Friday, September 28, 2007

Plural Defects At A Birth Of The Child,

Plural defects at a birth of the child, with "classical" alcoholic a syndrome: (Intrauterine) growth delay (deficiency of growth at a germ and the newborn in all parametres, (head circumference), But the main thing a breast circle, weight and growth. An arrest of development with Reduction of mental faculties. Obverse defects, including the small Brain volume (microcephaly); Small top jaw; a short snub nose; the smoothed Deepening on an upper lip; a thin upper lip and narrow, small Eyes with visible bends of eyelids (epicanthal folds). Often enough it is possible to meet warm defects of type between (VSD) or (ASD) partitions (ventricular septal defect (VSD) atrial septal defect (ASD). Uglinesses of hands, feet and fingers are quite often marked. (Illustration sm) an atrophy (Allison N., Brooks Century 1922). The bone atrophy developing owing to inactivity is meant the given term. - change of a parity and the sizes of parts of a body in growth. - a principle of treatment by the means causing symptoms opposite to disease.

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