Tuesday, March 10, 2009

). (=) - The Minimum Daily Temperature Above 37,

). (=) - the minimum daily temperature above 37, temperature fluctuations 1-1,5 within days (it is characteristic for a purulent infection, a bilious bubble, malignant new growths, etc.). Alternating (=) - the minimum daily temperature more low 37, fluctuations of temperature more 1 Within days, the heat is replaced normal during 6-8 Days, and then again high (a belly typhus, a malaria, a cytomegalovirus and Other). (=) - The rise in temperature periods are replaced by the periods of its fall without Decrease or decrease to norm (more often at , Etc.). Exhausting (=) - fluctuations of temperature more 3-3 a day, with repeated , sweats and episodes of normalisation of temperature (an abscess of lungs, a sepsis, etc.). Wrong - absence of certain law in temperature fluctuations (a flu, , etc.). Perverted (=) - the maximum temperature is marked in the mornings, and in the evening - a minimum of values of a fever. Crux mortis (an armour. Death cross) - sharp temperature drop of a body with simultaneous Pulse rate increase, graphically looks as a recross of curves Pulse and temperature; it was considered as an adverse sign in Clinical course.


  1. Between leaves - pass arterial and venous vessels. From a capsule in gland extend layers, which to gland on segments. Segments consist of the follicles, which wall single-layered cubic . Follicles are filled , consisting of a liquid including ribonuclein, , , iodine, and other enzymes. Thyroid gland blood supply is carried out by four basic arteries two top thyroid (a thyreoidea superior), departing from an external carotid, and the fifth unpaired artery (a thyreoidea ima), departing from arteries is available two bottom thyroid arteries (a thyreoidea inferior) which originate from department arteries Sometimes or from an aorta arch Thyroid arteries pass nearby, and sometimes cross with a returnable nerve It it is necessary to mean during operation as at bandaging of the bottom thyroid artery nerve damage is possible that leads or to a paralysis of vocal chords According to arteries there are the pair veins which branches form powerful textures.

  2. Took away the main forces and time, only to tell: in all these situations I aspired at all to that and to throw, but to family relations, to , to mutual care. My attachments were strong and constant. The most important thing, more than five years in Leningrad there was at me a second wife - that typist whom a low voice, having become covered by all by red stains, has declared after my marriage that will commit suicide if I do not meet it. And we lived with it - much, joyfully, with sanguineous feeling of people which contrary to drama circumstances are close soul and a body.
