Thursday, March 12, 2009

So, For People All Illnesses From Here Are

So, for people all illnesses from here are born. Important, That over it the ordinary person knew that it is necessary to know To the ordinary person; as to instructions and operations, People of art making area, it is important also, that idle time The person promoted own judgement to that speaks and The doctor does. And whence the simple person should the knowledge about Each of these subjects, I will tell ". approved use of a diet and Physical exercises as treatment means, but understood that some People and patients, are incapable to follow such councils and will require in Medicines. Letters of Gippokrata learn that processing of wounds and crises Helps to cure some traumas, wounds and illnesses, similarly To hip crisis, etc. For example Gippokrat wrote reposition of dislocations - "Whoever tried To speak or write about Medicine, at first it is necessary to establish leaders Factors and some hypothesis and to [include] in it arguments, type Hot, either cold, or crude, or dry, or irrespectively still [That or] they choose as a direction.

Tuesday, March 10, 2009

). (=) - The Minimum Daily Temperature Above 37,

). (=) - the minimum daily temperature above 37, temperature fluctuations 1-1,5 within days (it is characteristic for a purulent infection, a bilious bubble, malignant new growths, etc.). Alternating (=) - the minimum daily temperature more low 37, fluctuations of temperature more 1 Within days, the heat is replaced normal during 6-8 Days, and then again high (a belly typhus, a malaria, a cytomegalovirus and Other). (=) - The rise in temperature periods are replaced by the periods of its fall without Decrease or decrease to norm (more often at , Etc.). Exhausting (=) - fluctuations of temperature more 3-3 a day, with repeated , sweats and episodes of normalisation of temperature (an abscess of lungs, a sepsis, etc.). Wrong - absence of certain law in temperature fluctuations (a flu, , etc.). Perverted (=) - the maximum temperature is marked in the mornings, and in the evening - a minimum of values of a fever. Crux mortis (an armour. Death cross) - sharp temperature drop of a body with simultaneous Pulse rate increase, graphically looks as a recross of curves Pulse and temperature; it was considered as an adverse sign in Clinical course.

Sunday, March 8, 2009

These Organisations Can Help To Define To Doctors

These organisations can help to define to doctors Necessity and expediency of a direction of the patient a shelter-hospice. The most frequent diagnoses include insufficiency Blood circulations IV (NYHA), serious forms , expressed Respiratory insufficiency at illnesses of lungs or a cancer of lungs. More in detail sm - Am Fam Physician. 2008; 77:807-812, 817-818. Further I result the general principles and rules Formations of some medical classifications. Terms of the general Diagnostic procedures - [23 [24] [25]. Diagnostic procedures and Laboratory researches [26]. to the professional Safety are stated on a site [27]. Section 2. One of variants of a breadboard model of the scheme researches of patients in the USA. It is not necessary to think that all doctors completely Carry out sequence of procedures and the scheme at inspection Patients. Each doctor gradually gets individual skills researches on the basis of features and frequency Meeting diagnoses at patients. Usually each doctor fixes Procedure of definition convenient and accessible to it it is the most frequent Meeting illnesses.