Thursday, July 10, 2008

Some Doctors Prefer To Estimate Degree Of Risk

Some doctors prefer to estimate degree of risk of the patient on a scale Goldmana - Modified index Goldman'a (RCRI) Circulation. 2006; 13:1361 The patient - in danger if it/it has any of following conditions: -- Surgical procedure with high risk: Chest, belly, vascular process (an aorta, nephritic, arteries). 2. : the confirmed , presence in the anamnesis of a heart attack of a myocardium, attacks pains, Nitroglycerine use, positive reaction at the test, Abnormal Q waves on an electrocardiogram, patients who have undergone to operations on Heart and large vessels, persons with a chest pain of the ischemic nature. 3. Insufficiency of blood circulation: insufficiency, attacks night , episodes Hypostases of lungs in the anamnesis, presence of 3rd tone (S3) or bilateral Damp rattles in the bottom departments of lungs, signs of a hypostasis of lungs on To the thorax roentgenogram. 4. Tserebrovaskuljarnye diseases: history of passing ischemic attacks or stroke signs in the anamnesis. 5. Insulin - a dependent diabetes.