Thursday, May 21, 2009

More Often It Is Characteristic For Infectious Processes

More often It is characteristic for infectious processes - , a pneumonia, a sepsis Etc. Allocate set of kinds . Look more in detail 2.15 Features of diagnostics of diseases at elderly persons. Features of the general property: 1. A combination of several diseases. 2. Delay of a metabolism with prevalence and tolerance decrease to carbohydrates 3. Decrease in functional reserves respiratory, Cardiovascular, urinogenital, gastroenteric, etc. systems. 4. Immunity deterioration. With the years memory, sight (48 considerably worsens Years), the hearing, functions of kidneys, easy, develops the proof raised the arterial pressure, expressed in various degree Osteoporosis, etc. At elderly persons the chronic are more often shown The diseases demanding continuous supervision and treatment: 1. An arterial hypertension ( the HELL> 85 mm ); 2. An ischemic heart trouble; 3. Insufficiency of blood circulation; 4. A diabetes; 5. An osteoporosis; 6. Depression and ; 7. Illnesses glands; 8.


  1. If it less than 28,5, speak about easy adiposity if it is less 35 this adiposity of moderate severity level if the index of Ketle is less 40, this heavy adiposity, at last, if it more than 40 is an adiposity very heavy. The western insurance companies depending on body weight take the differentiated payment of an insurance policy. With other things being equal, the cheapest the insurance will be for the person with so-called ideal weight of a body. It is such weight at which the probability of the diseases connected with adiposity - hypertensions, an ischemic heart trouble or a diabetes is minimum.

  2. But there is an essential supervision which does not keep within at all these frameworks. The American scientists O.Robertson and B.Vexler (1962) have removed sexual glands at several copies related to a humpback salmon of a fresh-water kind of fish and contained then them in special tanks. It seems improbable, but longevity of the castrated fishes has doubled and even has in certain cases trebled! The resulted example is instructive in a number of relations. First, it shows presence of death from the internal reasons at such enough difficult organism, as a humpback salmon.

  3. The maiden I was, as they say, very much even "anything to myself": harmonous, strong, cheerful, also there was at me a ruddy person that in the opinion of men testified and it is fair about my physical kind health. Now I well understand man's psychology and I can is backdating true answer, why for me mass hunting from outside and even post-graduate students has begun literally. The matter is that both they, and mine , classmates, for daily, so to say, usings, converged with maidens of easy behaviour, , we will directly tell.
