Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Alpert'a Illness, (-330.8), Sin. - A Nursery ;

Alpert'a Illness, (-330.8), sin. - a nursery ; Leigh'a illness; etc. Alport'a A syndrome, (MKB - 759.89), sin. - Laurence - Moon - Biedl'a a syndrome; congenital a syndrome; etc. - Shenberga illness, . - Albers-Shenberga Syndrome - marble illness, a bone fossil, congenital system Osteoporosis, etc. (s. Albers-Schenberg), system , Congenital osteosclerosis, marble illness, , a fossil of bones. It is described Albers-Schonberg .. 1904. System disease, consists in disharmony of development bone and fabrics, infringement of a mineral exchange that leads To superfluous development the substance of a bone filling as well kostno - Brain cavities. Illness meets seldom, in Many cases it is descended, however take place and Sporadic cases. Arises, possibly, since a birth, but it is distinguished, Usually, later. The earlier the given pathology, the the forecast is shown Less favorable. The pain in finitenesses, fatigue is marked at To walking, deformation of finitenesses, pathological crises. In connection with Atrophy of a marrowy fabric the anaemia develops , at children and at adults.

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