients (for example, with IBS) sometimes define diarrhoeia presence In another way.

One Of Variants Of A Breadboard Model Of

One of variants of a breadboard model of the scheme researches of patients in the USA. * The general rules of gathering of the anamnesis and dialogue with the patient * survey and a condition estimation * Samples of records of results of research of patients. 3. New tendencies in diagnostics of illnesses of bronho-pulmonary system * according to a condition of bronho-pulmonary system (English) * recommendations at inspection of patients with a bronho-pulmonary pathology. * modern questionnaires on revealing of syndromes and diseases of respiratory organs. * sharp respiratory insufficiency. * and the reasons of infringements of frequency and depth of breath. * The differential diagnosis of a chronic short wind. *, noisy breath and a hypoventilation syndrome. * cough, algorithms of its diagnostics and complication. * pains at breath. * a syndrome. * syndrome revealings changes in lungs. * and diagnostics of sharp and chronic respiratory insufficiency. * schemes of an estimation and criteria of legochno-warm insufficiency.

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Bacteria Occupying A Skin, Decompose A Liquid

The bacteria occupying a skin, decompose a liquid and Allocate a decay smell. At patients with a syndrome it is frequent Arise skin reddenings () and from this centre Distinctly the decay smell proceeds. Not seldom in practice there is also a syndrome when bacteria settle in axillary and other folds Skin, thus the patient has the extremely unpleasant smell of sweat. But as the most frequent and serious syndrome consider - illusion of sensation of a bad smell. The reason in such cases Diseases is at activity level and the centres Sense of smell of a brain of the patient. Totally some data on the diagnostic importance of smells of the person I result in the following table: Character of a smell (aroma) of exhaled air The possible reason 1 Rybno-ammoniac, Nephritic insufficiency? 2 rybno - The sweetish Hepatic insufficiency? 3 Has grown mouldy-ammoniac Illnesses of a liver (hepatic stench)? 4 Fruktovo-atsetonovyj Diabetic ? 5 The apple Chloroform or ? 6 The grape Infection of sort Pseudomonas? 7 fruktovo - The barmy Food intake, alcohol (beer)? 8 Smell of newly-baked bread Typhus fever? 9 Smell stale or bread Syndrome (serious deficiency)? 10 Smell of fresh meat Yellow fever? 11 Smell of stale beer Infection Mycobacteria (scrofula)? 12 Cleaning or dust Roto-ezofago-Bronhoektkatichesky infection, ? 13 The putrefactive Anaerobnaja infection? 14 Very putrefactive Lung abscess? 15 Musty, not a fresh smoke Smoking of a cigarette, cigarette 16 Zhzhenoj cord Marihuana smoking? 17 Shoe polish Reception ? 18 Bitter almonds Reception 19 Garlic Arsenic reception, preparations or ? 20 The metal Reception of preparations with ? 21 Solvents Poisoning with hydrocarbonates 22 Violets Turpentine reception inside At survey of patients not seldom reveal signs .

At Research Of Joints Turn Attention To Any

At research of joints turn Attention to any atrophy of muscles. (foto 8a2). Survey of separate joints. Joints of the top finitenesses the Shoulder: Survey - Anatomic features - a head of a humeral bone, a biceps, a shoot, a zone, grudinno-kljuchichnoe Connection, shovel, muscles round a joint, c and sinews (supra and infraspinatus). Palpation: Check up sensitivity and a surface Sinews of bicepses, subdeltoid bursa and a bag akromio - Joint. The volume of movements of a humeral joint needs to be checked at The fixed hand to a shovel as mobility of a shovel adds to To own volume of movements of a humeral joint of 60 %. Estimate Intensity at passive movement in a joint. Presence or Absence of a liquid in an articulate bag, a condition and density of the articulate Bags, myshechno-suhozhilnye transitions and bags. To estimate Thickness membranes. Active volume of movements in the humeral Joint (foto US3) at healthy faces makes 120 degrees in assignment and 70 degrees in a ghost, 180 degrees bending; 60o ; 90 degrees external rotation and 90 internal rotation.

Monday, September 29, 2008

4.4 Diarrheas. Algorithm Of Diagnostics Of The Reasons

4.4 Diarrheas. Algorithm of diagnostics of the reasons of a diarrhoeia. 4.5 Locks, classifications and variants of diagnostics of the nature of locks. 4.6 Syndrome and algorithm of specification of its nature. 4.7 Syndrome and the reasons . 4.8 Bleedings from a gastroenteric path. Indicators of necessity of urgent intervention. The present edition is prepared for the publication (in electronic format PDF) in 2008 year, is accompanied by a considerable quantity of colour illustrations and clips on CD. The order through Introduction Necessity of perfection of the diagnostic (And medical) algorithms in the urgent help and at use Computers in medical practice to become more and more essential Problem. An example of work of the developed automated system Public health services Denmark has shown. Still in 1994 in this country has been constructed Medical system Health Net, and since 2004 this network has found The portal embodiment (have established terminals in the majority Country medical institutions).

Friday, September 26, 2008

The Most Difficult In The Diagnostic Plan As

The most difficult in the diagnostic plan As fevers now are considered: a fever at , Fever at temporal and a fever at Hepatitis. The most frequent reasons : 1) infections (27 %); 2) New growths (12,6 %); 3) not infectious inflammatory diseases (24 %); 4) a medicinal fever (1,8 %); 5) other reasons (4,8 %). At It without the diagnosis meets more than 30 % of patients. Duration: 1-5 days - should be excluded: sharp infections , an acute pneumonia, a pyelonephritis, rare infections and syndromes. More than 2 weeks - it is necessary to search: new growths, , , , . Possible classification of fevers of the unknown nature Group of fevers The general signs Possible aetiology The traditional (Classical) Temperature> 38.3®C (100.9®F) Duration> 3 weeks Confirmed three times objectively (3 days in hospital) Infections, oncology; illnesses of a connecting fabric. (Hospital) Temperature> 38.3®C hospitalisation> =24 hours Confirmed with the last 3-mja in the days. Clost. difficile , a medicinal fever; a pulmonary artery, a septic thrombophlebitis; a sinusitis.

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

The Term "Bakteriemija" - Short-term Occurrence Of Bacteria

The term "Bakteriemija" - short-term occurrence of bacteria in blood at infections and traumas ( a pneumonia, a belly typhus, etc.). The term "Sepsis" - long Stay of bacteria (or mushrooms) in blood with their reproduction, Distribution and fixing to bodies and fabrics. (foto eximoses) a sepsis Can be primary (=) when precisely it is not possible to define entrance gate of an infection, and secondary when entrance gate of an infection are designated by the purulent centre. For example: respiratory organs (more often Streptococcus pneumoniae), a path (Escherichia coli), a skin (Staphylococcus aureus), a bilious bubble (Streptococcus faecalis). 2.14.2 Fevers connected with application of medicines At nearby 10 % of inpatients increase Body temperatures it is connected with reception of those or other medicinal Preparations. Against the diseases proceeding with a fever to allocate Participation of medicines in body temperature lifting difficult enough. The specific tests revealing a medicinal fever, in the present Time is not present.

Friday, September 19, 2008

Palms - Krasnovato - Pink Colour Skin Under

Palms - krasnovato - pink colour Skin under a thumb or on all surfaces it is frequent about possible infringements of function of a liver. Brownish Single stains on a back surface of a skin of a brush often testify Not only about age, but also about possible problems in bilious ways or Bilious bubble. Stains on hillocks of Venus sometimes testify about Problems in urinogenital system. Sensation "" and damp palms at Patients usually connect with infringements of functions systems. a little finger and anonymous fingers of the left brush often accompany Patients with an ischemic heart trouble. both thumbs Brushes of hands can testify to problems with bronho-pulmonary System. brushes of hands allows to estimate temperature of a skin and Presence of morbidity of small joints. A long condition of the cold Skin of brushes of hands can testify to the expressed vegetative Dysfunctions, infringement of peripheral blood circulation and a lack in To diet of nicotinic acid. The general principles of diagnostics of articulate syndromes: Joints happen three types: 1) (motionless - skull bones); 2) (inactive - ); 3) (mobile).

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

The Dense Thickening Of Two Or More Joints

The dense Thickening of two or more joints (see more low *) and 3. Less than 3 swelled up a little pjastno-phalanx joints, or 4. A firm thickening of two or more interphalanx joints, or Wrong position one or several Joints, II and 111 interphalanx joints; II and 111 interphalanx joints; zapjastno-pjastnyj a joint on both Brushes. . Symptoms: 1. A pain in a coxofemoral joint and 2. Internal rotation less than 15 degrees and less than 45 mm/ch (in the absence of in exchange bending of the coxofemoral Joint less than 115 degrees) or 3.) internal rotation less than 15 Degrees and Pain at internal rotation or morning Constraint less than 60 minutes or age more than 50 years. + Radiological symptoms. Pain in a coxofemoral joint and, at least, 2 from 3 following signs: - less than 20 mm/ch - Radiological (a head or a hollow); radiological narrowing of an articulate crack (above, and-or medially) . Symptoms: 1. Pains in a knee joint. 2. during the majority of days Preceding month or morning constraint at the active Movement less than 30 minutes or age over 37 years or 3.

Monday, September 15, 2008

4. A Haemoglobin Pathology: , , Mutant Haemoglobin

4. A haemoglobin pathology: , , mutant haemoglobin with low affinity to oxygen. Peripheral it is marked At normal saturation of arterial blood by oxygen at the raised oxygen from capillary blood because of krovo-current delay in This or that area of a body. For example: a vascular spasm at cooling, Reduction of warm emission or defeat of peripheral vessels with Arterial insufficiency or spasm. • it is necessary to specify duration ( with Births contact is suspicious on a congenital heart disease), with Medicines or the chemical substances, accompanied by formation Pathological haemoglobin. • to spend the differential diagnosis between Central and peripheral , having examined nail beds of all Fingers, lips, mucous membranes. Peripheral can To disappear at cautious warming of finitenesses. • to check up fingers of brushes of hands and feet on presence Thickenings in sites. The thickening happens congenital, and got, connected with the various pathological Processes. A thickening and are often combined at congenital defects Hearts, and sometimes at defeat of lungs (a lung abscess, pulmonary shunts, but not at , proceeding without complications).

Saturday, September 13, 2008

No 2008 Lippincott Williams And Wilkins] Features Of

No 2008 Lippincott Williams and Wilkins] Features of diagnostics of diseases at elderly patients. The approach and tactics of work with Elderly patients essentially differs from necessary actions and Estimations of a condition at more young men. A spectrum of complaints of elderly patients It is distinguished; displays of illnesses, often, less appreciable and more thin; The minimum values of deviations in functions of bodies and systems more Are important; dangerous symptoms are sometimes less dramatic and more slowly appear. Usually and the differential diagnosis of various problems of patients is distinguished. Complaints, the objective data are resulted against essential deviations, Arisen in the past and often have uncertain character, including Intellectual changes of the status, behavioural reactions, incontience of urine, Unstable gait, age loss of weight of weight of a body, etc. At an estimation of pathological changes of joints and Kostno-muscular fabrics in old age it is necessary to consider that these Defeats begin gradually and often proceed initially chronically.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

Are Subdivided On Into Two Types Infringements -

are subdivided on into two types Infringements - (brown colouring) and (dark blue, Livid, grey colouring). Brown () are connected with increase of the maintenance of melanin in in Result of strengthening of activity , quantity increases , numbers or their sizes. Livid (, a dark blue skin) are similar with false melanin and Speak melanin presence in , in or macrophages, which as a result of effect give to a skin characteristic grey, caesious or dark blue Colour. Skin hyperpigmentation can To be uniform, spotty or Limited, on separate sites of a skin. congenital It is characterised by hyperpigmentation already at a birth, later, usually, Joins brushes of hands. Such Skin hyperpigmentation is observed at chestnut-coloured children mainly The people of the Mediterranean. brown It is characteristic for insufficiency (illness of Addisona), at To which skin hyperpigmentation is especially expressed in pressure places on It (vertebras, interphalanx, elbow and knee joints), pleated Bodies, on surfaces, a mucous membrane of gums.

Tuesday, September 9, 2008

The Person Crescent-shaped, A Nose , For The

The person crescent-shaped, a nose , for The account of flat eye hollows, the high sky sometimes split, an atrophy Optic nerves. It is marked II - V fingers, , Radio-ulnarnyj with in elbow joints. I The brush finger is truncated. Similar anomaly of fingers is observed and on Stops. The specified anomalies are quite often combined with the back Pass, defects of vertebras. Patients lag behind in intellectual and physical Development. a syndrome, II (s. Apert (II). It is described Apert E. Congenital anomaly of a thorax, Shown by the funneled hollows symmetrized On either side of a breast. At patients it is listened noise over Pulmonary artery, is absent. , sin. - , - anomaly of development. , (MKB - 786.03) allocate 6 kinds including - a syndrome obstructive a dream (). Patients with have characteristic appearance. As a rule, it is people Hypersthenic constitution. Clinical symptoms it is possible To divide into three groups: Frequent (> 60 %): a loud snore, , Uneasy dream, day drowsiness, irritability.

Monday, September 8, 2008

YES Additional Research ( The Data, , Sa

YES Additional research ( the data, , Sa ++, antigenes, etc.) NO 11. A skin or eyes have yellow colour or urine of dark colour. YES It can be signs VIRAL HEPATITIS YES Signs . Tests on virus, etc. kinds of hepatitises. NO 12. Whether you have a fever, the inflamed throat and strong weariness? YES Think about MONONUCLEOSIS, etc. virus infections YES Crops from a pharynx. Consultation , tests. NO 13. Whether it is marked Swelling, , deterioration from milk or products from wheat? YES Think about LACTOSE INTOLERANCE or WHEAT INTOLERANCE (CELIAC DISEASE) or a syndrome . YES The detailed anamnesis. Special tests, Eliminatsionnaja diet and treatment NO 14. Your chair it is light - yellow colour, grease and floats in water? YES Probably vegetarian diet, insufficiency or is bilious-stone illness. YES Specification of the reasons of change of character of a chair, additional tests. NO 15. There is a surplus of gases with a fetid odour and sudden desires to ? YES Think about GIARDIASIS. Infections of a thick gut and a syndrome YES The analysis on three times.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Central A.Snizhenie Of Saturation Of Arterial Blood By

Central A.Snizhenie of saturation of arterial blood by oxygen 1. Reduction of atmospheric pressure — lifting above sea level 2. Infringement of pulmonary functions: and. Decrease in alveolar ventilation;. Infringement of mutual relations between pulmonary ventilation and ( hypoventilated alveoluses); century Decrease in diffusion of oxygen 3. Anatomic shunts - and. Some types Congenital heart diseases;. Pulmonary shunts; century Plural small intrapulmonary shunts 4. Haemoglobin with low affinity to oxygen - a. Haemoglobin changes;. (congenital and Got); century Sulfgemoglobinemija got; (false ) Peripheral And. V.Pereraspredelenie's B.Ohlazhdenie's reduced warm emission of blood from finitenesses (blood circulation centralisation) G.Arterialnaja D.Venoznaja's insufficiency insufficiency To survey a thorax on defeat presence Lungs, a hypostasis are easy or the noise connected with a congenital heart disease. At finitenesses to exclude arterial or venous Insufficiency. To investigate saturation of the peripheral Arterial blood oxygen "to Repeat research against inhalation 100 % of oxygen — if saturation do not exceed 95 %, for the patient is available The shunt in lungs (for example, the intrawarm shunt from right to left).

The Purpose Of These Treatises And Books Consisted

The purpose of these Treatises and books consisted in advising to the inhabitant the general Judgements and opinions of the doctor concerning possible principles of self-treatment Or even first aid at a number of diseases and even with possibilities To avoid a call of the doctor. For example, such recommendations attribute - "Any sane person, understanding that for people Health is the most expensive, should learn to help in illnesses Own judgement to distinguish also that doctors speak to it and Order for its body, and to know all it in that measure which is necessary To the private person. Learns it the one who will acquire in particular Following positions also will apply them: all illnesses occur at people from Bile and slime; bile and slime make illnesses, when in a body Surplus or dryness, either humidity, or warmth, or a cold turns out. Similar surplus is received by slime and bile from food and drink, weariness and Wounds, sense of smell, hearing, sight, the sexual intercourses, from heat and a cold; Receive Hie when each of influences operated on a body Or inadequate image, either against a habit, or in very big and Strong degree.

Sunday, August 31, 2008

* Survey Of The Patient On Systems And

* Survey of the patient on systems and inspection. * Laboratory and-or functional tests (present and last in documents). * Estimation, substantiation of the revealed leading syndrome or disease and the plan of the further inspection. * Planning and the description of measures of preventive maintenance for the patient and advisers. I result the list of features of work of the general practitioner in the USA - Possibility of long supervision, including visual monitoring. - Additional possibilities of momentary diagnostics. - Possibility of early diagnostics of menacing conditions and a serious illness. - Individual character of treatment in volume of the confirmed standards. - Availability of various newest technologies of diagnostics and treatment. - The broadest possibilities of treatment of the patient in-home. - Rendering of the psychological help to the patient and his family. - Carrying out of primary, secondary and tertiary preventive maintenance. Training of members of a family.

Friday, August 29, 2008

A Basic Sign Of This Syndrome Is That

A basic sign of this syndrome is that At these patients is absent or the answer is minimum shown on and , especially during the dream periods. Diagnosis CCHS It is established after an exception pulmonary, warm, metabolic Or a neurologic cause of illness. Patients from the moment of detection Syndrome CCHS demand lifelong support of artificial ventilation in The dream period, and in hard cases of display of this syndrome is required 24-hour support of ventilation of lungs. Fatness and hypoventilating syndrome At patients fatness often meets Hypoventilating syndrome and they have also the big sphere of action Various restrictive defects on ventilation. Numerous Researches have shown that patients with fatness and hypoventilating Syndrome have on 20 % smaller general capacity of lungs and maximum The forced speed of an exhalation, which usually on 40 % more low than at others Patients. Usually these patients always show Excessive work of breath (= breath) and the increased manufacture 2.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

In This Category, Usually, Conditions Which Define Efficiency

In this category, Usually, conditions which define efficiency "are considered The respiratory pump "(a thorax skeleton, chest and Muscles, and the respiratory centres in a brain) type , a syndrome , , a peritonitis, and brain tumours. The infringements connected with change of absorption of oxygen Extensive pneumonia, lung hypostasis, , and the various reasons at pulmonary and . These Processes cause difficulties of passage of oxygen through the alveolar Membrane and through a special layer in capillaries. Alveolar , contusions of lungs, and a respiratory syndrome Also concern a pathology of this group. Infringement of capillary circulation in lungs Pulmonary , lungs and congenital Warm defects of type Fallot make the following group The infringements always leading to a short wind, and . At these Conditions the blue blood bypasses an alveolar blood-groove and haemoglobin not Receives in alveoluses of a fresh portion of oxygen. In this category of infringements Include both illnesses with defects and a mismatch and Ventilation of lungs.

Foix, 1882-1927, L...Crouzon, 1874-1938), - Anomaly Developments: Absence Bottom

Foix, 1882-1927, L...Crouzon, 1874-1938), - anomaly Developments: absence bottom vertebras and with separate bones of a basin and muscles of the bottom finitenesses, often Accompanied by an incontience and urine. a symptom (G. Aschaffenburg, 1866), - Version of acoustical hallucinations: "conversation" of the patient through a subject, Similar to a receiver, or by phone not included in a network; It can be observed, for example, at alcoholic . a syndrome (G. Aschaffenburg), - Time sharp infringement of mentality in the form of affect of confusion, Sometimes observed at women at the time of delivery or directly after Them. a syndrome (.W.Ascher, 1887), - illness Not clear aetiology, characterised by a combination (see More low), lip thickenings, more often top, with formation Mucous membrane and poorly expressed craw without function infringement Thyroid gland. (J.G.Asherman), . - Ashermana a syndrome - Occurrence stickings which is typical at formation Scar after uterine operation, especially after abortion.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

As A Rule, General Practitioners And Fast The

As a rule, general practitioners and fast The help at the first contact to the patient and an estimation of its condition, in the first Turn define the leader dangerous, a syndrome menacing to a life and, Probably, disease. Only after that stage of diagnostics and, often, Additional tests, the diagnosis in as much as possible accessible to the given doctor and establishment a kind (sometimes with or definiteness and code number ) appears, specified and made out. In the book “ALGORITHMS and SCHEMES of diagnostics of therapeutic syndromes” I have included also some adjacent syndromes (neurologic, Orthopedic, pediatric, etc.), often enough meeting in To the general practice and perfectly presented to the special literature. Considering advantages of an electronic format of the book, in process of occurrence New data, I try to edit the book annually. Terms Are used on a basis The reference Internet are allocated by colour, a font or underlining.

Thursday, August 14, 2008

A Spleen - Body, Carrying Out, At Least,

A spleen - body, Carrying out, at least, four important function: 1) the basic body The immune system, participating in creation cellular and Reactions to antigenes and promoting substantially From blood of microorganisms and certain antigenes; 2) the tool Allocation and removal of healthy and pathological blood cells; 3) Regulator of a portal blood-groove; 4) can turn to the main centre in situations with replacement or Marrow superstimulation. The diseases accompanied by increase of a spleen Infections - infectious , , , a tuberculosis parasitic , AIDS, a virus hepatitis, Liver abscess, . Infringement - , HARD CURRENCY, immune an anaemia, an immune thrombocytopenia and . Infringement Blood-groove in a spleen - a venous hypertensia in system portal or veins with the subsequent stagnation. Anomaly - , is crescent-cellular illness (to ), , . Infiltrativnye defeats of a spleen - good-quality and malignant. Other illnesses - , , an anaemia, , . Inspection of the patient with and-or At healthy adult people it is possible easily To palpate the lymph nodes which size makes 0,5-2 Small knots of the smaller size see it is possible to palpate in the various Places after the infections transferred in the past.

Monday, August 11, 2008

Palpation: Check Up Sensitivity And A Surface Of

Palpation: Check up sensitivity and a surface of sinews Bicepses, subdeltoid bursa and a bag akromio - a joint. The volume of movements of a humeral joint needs to be checked at the fixed Hand to a shovel as mobility of a shovel adds to the own To volume of movements of a humeral joint of 60 %. Estimate intensity At passive movement in a joint. Presence or absence of a liquid in To articulate bag, a condition and density of an articulate bag, myshechno-suhozhilnye transitions and bags. To estimate a thickness membranes. Active volume of movements in a humeral joint (foto US3) At healthy faces makes 120 degrees in assignment and 70 degrees in Ghost, 180 degrees bending; 60o ; 90 degrees the external Rotation and 90 internal rotation. (PHOTO shoulder). In addition about a condition of a humeral joint -ัž Ann Rheum Dis. 2004; 63 (4):335-41 The form of joints, skin over joints, a condition and development of muscles about joints.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Skin (aurantiasis Cutis; . Aurantium Orange +-iaz;) A

skin (aurantiasis cutis; . aurantium Orange +-iaz;) a sin.-jaundice , , , , , ) - Zheltovato-orange pigmentation of a skin and mucous membranes, Caused by adjournment in them of carotin; it is observed at the excessive The use of the products rich with carotin, - carrots, oranges etc. a symptom ( Auspitz, 1835-1886), sin. - a phenomenon of a dot bleeding-is characteristic in the form of single point of a bleeding after centre removal . Flint noise see (murmur). Presistolichesky or sredne - the noise listened in point L5 (a heart top) at blood (aortic regurgitation), occurring in the presence of defect the valve when blood arrives simultaneously both from an aorta and from the left auricle. Autophilia - a narcissism, , . Autophonia, sin. - , , - the strengthened perception of own voice. Aphoria - Female barreness. Aphrenia - Weak-mindedness, . - special means for stimulation of a sexual inclination. (aphrodisiomania; + mania) - painful fixing of mentality on searches of the means, capable to raise sexual activity.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Not Seldom "errors" At Inspection Of Patients Arise

Not seldom "errors" at inspection of patients Arise and at the doctors, especially strongly wishing to earn much Money. These are so-called deliberate errors of doctors. High cost Medical services and research methods is, in my opinion Enough frequent reason of abusing "" inspection methods ". Professor Libbi (university of northern Florida) confirms in the To the book that in connection with financial crisis in the USA public services Have developed a real war with abusings in payment of the medical Programs. Thus so-called "informers" receive to 35 % from the sum Penalties for the revealed infringements. And infringements often make the sums in Some millions dollars. More in detail sm [21] Summary of the basic sections of the case record of patients: * Identification of the main complaints. * History of current disease. * Last medical history of the patient (+ surgical interventions) * Allergies. * The health connected with behavioural features. * Social history of the patient. * Family history and family tree.

Docusate Sodium, An Active Component In Colace, Can

Docusate sodium, an active component in Colace, Can be found out on a chromatography, but it is not measured Quantitatively, as there are no now accessible techniques. About classifications of diarrheas Traditionally the diarrhoeia is defined as sharp or Chronic process on the basis of duration of signs. Usual Use of 4 weeks as limit of sharp diarrheas a little any way Because all chronic diarrhoeia always is originally considered As "sharp". Such division and classification all the same it is very useful Because an aetiology of a sharp diarrhoeia which tends to arise Spontaneously, differs from an aetiology at chronic diarrheas. Often enough diarrheas classify on To another, on the basis of the cores mechanisms. For example, - diarrheas can be connected or carry to secondary diarrheas At many conditions which increase a stream of ions in the intestinal Gleam. , or reception the aggressive Food (for example with magnesia) causes detention of not absorbed ions in Intestinal gleam which, in turn, causes water detention For preservation balance of an intestinal wall and blood plasma ( Nearby 290 /L).

Saturday, July 26, 2008

Following Illustration - An Example Of Strips .

Following Illustration - an example of strips . Pay attention to a site of white stains which can specify in time of a possible trauma. Longitudinal brown lines - colour Longitudinal brown lines it is connected with superfluous quantity The fixed melanin. Increase in the maintenance of the melanin made By matrix of nails (an illustration 21) it is usually connected with: Illness of Addisona; presence at the heart of a nail; a cancer of lungs; ; a trauma. Dot hemorrhages - dot Hemorrhages are usually caused by infringements in parts capillary Loops (an illustration 22). Pay attention to a thickness of these areas. Thickenings and hemorrhages are usually connected with following conditions: bacterial ; system red ; ; Pityriasis rubra pilaris; ; nephritic insufficiency. Dot hemorrhages are often inclined to fat accumulation (an illustration 22). Syndrome of half of nail or syndrome of Terri - a syndrome Half of nail of Terri looks as presence white parts Nail (are connected with an anaemia and a hypostasis of fabrics) and more dark Nail parts.

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Other Products Of A Metabolism Of Fabrics Can

Other products of a metabolism of fabrics can To cause and to it to stimulate the respiratory centres of a brain with Development of a short wind and . For example, are known dairy after Intensive physical activity, diabetic and an uraemia, which Can cause and . Some additional conditions (Conditions) can be added in lists of the reasons of a short wind: a syndrome Hyperventilation, poisonings (for example, an alcoholic poisoning) and Drugs (=) which stimulate the respiratory centres (type ). Here it is possible to include influence of atmosphere with the lowered Barometric pressure and reduction of pressure of oxygen in air. Snore. Patients who differ Strong snore, on 34 % are is more often subject to menacing heart attacks And to strokes (on 67 %). As a whole among the population a snore suffer not less 40 % of men and 24 % of women (among smoking women - 48 %). Frequency of the snoring Increases with growth of weight of a body of patients. The snore reasons more often Processes at which there is a hyperventilation are Lungs.

Monday, July 21, 2008

The Most Frequent Reasons Syncope: Diagnostic Classification The

The most frequent reasons Syncope: Diagnostic classification the Establishment The reason or the reasons syncope pursues two main objectives: statement the diagnosis that solves also forecast and risk problems Condition repetitions. And in the second, finding out the concrete reasons , The unique way to provide accuracy of recommendations is defined for Treatments. Definition most plausible reasons syncope for the concrete patient - often enough difficult problem. For example, the syndrome of chronic weakness (= weariness) and sudden weakness (=) has some various types, but is most brightly shown in a sharp variant as sharp insufficiency. It can arise both at healthy, and at various persons with health problems. Syndrome chronic weariness Is present at population at 0.52 % of women and 0.29 % of men. From the medical The points of view - it illness of the unknown nature also is defined by a minimum 6th months of weariness in the anamnesis which is enough Serious also leads to essential reduction physical, social Or professional work.

Friday, July 18, 2008

Arterial And Venous Insufficiency Of Vessels Of The

Arterial and venous insufficiency of vessels of the bottom finitenesses; 9. An osteochondrosis and a stenosis the channel; 10. ., Etc. The best means to gain trust of the elderly The patient it to visit its houses. Such act of the doctor psychologically Considerably raises mood of patients. (PHOTO end) Short wind and the reasons of infringements of frequency and depth of breath. More detailed analysis of a syndrome of a short wind often allows to allocate the main reasons of noisy breath and conditions similar to it. Breath infringements-dispnoe (dyspnea) - Subjective feeling of shortage of air, difficulty or difficult Breath. Patients often speak - "I can not receive satisfaction from Breath ". (tachypnea) - increase of a rhythm of breath (frequency Breath in rest at the person = 14 - 18 in a minute). (orthopne) - occurrence of sensation of shortage of air at change Body positions. The respiratory system of the person carries out set Functions as major of which are considered: delivery of oxygen from Pulmonary capillary system to surrounding fabrics and body bodies, and Washing away of carbonic gas by a stream of blood from fabrics with carrying over to Pulmonary capillary network.

Thursday, July 10, 2008

Some Doctors Prefer To Estimate Degree Of Risk

Some doctors prefer to estimate degree of risk of the patient on a scale Goldmana - Modified index Goldman'a (RCRI) Circulation. 2006; 13:1361 The patient - in danger if it/it has any of following conditions: -- Surgical procedure with high risk: Chest, belly, vascular process (an aorta, nephritic, arteries). 2. : the confirmed , presence in the anamnesis of a heart attack of a myocardium, attacks pains, Nitroglycerine use, positive reaction at the test, Abnormal Q waves on an electrocardiogram, patients who have undergone to operations on Heart and large vessels, persons with a chest pain of the ischemic nature. 3. Insufficiency of blood circulation: insufficiency, attacks night , episodes Hypostases of lungs in the anamnesis, presence of 3rd tone (S3) or bilateral Damp rattles in the bottom departments of lungs, signs of a hypostasis of lungs on To the thorax roentgenogram. 4. Tserebrovaskuljarnye diseases: history of passing ischemic attacks or stroke signs in the anamnesis. 5. Insulin - a dependent diabetes.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

About Some Analyses Or Tests Of Blood It

About some Analyses or tests of blood it is necessary for patient to inform in advance, that He did not eat or did not drink the house after midnight. At offices of the majority of general practitioners of the USA, And in hospitals strictly necessarily, the patient takes off the clothes and Puts on an offered paper disposable dress-dressing gown [32] or Special disposable suit. Fizikalnoe research of the patient an estimation The possible sizes of bodies, sometimes, a consistence and their some functions With use of survey, palpation by hands, by means of the special Receptions, for example, special blows of fingers, auscultation [33] and In other simple ways. An estimation of a state of health of patients also Includes gathering of the information concerning life history, relatives, Trades, a medical history of the person and an image of his life, including The basic both additional laboratory and tool tests [34]. The minimum volume of researches of patients should include: Survey and definition of type of appearance of the patient, The general indicators of health, behaviour, including growth and weight measurement Bodies.

Sunday, June 29, 2008

Early Detection And Treatment Can Improve Quality Considerably

Early Detection and treatment can improve quality considerably Lives of the patient. All patients describe As a wearisome sign which comes back equally often as In the winter and in the summer. A fever, physical and an emotional pressure, Changes of temperature and humidity of air are often specified by patients As as provoking factors. One of classifications and the reasons : Primary (= , for the unknown reason); Secondary (the known reason); On a site: palms; axillary hollows; soles, other surfaces of feet and a zone; the person; a torso, a trunk and its zones; the general . The reasons can become various Diseases and conditions. I result some conditions which can To cause the excessive general the person: * Tireotoksikoz or similar diseases * Cancer treatment or other types of malignant diseases * Serious mental diseases and their treatment * Fatness * at women and a climax at men. I. Local (the limited Other classification . The general Genetic frustration - Sindrom Rajli-Deja. Endokrinnye diseases - ; the sugar Diabetes; a climax; ; a syndrome; and Other Infectious diseases - a tuberculosis; ; Malaria; tumoral diseases ; not Hodzhkina; Medical products - and means; Other reasons - the psychogenic reasons; Syndrome; a poisoning substances; a poisoning Mushrooms.

Friday, June 27, 2008

Beech Syndrome €� Hereditary Disease With Autosomno-prepotent Type

Beech syndrome — hereditary disease With autosomno-prepotent type of inheritance. It is characterised by the congenital Changes character: early , , , with the small Molars. Expressed a nose and the next areas Persons about reddening of a skin and presence small pinkish it is marked At chronic , received the name red ั‘ a nose. palms and stop often meets at , as one of displays a crisis. (illness of Vejr-Mitchella) — with expansion , shown Occurrence of burning pains, and a hypostasis in departments Finitenesses (more often bottom). a syndrome (synonyms: Chronic , a syndrome of the chronic hypertrophic ) — not clear aetiology, shown Symmetric puffiness and cyanosis of a skin of finitenesses and Fingers in a cold season; mainly young women are ill. At a phenomenon of Kassirera can be display of attacks or spontaneously to arise in the period. Local and night pains also are characteristic for dark blue spongy . Dark blue spongy — a version with primary localisation on a trunk and the top finitenesses.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

Rough Deformations On A Nail Surface - When

Rough deformations on a nail surface - when Nails look muddy and dim as on an illustration, follows before In total to think about: diseases; ; the chemical Damage and flat . Thickening of nails - delay Growth of nails leads to non-uniform thickenings. In the such follows To consider the condition and disease following: ; the chronic ; peripheral vascular diseases; a syndrome of yellow nails and . (=Onycholysis) - - division (stratification) Plates of a nail from the basic bed of a nail. Usually it is connected with Following diseases: ; ; a trauma; the contact ; overdose ; ; use of the poisonous Solvents; conditions and illnesses; (cutanea tarda). Serious curvature of nails - The bent or broken nails are usually caused by the superfluous in the field of trailer phalanxes (illustration). It is necessary To consider following reasons: ; the nephritic Insufficiency; a system sclerosis; . Nail (nails) final fracture - Full local destruction of a nail can be often caused the local Mechanisms, including a trauma and .

Sunday, June 22, 2008

Fizikalnye Researches Physical Examination Can Seldom Specify In

Fizikalnye researches Physical examination can seldom specify in the certain reason of a diarrhoeia. However the basic the data and signs about The patient should be considered and - weight of a body, temperature, Etc. Obvious reactions offer a condition of a skin, usually, Exhaustion or dysfunction of independent nervous system (a diabetes or insufficiency). The general symptoms and the mental status can To show an intoxication or a chronic exhaustion. Loss of weight of a body More than 15 % are usually connected with gravity of a diarrhoeia or undereating. Some changes and skin damages often Are connected with certain kinds of illnesses at a chronic diarrhoeia. For example can testify to the possible , knotty and about syndrome , Hyperpigmentation - about illness of Addisona, and migrating - about (=glucagonoma). Fizikalnoe research of a belly cavity more often In total has uncertain character. Despite detailed studying Ways of an estimation of a condition of a stomach, the majority of doctors of therapists, on mine Sight, possess insufficient technics of research.

Excessive Redness Or Purulent Allocation Of The Salivary

Excessive redness or purulent allocation of the salivary Channels often assume adjournment or a stone in salivary channels. The red stain sometimes appears on exits from channels of Stensena at Patients with (sign Tresilian'). Morbidity the submaxillary Areas (sign Hatchcock') are offered by an inflammation of salivary gland and Often also it is connected with . A pain at teeth in area Corners of the bottom jaw assumes an inflammation of salivary glands (a sign Mirchamp'). Estimation of a condition of gums Following step to oral cavity research Research of gums is. Red and gums assume which can conduct to a periodontitis and, usually, it is caused Bacterial infection, between gums and a teeth, in that Number with which it is formed on a teeth. can be connected with a number of other diseases and conditions also: * Sharp a leukaemia; * insufficiency forms (but not defects blood); * Deficiency of vitamin C (but never meets at toothless patients); * Granolomatoz Vegenera ( similar to a bark on a mulberry tree).

Thursday, June 19, 2008

After That Fills Questionnaires, Including With The Data

After that fills questionnaires, including with the data of the personal Character, describes the basic complaints or the visit reasons to the doctor. Workers of registry (usually staff nurses) help patients To fill offered forms of the questionnaires including , a sex, age, Real and post addresses of the patient, the basic complaints, growth, weight of a body, Body temperature, etc. it is frequent (at will of the patient) suggest to fill Additional questionnaires and inquiries about additional tests. It is important to notice that the majority of doctors of the general Experts (at least among Russian-speaking) do not do detours Patients on houses and apartments as it was accepted in Russia. Visiting of the general practitioner in the USA with the minimum volume of researches For a condition estimation costs to the patient 70-100$. Set of the private companies Offer various on level of service of service of delivery of patients in office And-or hospital. Thus services of delivery of the patient differ and Are measured in tens dollars.

Tuesday, June 17, 2008 Gouty : Adjournment Of Crystals Of Monosodium Of Gouty : Adjournment of crystals of monosodium of uric acid, notable as Hypodermic very dense knots of the various sizes (are inclined !). (PHOTO 8a) see as photo 9a: the Psoriatichesky arthritis. . Damages of sinews. Crises of "boxers". Damages Finger-tips. Over mobile joints (Ehler-Danlos the congenital Syndrome). Joints of the bottom finitenesses. Feet of the person consist of 28 bones and 33 joints Coxofemoral joints - - Survey: at defeat of a coxofemoral joint the body of the patient is bent towards defeat. Thomas's symptom - allows to reveal a coxofemoral joint. At healthy a bending corner in a coxofemoral joint - 120, (at the straightened foot) - 15, amplitude of assignment - 40-45, hip rotation external - 45, internal - 40 (restriction by an internal sign of defeat of a coxofemoral joint). Knee joints. Survey: , a swelling, deformation, damages of sheaves and a meniscus.

Sunday, June 15, 2008

(PHOTO Shoulder) Diagnostics Of A Condition Of A

(PHOTO shoulder) diagnostics of a condition of a humeral joint - The form of joints, skin over joints, a condition and development of muscles about joints. : revealing of morbidity big and small a humeral bone. Volume of movements in joints: rotation and cultivation of hands at possible in limits 50-60. The symptom of Leklerka (as at braces) - allows to reveal movement partial or a complete separation rotating a joint. Symptom of Dauberna - at assignment of a hand more than on 60 - a pain in a humeral joint. Symptom of Sepurlinga - by pressing a head inclined to a sick shoulder, there are pains, , giving to a zone a back. Symptom of Lasega - the same, but at a ducking in the healthy party. Elbow joints. Anatomic Features - lateral and medial epicondyles, a shoot lecrenon, Head of a beam bone, elbow bone. Active movements: Bending -160 degrees, - 0 degrees, the pronation and . Survey: , a swelling, . : revealing hypodermic small knots (30 %) which should be distinguished from small knots at .

Friday, June 13, 2008

In Large Clinics A Set Of Compulsory Procedures

In large clinics a set of compulsory procedures Researches of patients as it is divided on standard [7] and Additional tests. As writes magazine "Health and Medical list and databases" [8] recommendations about the organisation of work of doctors and staff nurses in the USA 160 thousand stomatologists are based on the analysis of activity of 570 thousand doctors, And more than 100 drugstores. These recommendations for choice premises, To the necessary equipment, the documentation [9] and the organisations of work of doctors Various specialities it is possible to look on the Internet [10]. Full The complete set of the documentation on the organisation of medical business in the USA it is possible To look and order on a site [11]. The computerised databases and The documentation on conducting patients can be looked and downloaded on a site [12]. So, the patient comes to office of the doctor on Special record, shows documents on the available insurance Health or pays reception of the doctor by available funds (70-90 Dollars).

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Now Allocate Bolee20 Kinds Of Fevers. The Fever

Now allocate bolee20 kinds of fevers. The fever syndrome , but is very sensitive Concerning many diseases. Prognostichesky value of this symptom Also it is high enough. The fever nature is difficult, but last years It is shown that body rise in temperature on 1 increases expenses of energy for 13 %. Except nervously-trophic () effect, the fever conducts (and Probably also it is induced) to an exit interlejkina-1 from macrophages. -1 strengthens in muscles that leads to an exit Amino acids for strengthening and synthesis of fibers " Reactions ", etc. the Most frequent reasons of a fever - infections, Malignant new growths, myocardium heart attack, Stroke, medicinal allergy, system red , sharp . 2.14.1 Inspection of patients at a fever not clear . Fever not clear (==) one of difficult problems in medicine in general and in therapy in particular. The fever of not clear origin by strict criteria is temperature more 38,3 at three measurements in day within not less than three weeks. Criteria: - duration more than 3 weeks with temperature above 38; - or continuous type; - reliably documented; - absence of the convincing diagnosis.

Tuesday, June 10, 2008

All These Eight Criteria Bradford'a Allow To Measure

All these eight criteria Bradford'a allow to measure evidence of a causal relationship between factors And illnesses. The truth is not available yet any standard specifying Systems of the analysis of criteria Bradford'. ' relations are While unique absolutely essential criterion. The clinical analysis of symptoms and judgements very much It is important by consideration of basic symptoms in diagnostics, despite them Known restrictions. Therefore criteria Bradford'a it is always extensive Were used for causal relationship differentiation in associations Different diseases. Van Reekum R, Streiner DL, Conn DK. Clin Neurosci 2001; 13:318-325. Recent researches have shown a possible layer Genetic programs of coordination of revealing of specific markers, Which at cellular-subkletochenom level define a number of signs and Markers regulating activity of a gene microRNAs. Possibilities Definitions of molecular taxonomy of tumours with samples microRNA and Application of these samples in taxonomy for "tumour" diagnoses ( neoplasia) - problems of the nearest researches.

Monday, June 9, 2008

Surplus Of Fluorine In Potable Water In The

Surplus of fluorine in potable water In the childhood can cause occurrence Dark brown strips and poles on a teeth. Tobacco chewing paints Teeth in tabachno-black-brown colour. Excessive sticking of lipstick to Tooth surface it is often combined with . The cretaceous white Formations on gum and tooth edge testify to the superfluous on a teeth. A long teeth assumes presence of the obvious Periodontitis and reduction of the area of gums. Estimation of a condition of language For example, the form and the sizes of language can change at (). The big language (=macroglossia) a classical sign , , vulgar and . Except Increases in the sizes of language at often there is a reduction Mobility of a body of language. Inflammation signs () in an early stage Lead usually to increase language, sometimes with their hypertrophy. A long inflammation Language leads to an atrophy mucous and to occurrence smooth, shining The mucous. not seldom happen are caused by deficiencies of iron, vitamins Groups In, an alcoholism, , a syndrome and Undereating.

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Absence Pulsation Sounds Can Be As Ominous At

Absence Pulsation sounds can be as ominous at the blocked stream Blood in a large artery. Silence in a belly cavity as demands Urgent inspection of the patient. endoscopy. At Thorax auscultation by rules the patient breathes usually opened Mouth. Auscultation begin being guided by standard lines Thorax divisions. Thus it is necessary to compare both parties the chest Cages. * to use strengthening diaphragm of a stethoscope. It is necessary to listen at least to one full respiratory cycle on Each site. (PHOTO 10) Respiratory noise (breath sounds), sin.-sounds of lungs; sounds of breath of sm as wheezing. Respiratory noise of a lung are usually investigated by auscultation by a stethoscope. Normal sounds at breath are listened in all parts the chest Cages, including fields above clavicles and over the bottom edges. Auscultation Allows to reveal normal sounds of breath (= ), zones The weakened breath, absence of sounds of breath and pathological Respiratory noise.

Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Reduction Of Volumes Of A Lung And Work

Reduction of volumes of a lung and work interface Thorax muscles can lead secondary and To reduction of elasticity of a pulmonary fabric. Besides, VD/VT the relation Often happens increased because of the reduced volumes of a breath and an exhalation The syndrome and hypoventilation leads to increase. It is known that in a dream, ventilation of lungs A little decreases because force of interface decreases Respiratory function of the centres. Especially in a fast phase of a dream (REM) Coming the general muscles worsens ventilation and conducts to More serious hypoventilation. These mechanisms of development of hypoventilation Are especially important, when function muscles is broken. Effects Such form are often strengthened also by low sensitivity of the respiratory The centres. Night hardware auxiliary ventilation of lungs improves Displays of night hypoventilation at these patients also improves indicators Day gaugings of arterial gases of blood. Allocate following groups of the reasons of a short wind and noisy breath: Passableness infringements ways In this category of infringements describe conditions, Which can be connected with the block (corking) of respiratory ways and Diseases of type of a laryngitis, foreign matters, aneurysm of an aorta or Tumour , pressing a trachea or a bronchial tube, a bronchial asthma, Sharp infectious bronchitis and emphysema of lungs, etc.

The Person Lying On A Back, Breathes More

The person lying on a back, breathes more deeply and opens a mouth. Position of a body and open mouth actuates a soft palate and Structures drinks that at hyperventilation leads to narrowing Respiratory ways and to other infringements of ventilation of air in To pulmonary system. Other syndrome connected with noisy breath - sleepy , Meet more than at 75 % of patients signs of adiposity and Fatness. In the general group the population of the whole 30 % of persons of 65 years also is more senior often Show signs a dream. Arterial pressure of blood at patients At episodes falls, and infringements of a rhythm of heart in pauses Sleepy occur in almost at 40 % of patients and it creates Repeated threats of sudden death. In practice, usually, allocate 6 kinds including - a syndrome obstructive a dream (). Patients with have characteristic appearance. As a rule, it is people Hypersthenic constitution with obvious adiposity. Clinical symptoms it is possible to divide into three groups: Frequent (> 60 %): a loud snore, , an uneasy dream, day drowsiness, irritability.

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Sticking Can To Cause And-or Barreness. (adhesions); (dilatation

Sticking can To cause and-or barreness. (adhesions); (dilatation and curettage) (amenorrhea). reception ( Aschner, 1883-1960), sin.-Ashnera-Germana reception, Danini - Ashnera reception-way The paroxysm terminations the tachycardias, based on Stimulations of a wandering nerve by strong (before pain occurrence) Pressings by pulp of thumbs of hands on eyeballs of the patient in Current 10-15 seconds a reflex (Century Aschner), a sin.-reflex . (oculocardiac reflex). a syndrome, Syndrome. It is described Aschner in 1934 Represents the form Turner's syndrome - Kizera. It is characterised by dystrophic changes The nails, more often the first fingers of a brush ( or ). With The parties of the oporno-impellent device it is marked or and a dislocation of a head of a beam bone. - the Bullet the centres (L.Aschoff, 1866-1942, .Phul, 1894-1943), . - the Bullet ochagi.-pathologically The changed sites of lungs (in limits or segments) at The tuberculosis, representing or the centres Curdled . - Tavary knot (L.

Sunday, May 25, 2008

-- Do Not Abuse Terms. -- Give Clear

-- Do not abuse terms. -- Give clear instructions and questions. -- Avoid ambiguous questions. -- Do not promise the impossible. -- Check, whether the patient has correctly understood you. -- Do not hesitate to repeat the important questions if see that the patient has not understood you. You should be assured that at the patient does not remain not resolved questions. -- Resolve members of a family and friends to participate in discussion of questions. Describe clearly and simply the scheme of diagnostic and medical problems of the patient. Offer the patient some variants of inspection and treatment. -- Induce the patient to the self-help, including kinds of the therapy, supplementing traditional. Complicate dialogue: 1. A language barrier and speech infringements. 2. Questions on a sexual life of the patient. 3. Malignant diseases. 4. Mental restrictions of dialogue and mental diseases. 5. Barreness. 6. Undesirable pregnancy. 7. Difficult medical questions and . I consider that it is necessary - to Avoid complicated questions - Not to include in questions of concept "norm" and medical and-or special Terms, words as the patient they are often not clear.

Not Diagnosed Medicinal Fever Extends Time Treatments, Medical

Not diagnosed medicinal fever extends time Treatments, medical aid cost considerably raises. From the modern Popular preparations a most often medicinal fever cause: 1) 1-; 2) antibiotics; 3) ; 4) Nifedipine; 5) (=); 6) , aspirin; 7) ; 8) , etc. The indirect signs specifying in a possible medicinal fever, are: 1. A discord between a pulse rate and fever level. 2. A medicinal allergy in the anamnesis. 3. more than 0,3h109/l. 4. Symptoms gastric or intestinal . 5. Activity increase blood whey. Fever often enough would accompany about about. The fever happens unitary and plural. The sudden fever meets a strong fever at: -- a pneumonia; -- The pneumonia caused Streptococcus pneumoniae; -- Purulent infection; -- and a sepsis; -- ; -- Pyelonephritis, etc. not to forget about a malaria! about () - Plentiful , characteristic for body temperature decrease at To fever of any (at rise in temperature of a body the skin becomes Hot and dry). can be caused infringement of the vegetative Regulation, an overheat, an intoxication, etc.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

At Anamnesis Gathering Necessarily It Is Necessary To

At anamnesis gathering necessarily it is necessary to try to reveal possible inherited defects as for example Congenital cartilages and hair (CHH a syndrome) - rare inherited developmental anomaly ( ) shown more often among people Amish the Finnish origin. This defect is characterised It is disproportionate short growth; deformations of finitenesses; rare, Light colour hair and an immunodeficiency 1. The changed gene was recently in a chromosome 9p21-p13 (ribonuclease mitochondrial RNA a gene) . it is shown first of all in system T-lifmfotsitov, but Can partially involve also and factors. Patients with CHH By syndrome are predisposed to infection with some viruses, including varicella, poliovirus and vaccinia. They are ill with the infectious is more often Illnesses, suffer allergies, a sinusitis and have chronic . They also have the increased risk of occurrence of the malignant Diseases. (The Photo) see Survey of joints the Estimation: Bearings in a standing position and sitting; gait; poses in the lying Position.

From A HIV An Infection. It Is Known

From a HIV an infection. It is known that surplus in blood lowers values of level SaO2, but on level PaO2 Operates. It occurs because deterioration of gas transfer in Lungs from atmosphere in capillaries of lungs does not influence a gas constant Oxygen transition. Low PaO2 At patients it is a lot of in blood assumes also presence u pulmonary problems. All it testifies to necessity Maintenance measurements which can be made . It is better to make it together with measurement of gases blood, Which is accessible in the majority of laboratories of hospitals. - The rare condition caused by sulphur and its derivative components. Haemoglobin contacts sulphur so that does not allow to join To oxygen. Unlike metHb, haemoglobin iron remains bivalent (HbFe+2). it is similar metHb and it is accompanied low SaO2, but does not influence pressure of oxygen in blood (PaO2) and but gives intensive bluish colour to a skin. Peripheral Peripheral - Darkish or bluish shade of a skin on fingers and nails of hands and feet It can be shown and without central (that is, with presence or Without ).

Friday, May 16, 2008

A Syndrome (s. Allemann). It Is Described Allemann

a syndrome (s. Allemann). it is described Allemann R.1936. A hereditary dystrophic syndrome from group (dysencephalia splanchnocystica). It is shown by developmental anomaly Kidneys (more often a double kidney), deformation of fingers of brushes and type feet Drum-type sticks. Alex (-315.01) - verbal blindness, Alcoholic a syndrome, - Display of certain signs (growth, intellectual, physical Defects at a birth, uses connected with high level by mother Alcohol during pregnancy). Sin. - alcoholic dependence at Pregnancy; drink of alcohol during pregnancy; (FAS), etc. Use of alcohol during the first trimester of pregnancy is more destructive than during the second trimester (alcohol use) which, in turn, is more destructive than use in the third trimester and . Alcohol which is swallowed by the pregnant woman The woman easily passes through a placenta to a germ. The pregnant woman, Which drinks any quantity of alcohol - risks to receive this syndrome At the child, as "safe" level of reception of alcohol during Pregnancy it is not established.

Thursday, May 8, 2008

Modern Researchers Recognise Only 1st And 3rd Books

Modern Researchers recognise only 1st and 3rd books "original", the others Five, apparently, belong to two latest imitators of Gippokrata. Most known of products "Cases" - Aphorisms. The beginning of the first aphorism well-known, though not all Know its continuation, as well as that it is taken from "Gippokratova of the case": "The life is short, art [= a science] is huge, a case , Experience is deceptive, the judgement is difficult. Therefore not only the doctor should To do everything that is necessary, but also the patient, both associates, and all external Circumstances should promote the doctor in its activity ". Another extended and well-known Saying also meets for the first time in "Aphorisms": "In the strongest Illnesses means the strongest, precisely applied "are necessary also. In it The treatise results of purely medical supervision are generalised and formulated Type: "the Causeless weariness specifies in illness";"When food Consume in excessive quantity, it conducts to illness about what it is obvious Treatment testifies ";" it is better, that the fever came after Convulsions, than convulsions - after a fever ".

Monday, May 5, 2008

Cfm More In Detail I Give An Example One

cfm more in detail I give an example one of set of algorithms Diagnostics at occurrence of chest pains and suspicion on a heart attack Myocardium. Remember that except the anamnesis and inspections Thus it is necessary for patient to write down an electrocardiogram. 1. Suspicion on a myocardium heart attack? -- Thus lifting of segment ST> 1 mm more than in 2 assignments of unknown prescription; -- Pathological Q in 2 and more assignments of unknown prescription. -- Blockade of the left leg of a bunch of Gisa or Qr a tooth of unknown prescription. -- positive reaction of blood. (Each point of this section gives two points) 2. Absence of the signs first level often all leaves suspicions on an ischemia of a myocardium which follows Attentively to consider: -- Decrease in segment ST on an electrocardiogram on 1 mm and more in 2 and more assignments. -- Inversion of tooth in 2 assignments and more unknown prescription. (In the presence of these signs in a risk scale it is added 1 or 2 points) 3.

Saturday, May 3, 2008

Though Your Obedient The Servant In 1980 Year

Though your obedient The servant in 1980 year has received medal for working out of the electronic Case record versions. The truth in 30 years of the case record of patients in Electronic format still big rarity in medical institutions Russia. [5] I think that in this century of change to the best in the Russian Public health services will not take place yet, and in the next century, with arrival of the new "The title nation", public health services perfection will begin with the new Force. It is interesting that in 1991, when in Sweden The private sector has been admitted to possession and management of hospitals, First aid services, laboratories, it has led to decrease Costs of x-ray services on 50 %, laboratory services - on 40 %, Durations of expectation for diagnostics and treatment - on 30 %. In Australia after privatisation of 50 hospitals of an expense for building New hospitals have fallen to 20 %, quantity of served patients Has grown on 30 %. At each medical office of the general practitioner In the USA there is the general, caused by rules of reception of patients, The list of obligatory and additional procedures and measurements and [6] Researches of the patients connected with specialisation and the certificate Staff of the concrete doctor.

Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Other Example - Objective Many Doctors Spend Research

Other example - objective Many doctors spend research of patients (and some and not Spend) under "the simplified" scheme. For example, pass a stage a thorax and other moments. Not always this variant researches of patients it is supplemented with hardware, Including an electrocardiogram, ultrasonic of heart, joints, sheaves, bodies of a belly cavity and Other parts of a body). Therefore at many doctors of a primary link, On tremendous achievements of medical technologies, still meet Rough diagnostic errors and discrepancies in inspection of patients. Thus last years more and more New tendencies of diagnostics of diseases - ultrasonic an estimation are shown and Microblood-groove of various bodies and fabrics, research of cavities Organism give modern techniques of three-dimensional scanning and much Another. (Illustration sm) C estimations of a condition of the patients, accepted in the USA. The most "difficult" evaluation stage Conditions of patients at doctors record of the exact data usually is considered in The case record and concrete substantiation of the diagnosis.

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

- , A Sleeplessness. Agromania (agromania; An Armour.

- , a sleeplessness. Agromania (agromania; an armour. Ager, agri a field, village + mania) - aspiration to a life in loneliness on a nature bosom. Agrophobia (-300.29) - pathological fear of open spaces. (-755.4), - congenital uglinesses of finitenesses. Adie ' s syndrome - Neurologic syndrome at which or both pupils are expanded and Answer bright light slowly or do not answer with narrowing, and also not React to change of a sight from close subjects to Kept away. - Gala a syndrome - Combination and skin in connection with infringements an exchange, a chronic jaundice and a diathesis. - a fabric behind a nose (illustration sm), similarly Drinks. The increase it can become the breath reason only Through a mouth, a snore (Snoring), a smell from a mouth and a chronic cold (runny nose nasal congestion). often become the reasons menacing to health and a condition of development of conditions of type sleep apnea, pulmonary pulmonary hypertension and increases threat of sudden cardiac arrest.

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Predstatelnaja Gland At Healthy Patients Usually Has The

Predstatelnaja gland at healthy patients usually has the sizes Approximately 2.5 sm at length and 2 at width, it is mobile and It is insensitive. (PHOTO 8b) (is more detailed than sm in section 6) -- Definition of the sizes of bodies of a belly cavity by other methods. - A computer tomography (including CT the high permission) -radionuklidnoe scanning (for example - definition of contents of a cavity and a thickness of walls of a bilious bubble); - Ultrasonic , etc. -- Survey and the bottom finitenesses. Standing, first of all, pay attention on The skin condition, presence and kind of a vascular network, reveal The expanded veins, presence or absence of hypostases (sm section 4), Deformations of small and large joints (sm above). to define Quality of a pulsation femoral, popliteal and back goleno-stopnoj Areas. 2.10 Syndrome of a fever. The theory and practice. Oldest of the known which have reached up to now Written sources the mention of a fever contains in Vavilonsko-Assyrian inscriptions (VI century BC).

Sunday, April 20, 2008

For The First Time It Is Described Letterer

For the first time it is described Letterer E. In 1924, It is in addition described by pediatrist Siwe S. In 1933 and Abt A. F. In 1936 The aetiology precisely is not established. It is observed at . It is sometimes considered as the malignant form or Late stage of a syndrome of Handa-SHjullera - Christian. It is shown at children The period and early chest age in the form of the septic with increase in lymph nodes, a liver, a spleen. It is accompanied expressed by an anaemia, or , a thrombocytopenia. At process localisation in bones There is a swelling of soft fabrics, morbidity at and Movement. about l about and with to and — against the general osteoporosis The destructive centres with a clear boundary in bones of a skull are marked, Finitenesses, bones, edges. It is quite often observed reactions. The forecast adverse. test ( A.Aburel), sin. - test. a syndrome - (G.Avellis, 1864-1916) - Combination of a paralysis of a soft palate and vocal muscles on the party The pathological centre in .

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

The Syndrome Is Inherited On Autosomno-prepotent Type, Gipomelanoz

The syndrome is inherited on autosomno-prepotent type, Gipomelanoz Ito (the achromatic Pigment incontience) - the congenital disease characterised The gipopigmentiro-bathrooms stains of the freakish form forming accurately The delimited drawings, strips and plaques on all surface of a body, Which remain during the childhood and disappear at mature age. To hypopigmentation do not precede an inflammation, Defeat, characteristic for a syndrome the Flea-sultsbergera. (the got pigmentary Defect) arises at any age and is characterised various on To the form and the size stains with a clear boundary, Localised on a face skin (round eyes and in the field of a mouth), in area Genitals, brushes and feet, elbow and knee joints, top Half of thorax. Skin elements can spontaneously disappear, There can be new stains, or is constant Progresses. Some words about nails - are known that Nails at healthy faces should grow three months from the basis to edge. Each nail can be divided into three zones: at the nail basis The white part is visible, then there is a middle of a nail which has started to grow Four weeks from the present.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Healthy Individuals And Older Persons Sometimes Also Can

Healthy Individuals and older persons sometimes also can test the insignificant Signs of change of state of health (= "lightheadedness", "greying-out") in The period of lifting from horizontal position in the vertical. More often a variant of a syndrome of the general weakness Arises at elderly persons, the people working in hot shops or Living in a hot climate or at patients with an arterial hypertension, Accepting . Quite often reason of sudden general weakness Insufficiently controllable treatment and some is preparations (an alpha , And nitroglycerine, etc.). Sometimes the reason the general weakness Structural damage of independent nervous system because of a number is Illnesses ( and a diabetes) or at neurologic diseases (For example, illness of Parkinsona). hearts also can cause Syndrome of the general weakness. Such type occurs and at healthy faces In the beginning an episode tachycardias (SVT). Rather seldom conditions Are caused and . The Most general reason in this category Diseases the sharp heart attack of a myocardium or ischemia episodes is Myocardium.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Com, Having Typed <Temples > See A Site Http://

com, having typed <Temples > see a site More in detail ะ 2008 COPYRIGHT. All property rights and copyrights to books, CD And other editions (including on any included in it graphic Images and texts), the maintenance of printing materials accompanying it And any copies belong to Hramovu Jury Afanasevichu. Copying Printing materials for commercial objectives without the written approval And it is forbidden. Syndromes, symptoms, terms of illnesses and conditions of the person Introduction The modern medical Terminology — one of the most extensive and difficult in conceptual, The substantial relation of systems of terms. A medical lexicon Makes several thousand words and word-combinations. Into their number enter The numerous synonyms making 30-40 % of terminological fund. For example, "the International classification of illnesses - (-10)" mentions More than 50 000 names, though quantity allocated Several times it is less than forms and syndromes. Intensive increase in volume The medical and medical and biologic information in languages it is accompanied Occurrence in the medical literature of set of new terms, number Which annually exceeds one thousand names.

Thursday, April 3, 2008

Podderzhanie Of An Effective Control A Profile D. Use

Podderzhanie of an effective control a profile D. Use of low doses of aspirin, and angiotensin of the transforming 6. On the basis of tests TRITON-TIMI 38 which of following statements is NOT true? Prasugrel considerably reduced ischemic events (for example, cardiovascular Death rate, myocardium heart attack, stroke) in comparison with clopidogrel'. V.Otmechalsja the increased risk of a bleeding at treatment prasugrel' rather clopidogrel'. S.Obshchaja death rate was considerably above at use prasugrel' in comparison with clopidogrel'. D. Prasugrel reduced thromboses at rather clopidogrel' more considerably 7. Whether what of following statements is true concerning use therapies in Construction Department? And. A recommended daily dose of aspirin for treatment - 325 mg V.Ispytanija treatments clopidogrel' has shown that its use provides reduction Cardiovascular complications at patients from Construction Department S.Posle of initial therapy clopidogrel', its appointment should be continued vaguely Long, if there are no contra-indications.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

If The Patient Has Unilateral Loss Of Hearing

If the patient Has unilateral loss of hearing it is necessary to check up function Eustachian tubes. For this purpose place a vibrating metronome before a nose The patient also ask it to make a little movements. If There is a unilateral loss of hearing, the patient will define changes Intensity of a sound only on the healthy party in a swallowing cycle. Reception of Polittsera (Politzer's aneuver). In it The test the compressed air entered into a nasal aperture is used Spray. Of the patient ask to swallow thus, and the doctor visually Examines a membrane. If pressure which develops At air giving through a nasal course it is transferred in a middle ear, The Eustachian tube is passed. Thus the doctor should turn the special Attention to any form or occurrence of dizziness, which Could be connected with presence of a chronic internal infection of an ear Or to be caused fistula presence in the horizontal semicircular channel Ear. Reception of Valsalva (Valsalva aneuver). Reception it is carried out at survey membranes of the patient, Which thus deeply inhales and closes a mouth.

Friday, March 21, 2008

· A Nose Tip - An External Corner

· A nose Tip - an external corner of a triangle. · Nose Wings - oval formations at the heart of a triangle. · Vestibjuli of a nose - expansions in each nasal course. · The Partition divides a nose cavity into 2 nasal courses. · The Lateral surface of external wings of a nose from both parties. In the beginning examine an external surface of a nose with All points of view. Usually the nose skin is not damaged and similar on colour Face skin. The surface of a skin at healthy faces should be smooth and The homogeneous. It is necessary to check up noso-lip folds on the possible Density changes, tourist's mountain and (carcinoma?). Increased the nose offers possible or (= and ). Hypostasis and deformation of the bridge of a nose, it is frequent with Bruises offers nose crisis (follows for Definitions of instability of a nasal cartilage). Sometimes at revealing of asymmetry of the form of a nose, Infectious illnesses, traumas in the anamnesis, new growths are assumed or Leprosy. Will pay special attention on area of a redness, and skin damages, presence Crusts, , roughnesses and visible vascular drawing.

LOCAL 1. Obverse: Connected With Food Intake; Lucy

LOCAL 1. Obverse: connected with food intake; Lucy Frej's syndrome; a syndrome of a drum-type string; Red ั‘ a nose; dark blue spongy . 2. Axillary, , : the primary (, ); a hereditary pathology; ; ; Kassirera 3. Neurologic infringements: illness of Parkinsona; ; a stroke. an unknown origin Is more frequent condition, than secondary and, as The rule, happens limited in separate or several zones of a body The person (most often it is hands, feet, axillary hollows or Their combination). Superfluous at patients usually Begins in the childhood or a youth and remains all life. Nervousness, Stressful conditions and anxiety can strengthen and reveal . Displays primary : Obverse : sweat, Merging downwards from a forehead at pressure can be very painful and Forces the patient to think of this apparent defect. : the excessive hands usually disturbs patients less. However many people in Communications with expressed palms are limited with a choice Trades because are incapable to work with some materials, Sensitive to humidity (a paper and .