Friday, May 1, 2009

Aschoff, 1866-1942, S.Tawara 1875-1952,), Sin.-predserdno-zheludochkovyj Knot. - Talalaeva (L.Aschoff,

Aschoff, 1866-1942, S.Tawara 1875-1952,), sin.-predserdno-zheludochkovyj knot. - Talalaeva (L.Aschoff, 1866-1942, V.T.Talalaev, 1886-1947) - sin.-granulema rheumatic. Annually the directory replenishes with syndromes and Symptoms of mainly therapeutic orientation. Clips of communication with are presented in the sizes only on CD or cards and sent after registration of the order by mail. More in detail sm - a site I anomaly - a congenital heart disease in the form of displacement of shutters of the three-folding valve in a heart cavity. Evans a syndrome, (-287.3), sin. - a primary thrombocytopenia. - intended acceleration of death of incurably sick person. - with a sound. Edwards a syndrome - hereditary chromosomal disease with plural developmental anomalies. , sin. - Esotropia; Crossed eyes; Exotropia; the Squint; Walleye. The reasons and risk factors - The squint is caused by a lack of coordination of movements between eyes. In Result, eyes look in various directions and not Concentrate simultaneously on separate point.


  1. Here I have conceived to offer such quartet of executors to readers, and what play these musicians will play, from parts, in what composite and voice-frequency, sequences - time will tell. Accenting word-combination in a joke which I have resulted as an epigraph, is the sheaf "on a freebie" (I do not know, whether it is translated on other languages). To what it I? To that owing to system of our education and formation we spend considerable efforts - and long year-decade - for becoming more or less tolerable professionals on the speciality, on the work.

  2. I will not begin to develop further this situation in all details; children have grown, we have left to Dmitry the one-room apartment when he married. I will tell here that in the term has arranged habitation of Lenochke, the daughter from Tomily when term has come to marry to it, and the first grandson was brought to me by it. I have bought to us two-room co-operative apartment (the blessing incomes then allowed), and then by a marriage of Svetochki have constructed apartment and to it. And here, two loving each other persons, we remained together, but slept already in different rooms, on different beds and met on one bed less frequently while these meetings have not stopped absolutely.
