Friday, May 11, 2007

In The Quantity Of Cages In 1 Makes

In the quantity of cages in 1 makes liquids 500-5000, less than 50 %, are found out fragments Fabrics. The format of treelike classification has sensitivity of 92 %, specificity of 98 %. (The Source: Altman R, Alarcon G, and others. Arthritis Rheumatism. 1990; 33: 1601-1610;) Criteria of activity coxofemoral and knee joints: The basic criterion: (A) radio graphic ( Radiological) criteria of narrowing of an articulate crack> = 0.5 mm in Current of the 6-month's period of supervision. Additional criteria: (A) a local hypostasis and joint changes: () - high level of a pain and an immovability at To inconsistent picture with moderated by radiological changes; (2) Some inefficient courses NSAID of preparations; (3) presence of surplus liquids with typical inclusions; (B) The general signs of an arthritis at present: (4) number of other changed joints> = 4 (5) excessive for the patient physical activity; (6) superfluous weight of a body of the patient; (C) Preservation of signs during 6-12- the period: (7) repetitions of surplus liquids (Knee)> = 2; (8) quantity of aggravations; (9) quantity injections> = 2; when quantity of aggravations demanded For occurrence of insignificant criteria are not revealed yet.

Thursday, May 10, 2007

Compositions Of Gippokrata Attach Huge Significance To Observance

Compositions of Gippokrata Attach huge significance to observance of a correct mode (= . "Diet") as which it is understood not only a diet in modern sense, But also all way of life of the patient. Knowledge of physiology during this period was in Rudimentary condition. Though about existence of blood vessels was already It is known and was considered that on vessels moves not only blood, but also Other substances. Function of heart and distinction between arteries and veins Were unknown, but system forms have got this knowledge much later (Only after works of Vezalija). The word "artery" was applied, but Designated any large vessels, and also, for example, tracheas. At that time Was considered that blood vessels are transferred also by air, a vital sign Which admitted and concerned all parts of a body. One of authors Compositions "About sacred illness" (=) uses idea Air movings on vessels to explain the beginning an attack as result the blood Vessels a phlegm. He writes: "That air which goes to lungs and Blood vessels, filling cavities of a body and a brain, and by that Delivers understanding and sets finitenesses in motion ".

To Huge Volume To Modern Medical Terminology Accompany

To huge volume To modern medical terminology accompany also variety Concepts reflected by it. At the same time each medical term is Element of a corresponding microsystem (anatomic, histologic, , gynecologic, dermatological, Physiotherapeutic etc.). Any microsystem is based more often On classifications of scientific concepts. Each term, occupying The corresponding place in a microsystem, is in the fixed Rodo-specific or other communications with its other terms. At the same time Terms of different microsystems consist in certain relations and communications Among themselves at level systems that reflects the dual The progress tendency: the further differentiation of medical sciences. For Last decades have reached the impressive sizes highly specialised Lexicons of cardiology, oncology, , immunology, Medical virology, sciences of a hygienic profile, etc. The term "syndrome" The Greek origin also it is translated as "running nearby"."Nearby Run "symptoms which connects together or can or Aetiology.

Wednesday, May 9, 2007

- (from Acrisia) - An Ambiguity, Uncertainty Of

- (from acrisia) - an ambiguity, uncertainty of the diagnosis or the forecast. - the raised irritability. - a symptom of four dead fingers. ( - finitenesses + from . geron - the old man), sin. - (acrodynia), (-985.0) - illness pink ( ). jazvenno-mutilirujushchaja family, . - Dzhiakkai a syndrome, Perona-Droke-Kulona a syndrome, Tavenara a syndrome - Hereditary with departments of finitenesses (More often bottom), formation of ulcers, deformation of feet, the small Bones of feet; it is connected with defeat spinal . , sin - (acroasphyxia; akro - + ), sin. - a symptom of dead fingers; - a cold snap and departments of finitenesses at , obliterating . (. krotos - blow), sin.-asfigmija - absence or intangibility of pulse at . a syndrome (s. Alajouanine). Alajouanine . Represents a complex 1930 The congenital anomalies, characterised bilateral taking away Nerve, an obverse nerve on the central type, bilateral Deformation of feet on type pes varus. - defect of active speech or its perception.

Sunday, May 6, 2007

This Condition Is Often Caused In Adult Patients

This condition is often caused in adult patients by spasms and Easing of the muscles surrounding the bottom part of an eyeball. The reasons: trachoma, chemical burn Signs: irritation of an eye, Eye irritation, Eye discomfort, a redness and a pain. migrating-vysypanija On a skin, have a cycle of development of 7-14 days and more. Evolution Stains till the big sizes of the bubbles filled with a liquid. Further There are in the centre of stains, centres of a scaly peeling, Surrounded a nimbus and at last, healing - beginning From the centre and occurrence of a lamellar peeling (illustration sm). After Healing bronze colour of a skin on a place can remain. At it is found out various depth - from superficial to deep . At patients sometimes comes to light i-or a stomatitis. The mechanism of development of damages not It is clear. it is often inherent pancreatic . At presence and absence a condition designate as "a syndrome ". It can be and with a syndrome (for example, ), a cirrhosis, inflammatory Intestines diseases, pancreatitis, extrapancreatic tumours.