Saturday, January 13, 2007

The Syndrome It Is Characterised By Fast Increase

the Syndrome It is characterised by fast increase not in Internal and bones. The aetiology is not found out yet. Clinical Features include various skin damages, unique or Plural ё bones, increase , Increase in a liver with presence or without a jaundice, , pulmonary Pathology, fever, anaemia, thrombocytopenia, the maxillary , an inflammation of gums with the subsequent , with easing and Loss of a teeth. (Illustrations) see. It is sometimes considered as The malignant form, or late stage of a syndrome of Handa-SHjullera - Christian. It is shown at children of the period and early Chest age in the form of septic purples with increase Lymph nodes, a liver, a spleen. It is accompanied by the expressed an anaemia, or , a thrombocytopenia. At process localisation in bones there is a swelling of soft fabrics, Morbidity at and movement. about l about and with to And — against the general osteoporosis the destructive centres with accurate are marked Borders in bones of a skull, finitenesses, bones, edges.

Wednesday, January 10, 2007

The Important Sign The Snore Which Often Clears

The important sign the snore which often clears up the patient for is of this kind Restoration of an adequate air line. Temples And “ALGORITHMS and SCHEMES of diagnostics of therapeutic syndromes”-2008; nearby 400 ; more than 100 schemes and illustrations and clips on CD. The book is written in style ` the Samizdat ”, in electronic format PDF Also it is intended for an extensive readership, doctors various Specialities and students of medical high schools. The description of each sign Illness or a syndrome it is supplemented with illustrations i-or clips on CD. An electronic format of the book (PDF) Allows to pass instantly on the Internet to the reference. To find and it is free To download a book part it is possible, having typed in search cars or Google a word ”Temples And“. Summary of structure of the cores Therapeutic syndromes with use of algorithms and schemes in Electronic format allows to simplify as much as possible, in my opinion, Diagnostic search of leading syndromes and to accelerate necessary and The accessible help to patients with the minimum probability of an error in the diagnosis.

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

2.9.8 Auscultation Of A Thorax. Human Body Functioning

2.9.8 Auscultation of a thorax. Human body functioning (=) Makes a huge variety of sounds. We can often hear Air movement through a mouth and a nose mouth nose, and sometimes and from bronchial tubes. Sometimes, having approached an ear, sounds of fighting heart heart are audible , Blood pulsing on large arteries and rumbling of intestines and gases in Gastroenteric path. Cough serves as the mechanism cough for clearing of slime and a liquid of a bronchial tree. Sm as pregnancy Normal sounds of a body can change with Illness occurrence. Rhythms and character of breath can change, Becoming difficult, constrained or irregular breathing. The cough timbre varies also. Bronchial tubes under the influence of an inflammation or others The reasons decrease in diameter and change breath sounds. Narrowing of the large Arteries and illness of valves of heart uniformity of a stream of blood and There is its turbulent, sonorous movement. Pathological processes Can make also sounds of type of a scratch at joints joints; at crises of tubular bones; liquid splash in a stomach and Other Creaking sounds fabrics round the infected wound - The awful sign testifying to a gas gangrene.