Your time is almost up.
Hello dear,
There is no reason to relax at all but ẏou ԁon’t neeԁ to panic anԁ haνe to
read my message carefullẏ.
It is reallẏ important, moreoνer, it’s ...
Monday, December 31, 2007
Its Works Persistently Proved That Illnesses Are Connected
Its works persistently proved that illnesses are connected With set of the terrestrial reasons also grow out of the natural Actions. In ancient Greece [1] was many people of Gippokrat carrying a surname [2]. It is often meeting surname as ' Ivanov' Or ' Petrov ' in Russia. Many of carriers of this surname tried To allocate itself in the Greek history in the various ways. But any The person with a surname of Gippokrat [3] has not received such popularity, respect and honours for the works as Gippokrat from island of Plaits. It has made revolution in medicine and pharmacy, Which has considerably changed a civilisation direction. has changed Medicine and pharmacy practice, having transformed it from mythical, superstitious, Magic and over natural bases to the rules based on Supervision and causal relationships with bases of scientific objectivity and Elements of constantly growing evolutionary tree. In modern medicine of the beginning of medicine often Connect with self-appointed pupils-successors of Gippokrata - Galenom (Galen), anatomists and physiologists of Vezaliem (Andreas Vesalius) and William Garveem (William Harvey) , Living in 14 - 15-s' centuries of our century, instead of with Gippokratom.
Saturday, December 29, 2007
Long Deficiency Of Vitamin 12, Along With An
Long deficiency of vitamin 12, Along with an anaemia, it is accompanied premature hair and , especially well expressed round small joints Brushes. can be and a treatment consequence , , , aminazine and other preparations. Not seldom meet as well elements : freckles (=), - the small pigmentary stains located at level of a face skin from both parties of a nose and on shoulders. Stains of larger size of colour of coffee with milk can be display and Recklinghausen, Which basic signs are - skin and Peripheral nervous system, a hypertensia and the premature sexual Maturing. There is a big group of congenital infringements of a pigmentary exchange and skin pigmentation. For example: Syndrome of "leopard", which Represents an autosomno-prepotent condition with Distribution of dark brown stains to a combination with Deafness, growth backlog, heart diseases, anomalies of the sexual Bodies. At a syndrome of Pejttsa-Egersa (PHOTO 7) (It is inherited it autosomno-is prepotent) stains on lips and Mucous membranes are combined with small intestines.
Monday, December 24, 2007
Absence Of Pulse On Femoral Arteries Often Certificate
Absence of pulse on femoral arteries often certificate Stratified aorta aneurysms. If deaf persons come to light Tones, gallop rhythm it is necessary to exclude a sharp heart attack of a myocardium? ? ?). Noise of a friction of a pleura often testifies about Pleurisy. Sometimes about a lung heart attack? ?. Considerable quantity of the reasons conducting to occurrence Various pains on character in a thorax, and as high degree Risk of serious complications of this syndrome, demand more detailed and Close examination of algorithm of diagnostics of a painful syndrome in Thorax it record and the electrocardiogram analysis is considered The obligatory. heart attack. The important basic sign is intensity and Character of a chest pain. Measurement of intensity of a pain strongly depends from Sets of the reasons also remains subjective enough criterion. However There is variety of techniques, algorithms and the schemes allowing approximately, To floor in the quantitative way to measure intensity of a pain.
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
Each Manipulation And Procedure Is Fixed In Writing
Each manipulation and procedure is fixed in writing and given Preliminary on the coordination and the signature to the patient. After payment of cost of procedure Through a special electronic network (or in default in payment) or Manipulations on a home address and office of the doctor are sent to the patient of the letter with Copy of the receipt on payment or with a substantiation of causes of a failure in payment. On each patient having the federal The insurance policy, is annually allocated the certain sum (1000 - 1500$ ) For payment of additional researches and service of the post Expenses and expenses for document circulation. [20] Reliability and quality assurance Researches it is held through the special service which is giving out certificates Conformity. On my supervision, researches of patients Directly at office of the doctor, usually, above on quality, than Biochemical and clinical analyses transported on far distances in Other laboratories and, even, cities. The data of tests, for example at an estimation Conditions of bronho-pulmonary system or at "accelerated" (for 5 - 7 Minutes) ultrasonic research of heart and vessels the technician - The laboratorian give the big percent of errors and discrepancies.
Saturday, December 15, 2007
Thus The Patient Should Close Eyes. Important Time
Thus the patient should close eyes. Important time with The moment of assignment of a foot back at the closed eyes. If the patient Is in stable equilibrium on one foot blindly More than 70 seconds, its BIOLOGICAL age makes about 20 years. If the patient keeps in this pose balance 60-69 age It is equal approximately to 30 years. 50-59 = 50, 30-39 = 60, 20 and Less = 70 and more. The dizziness connected with the serious The reasons arises at infringement visual, or Vestibular perception, more often the last. Dizzinesses not Are seldom accompanied by vomiting, instability in vertical position, at movement. The condition is usually provoked or aggravated Movements by a head and neck. Such dizzinesses accompany is more often Defeat or frustration of peripheral nerves (VIII steam Cranial nerves, ). Important quickly to understand the true To the dizziness reason. Dizziness of a peripheral origin The expressed semiology is accompanied by a nausea and Vomiting. Are marked noise in ears, sensation ears or decrease Sensory acuities.
Friday, December 14, 2007
The List Of The Conditions Accompanied By Sudden
The list of the conditions accompanied by sudden occurrence of the CHEST PAIN (sudden chest pain): Heart attack; Angina; Anxiety attack; Panic attack; Esophagitis; Pneumothorax; Peptic ulcer; Chest symptoms; Pulmonary embolism; Dissecting aortic aneurysm; Pericarditis; Pancreatitis The conditions accompanied by repeating chest pains (recurring chest pain): Heart attack; Angina; Hiatus hernia; Lung disease; Chest infection; Lung cancer; Gallbladder disease; Arrhythmias; Anemia; Pernicious anaemia; Aortic aneurysm; Pericarditis; Aortic valve disorder; Da Costa's syndrome; Chondritis; Bornholm's disease; One of the most simple algorithms of an estimation of repeating chest pains: 1 Age of the patient? If the child YES S look further NO 2. Whether you have Short wind in rest? YES G to * NO 3. Whether there is a pain In a breast along the edges Edges and a pain Amplifies during time YES Signs costal R-skopija, Cough or deep (= Tittsa) Exhalation? NO 4. Physical activities, Immediately an electrocardiogram Emotional pressure YES ANGINA Sm AND urgency specification Or extreme temperatures of a condition Cause pains and feeling behind a breast? NO 5.
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
And Many Who Consider That There Are Only
And many who consider that There are only one or two initial reasons of illnesses or Death, they often are mistaken. "-" about ancient medicine "[17] "For classification, the reasons and means Illnesses, the medicine demands the reason, but not only reasonings. Consideration of that knowledge appears from the information processed The reason not only that quality of the reason, considers, but also and does Quality of the information fed as the main indicators of the reason. The reason Concedes to formally valid conclusion but if appears and The spoilt information is accepted, it will not lead to the reliable To the conclusion. For the definitive conclusion the reason demands the information, in The final account based on a skilled way and normal supervision. Badly if it is based on reflexion, imagination and not subjected To doubt, and contains only belief in a deity, guesses, etc., thus The reasons in the best knowledge are not collected, are doubtful or is available most Bad false knowledge ".
9. Whether There Is At You A Feeling
9. Whether there is at you a feeling Symptoms CH BTIS, Fizikalnoe research, in a breast YES especially at smokers YES emphysema presence At long cough With ? NO 10. Whether you have to Consider probability Additional tests Long YES an obstructive syndrome AND research ( Moderate cough? And-or EMPHYSEMA., a X-ray and ) Short wind at you Accrues slowly For a number of years? NO 11. Fever presence to Specify presence Additional tests Repeated YES a tuberculosis, fungoid YES (, And-or night sweats, defeats, special with And as cough about attention a cancer of lungs , LUNG! Blood crops ? And cytologic There are no analyses (not Less than 5 times!). 12. Other questions the Resulted algorithm ONLY focuses the patient and The adviser will set. The doctor also it can be applied in any conditions for Tentative estimation of syndromes. I will not begin to repeat algorithm of an estimation Electrocardiogram of syndromes at a painful syndrome in a thorax, as this Diagnostics section widely also is full presented in managements on Cardiology.
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
[28]. However It Is Known That Differential The
[28]. However it is known that differential The methodology of the diagnosis does not conduct to exact definition of causes of illness, But only allocates the most probable conditions at available on the given The moment a data set of inspection of the patient. The differential The diagnosis, actually standard methodology of clinical practice. Every time when the doctor speaks "I has spent the differential diagnosis and Has excluded all the rest ", there is a various volume of the errors connected With set of factors from discrepancy of tests, negligence and knowledge of the doctor To conditions and equipment of a place of diagnostics. Feature of psychology of patients and examples of questionnaires of interrogation on sections, systems and bodies. Features of psychology of patients and service, to To which emigrants of the USA quickly enough get used, has at first resulted Me in some bewilderment. Not always it is possible to describe and understand and Acts of the doctors working with Russian-speaking emigrants, which Have received free of charge an insurance policy on age.
Monday, December 3, 2007
(aphronesia; From . Aphronesis Nonsense) =. (aphthongia; .
(aphronesia; from . aphronesis nonsense) =. (aphthongia; . aphthongos unvoiced, silent) - loss of ability of an articulation of the speech, caused by a spasm of muscles of the vocal device. (aphthae; from . aphthai , in an oral cavity) - small sites superficial mucous membranes in the form of the zheltovato-grey roundish Erosion or small ulcers with bright red inflammatory . The General The name of illnesses of mucous membranes, presumably virus The aetiologies, characterised by plural formation . A big Touraine - . - Behcheta illness; Nejmanna - . - Nejmanna . (afty - + grech.-eides similar) - sin. - a stomatitis . Aftoid Pospishilla - . - Pospishilla . malignant (aphthae malignae) - sin. - . returnable chronic (aphthae intermittentes chronicae recurrentes; . - Mikulicha ) - illness of not clear aetiology in a kind ; each aggravation proceeds some months. (aphthae cachecticae) - . - Riga illness. (aphthae aliformes) - sin. - newborns. Afty Mikulicha - sin. - returnable chronic. newborns (aphthae neonatorum; sin.
Wednesday, November 28, 2007
- The Anatomic Defects Of An Ear Caused
- The anatomic defects of an ear caused by a trauma (Ears of fighters) are often presented as the thick, elastic painless Ugliness. - The diagonal fold of an auricle often offers the increased coronary risk. -- Presence of long hair in an ear bowl offers normal function at men (a sign of Hamiltona). -- Sometimes on auricles come to light Gouty , especially at persons who lived in a frigid climate (The low temperature of air reduces solubility of uric acid). -- Unique painless small knot on a lobe Ear can specify in defect the valve, as congenital Pathologies (=Darwinian tubercle). -- The movements of an auricle coinciding with Pulse, offer defect of the three-folding valve of heart (not Constant sign Paul Dudley'). Auricle palpation * to the top part of an auricle can offer illness of Addisona; * Thus rigidity of a lobe of an ear and a bowl cartilage Can testify to others infringements, type , , a diabetes and . * if the auricle of the patient is painful and at , pay attention on potentially serious Problem in the presence of a diabetes or conditions because of The raised risk to possible involving of a parietal bone and occurrence (named a malignant external otitis).
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
) Or A Syndrome Of Parkinsona. The Warm Nature
) or a syndrome of Parkinsona. the warm nature Presence of a serious heart trouble; objective criteria ; pains in a thorax; presence in a family tree of relatives with Sudden death. Ischemic heart trouble Anamnestichesky, clinical signs and the given electrocardiograms testify About a sharp ischemia of a myocardium, including i-or without a myocardium heart attack. Detailed research in a specialised hospital. Sinusovaja bradycardia <40 / mines or repeated sino-atrialnye blockade or pauses from a warm sine> 3 at Absence it is negative treatments; Mobitz 2 or 3 /V The block; alternation of blockade of the left and right leg Gisa; a tachycardia or Tachycardia; work failure with long warm pauses. Electrocardiogram in dynamics, Holterovsky monitoring, check , ultrasonic of heart and carotids, etc. The tserebrovaskuljarnaja nature Detailed research of character of pulse basically Points of a body before and after loading, tests arteries, ultrasonic arteries, etc. When hospitalisation for an estimation conditions is required? Revealing and syndrome acknowledgement not Necessarily demands hospitalisation and a detailed diagnostic estimation in Hospital.
Monday, November 26, 2007
B-n Hearts Function A Lion. Zhel The Normal It
b-n hearts Function a lion. Zhel The normal It is lowered Accompanying As a rule Seldom Therapy Intuitively - empirical It is based on standard RCT The basic diagnostic problems - Though the diagnosis can be obvious at the elderly patients, many separate signs and Representations can be unusual in this age group. Display of some symptoms can essentially differ in the clinical To picture of elderly patients. Definition demands presence of signs in Rest or at the minimum physical activity plus of the objective Certificates or warm dysfunction (Preferably ). When is what or doubts In the diagnosis, the clinical physician should consider results of the answer to all stages Inspections and treatments which convincingly should confirm Presence . Revealed rather recently in blood plasma Factor BNP, gets value in diagnostic algorithm of revealing at elderly patients with a short wind of not clear nature. Though level Concentration BNP can increase with the years (especially at women), Concentration BNP <100 pg/ml does diagnosis doubtful.
As Wrote 200 Years Back Dominik John Korrigan
As wrote 200 years Back Dominik John Korrigan (1802-1880 ) "Trouble with doctors - not that they know insufficiently, and that they do not see enough." Many doctors in the USA use for record Results of survey and additional researches by systems WEB scribing, when, written down by a voice on a digital dictophone results Survey of the patient and results of its tests, go the electronic Mail in the special centres (for example, in India) and, through some Hours, receive materials ready for the press on the printer i-or storage In an electronic format documents for the case record. The truth recently the US president has declared: "Practically in all spheres of business in the USA an information technology Help to increase an overall performance, - Bush has declared. - but, to To regret, it does not occur in medicine. We have new Medicines which save to us a life, but thus doctors still write Case records by hand ". And to it can be a little plausible Explanations-first - unwillingness of doctors to use strict formats Documents; the second-at non-observance of reports is easier to hide errors and Lacks on variety of problems of diagnostics and treatment of patients; The third - an insufficient level of responsibility of doctors for results Inspections and treatments of patients; Since January, 1st, 2008 And in Russia have once again put forward the slogan and "the first national standard" (to be exact 100 the first) in the field of medical computer science has come into force so-called Under the name "Electronic case record of the patient".
Sunday, November 25, 2007
However, At Syndromes Menacing To A Life The
However, at syndromes menacing to a life the doctor of office Causes firemen (they render the paid urgent help and Carry out delivery in hospital) which can spend the primary Resuscitation - by the way, on my supervision, very competently. Diagnostics and treatment at revealing of the menacing Syndromes it is spent for any patient free of charge, but at an extract from Hospital the patient by instalments should return the expenses suffered Hospital. The big help in diagnostics of various conditions And diseases to general practitioners render the numerous mobile Laboratories, the specialised centres and mobile medical modules. Clinical, biochemical, bacteriological analyses, ultrasonic Inspection of high complexity and even computer scanning and Tomography, it is possible to make or order to the patient in any medical Office. All these services are carried out by the private The certificated firms and the licensed experts - Technicians. Decoding of results of researches spend as The certificated experts, each of which subscribes Digital signature with the big degree of protection against fakes.
The Main Reasons Forms Warm Are Considered A
The main reasons forms Warm are considered a hypertension with a myocardium hypertrophy Left (especially at elderly men), hypertrophic , a stenosis with normal LVEF, and Obstructive which can be or Caused by inflammatory illnesses of a myocardium. It is necessary to remember that heart dysfunction is more extended than the obvious form. Signs forms H clinically essentially do not differ Considerably from those at to form H. The diagnosis is more than dysfunction H It is based on the given ultrasonics or often it is supposed at patients, which Have signs H and normal fraction of exile. The electrocardiogram Can show thus a hypertrophy of a myocardium left or Presence of cicatricial changes in a myocardium. , dizzinesses and weakness Many elderly patients use the term "dizziness" for the description Unusual sensations in a head or instability of gait. After Careful gathering of the anamnesis of the complaint of the patient it is possible to lay in frameworks more Exact cardiological and neurologic categories, among which Weakness and instability are most important.
Friday, November 23, 2007
Thus It Is Possible To Assert That A
Thus it is possible to assert that a syndrome Hypoventilation it is secondary in relation to respiratory weakness of muscles Thorax and a diaphragm. For example patients with nejro-muskuljarnymi Infringements often have night 2 and 2, which Arise in a fast stage of a dream. Degree night correlates With degree of dysfunction of a diaphragm. Thus night gases can To precede the beginning of day hypoventilation and infringements of the gas Exchange processes. Syndrome of alveolar hypoventilation at persons with Obstructive diseases of lungs (COPD) usually does not develop, if The forced volume for 1 (=FEV1.0) not less than 1 litre (or not less than 35 % from due). The centres Breath densely and strongly regulate conditions of ventilation of lungs. Alveolar ventilation (V) is under the constant control The respiratory centres which are located in lateral departments of the top Parts of a spinal cord and parts of a trunk of a brain. The control Ventilation of lungs has metabolic and nejro - Components.
Wednesday, November 21, 2007
Take A Vaseline Small Amount On Forefinger Of
Take a vaseline small amount on Forefinger of the right brush which are in a rubber glove. Cautiously and slowly enter your finger into back pass to the patient and Wait for a sufficient relaxation . Softly move The finger entered into a rectum also investigate as it is possible big Internal surface of a wall of a rectum. Walls mucous usually Equal and smooth. Consistently investigate lateral surfaces and The adjoining structures. Estimate density, the form and Sensitivity a rectum wall. Further it is necessary To investigate as much as possible accessible surfaces to estimate the lateral Petals and possible roughnesses. To pay attention to the maintenance Rectum cavities. To remove a finger from a rectum and to estimate Weights on a finger to carry out the test for revealing of a bleeding from . (PHOTO us) The additional method : a rectum can be made not in kolenno - An elbow position, and in position The patient on left to a side. It is necessary to remember that a rectum The patient has sufficient force strongly to compress to seize your finger.
Friday, November 16, 2007
Always The Electrocardiogram Registers And, At It Is
Always the electrocardiogram registers and, at it is enough Often, an echo the cardiogramme for an exception . Further I result the table summarising the basic signs of various kinds Primary estimation of reason Syncope in following situations: The prospective diagnosis Nejromediatornyj type Absence of heart diseases; the long period Presence syncope; occurrence of an attack after unpleasant pictures, kinds, Sounds, smells or a pain; a long finding in hot places; Nausea and vomitings connected with syncope; occurrence of a condition after reception Food; the bodies connected with rotation, at pressure upon sine of the sleepy Arteries; etc. syncope Accelerates occurrence of an attack of event and fear of occurrence of a serious pain, emotional stress. Situational Syncope during or right after , , cough, or food swallowing. Ortostatichesky Carrying out tests - Reduction the HELL On 20 mm Hg or reduction . The HELL to <90 mm Hg proves a hypotension irrespective of signs. Lifting in vertical position; application of medicines, Leaders to a hypotension or change of their dosage; the long Horizontal position especially in hot places; presence of the independent (a diabetes, etc.
Sunday, November 11, 2007
(An Illustration 4) The Central Eminences On Nails
(An illustration 4) The central eminences on Nails can be caused following conditions: Deficiency of iron; Deficiency of folic acid; Deficiency of fiber. When come to light The central longitudinal thickenings and nail channels, usually Normal kind. Occurrence of longitudinal thickenings and channels of nails, Usually, are connected with: Gross infringements in peripheral arterial system (for example, "ugliness of a fur-tree of Heller" - "Heller's fir tree deformity"); the Reason can be and long undereating; Repeated traumas, etc. Nail mesh (=Pitting) - the Mesh nail looks as a surface with small or punctures. More often this symptom is caused by an inflammation Matrixes of a nail which, in turn, can be result: presence ; local (Alopecia areata, illustration sm); ; Depriving (planus). Nail with non-uniform colouring (=Beading) - Nails with small as in colouring (sometimes them Name wax-like) (an illustration 11) are connected with more often infringements, including the following: a diabetes; infringements of functions Thyroid gland; illness of Addisona; deep deficiency of vitamin B.
Thursday, November 8, 2007
But, As The Professor Sir Dzheffri Ernest Richard
But, As the professor sir Dzheffri Ernest Richard (Cambridge), [7] "has formulated.... still represents an ethical ideal, an ideal of the compassionate, cautious and self-denying doctor..." [8]. has based the medical school named His name also defended the basic approach to definition diagnoses and to schemes Treatments of illnesses which still matter for the modern Medicine. In a world history his name names the oath and section of medical ethics named Prisjagoj Gippokrata. Accordingly, going into higher education medical students of many Medical schools continue to swear on the basis of some (the various!) Hippocratic Oath forms (Hippocratic Oath), Which (as contemporaries consider) represents ethical ideals, clearly Formulated Lloyd and other modern coryphaeuses. Some places of an oath seem mysterious. But it is remarkable the Aspiration to establish high moral standards of a medical trade. Doctrines of Gippokrata have made the strongest impact not only on ancient, but also On modern medical practice Was born nearby 460 century B.
- Coordination And Interface Of Interests Of The
- Coordination and interface of interests of the patient, a family and health services. - Treatment of sharp and chronic diseases at Children, adult and elderly, including the competent sisterly organisation Care heavy sick and dying. Some words about possibilities of a premise of patients in hospices. The shelter-hospice philosophy is based on physical, Psychological, social and spiritual aspects of the person of the dying The patient. Cares of a hospice can be offered in at the organisation of houses Patients, in private sanatoria, hospitals and other establishments on To care of patients. This typical service is usually provided Interdisciplinary command of experts with access to wide volume Services. The standard criteria of reception in hospices-shelters Are considered variety of infringements of activity of the person, including the diagnosis Certain illness with the forecast of longevity has less than 6 Months. In the USA, for example, main principles and criteria of a direction in Hospices are accepted by committee of National Shelters (National Hospice) and Committee of Palliative treatment (Hospice and Palliative Care Organization).
Tuesday, November 6, 2007
Platon's Dialogue Was It Is Written In The
Platon's dialogue was It is written in the beginning 4 century BC, and action in it is dated approximately in 432 year BC The second mention (contemporary) about Gippokrate At Platon it is resulted in "Fedre" where it is said that Gippokrat considered The good theory of more important for medicine, than purely empirical Supervision. There is also a set of later mentions about , the truth they concern any more Gippokratu, and to To the extensive list of the compositions which have reached us under his name. Aristotle names Gippokrata "great", Therefore for doubts that Gippokrat really lived in the end of 5 Centuries are not present BC the bases. The basic place of a life and the actions, known from Compositions of Gippokrata in the majority of cases, islands Fasos are and . (Are described in two books - "Epidemics"). In some sources There is a mention that Gippokrat has been compelled to leave island of Plaits Because of charge in an arson. The earliest certificates on a condition of the Greek Medicine show that, as in ancient Egypt and Mesopatamii, Causal conditionality of illnesses and action of medical products, Put to the patient, has been connected with superstitions and belief in Magic and supernatural causal conditionality, Rational understanding of the nature of illnesses and its influence (effects) on Organism or action of the means put to a body it was impossible.
S.Aspirin Blocks Receptors . D. The Strategy Preferable
S.Aspirin blocks receptors . D. The strategy preferable to treatment of Construction Department - conservative and not aggressive. The belly-ache syndrome meets at Each person. How to define the reasons of pains and not to pass the DANGEROUS For a life of the patient of conditions? I offer one of variants of definition of a syndrome of a belly-ache. Usually allocate Pains-: a severe pain of any reason; a pancreatitis; a cholecystitis; stagnation Bile; a cholecystitis; an appendicitis; a peritonitis; punching ; Functional obstruction ; : a diabetes; ; ; metabolic ; postoperative (); the postvirus; The Idiopatichesky: Pseudo-obstruction; chronic an intestinal pseudo-barrier; Pseudo-barrier of a thick gut (syndrome Ogilvie); adynamic ; Infringements intestines; a syndrome of an angry thick gut; Not ulcer . diarrhoeia, early satiety, bloating, weight loss?. Criteria for revealing of a chronic functional belly-ache () the following: (1) current, returnable or continuous pain in a belly cavity at least 6 months; (2) incomplete or any communication of a pain with physiological events (meal, , monthly, etc.
Monday, November 5, 2007
Ektopichesky Cushing's A Syndrome,-Cushing's A Syndrome The Reasons
Ektopichesky Cushing's a syndrome,-Cushing's a syndrome The reasons and risk factors: the Syndrome of Kushinga arises in connection with surplus Manufactures hormones. Approximately in 15 % of cases Syndrome of Kushinga there is a variant a syndrome. More often a variant of Kushing of a syndrome in connection with tumours, Which produce a hormone (ACTH). Other reasons of a syndrome of Kushinga - hypersecretion ACTH by a hypophysis, Tumour glands or long (more than 10 years) therapy Glucocorticoids. Sometimes the reasons are a cancer Lung, tumours , pancreas tumours, islet cell tumours, a thyroid gland, etc. (see medullary carcinoma of the thyroid, pheochromocytoma ). Signs: the syndrome of Kushinga has less drama The tendency in comparison with the classical form. However at this variant Syndrome the malignant hypertension and the low maintenance is more often comes to light in blood. Symptoms - moon face - the red round bloated person, "buffalo hump" - non-uniform adiposity (the top adiposity), obesity, weakness - the weakness, proof headaches, on the person and a body, thirst - thirst, increased urination - speeded up , on a skin of hips and a breast, mental changes - intelligence and character changes, impotence cessation of menses - an impotence or infringements of recurrence monthly at .
Sunday, November 4, 2007
If The Sum Of Signs Makes From 2,3
If the sum of signs makes from 2,3 to 4 units, with Probability of 72 %, the fraction of emission at such patient is lowered and Makes less than 40 %. Such rough estimate (without ultrasonic) Conditions of fraction of emission at a sharp heart attack of a myocardium allows, in A number of cases, simply enough to estimate a condition - the forecast of the patient in To dynamics to supervise process of treatment and rehabilitation of patients in the absence of the special equipment more precisely. Other approximate algorithm of the differential diagnosis of chest pains: * Menacing lives of the reason: 1. A heart attack Myocardium - it is considered at all patients, especially elderly with Warm risk factors; the most frequent symptoms - a pain, sometimes in a kind Pressure in a breast, connected with a short wind, , a nausea; can in a neck, a jaw, a lion. A hand, etc. (is more detailed than illustration sm). 2. Stratifying an aneurysm it aorty-is considered First of all at patients with signs HTN, smokers.
Saturday, November 3, 2007
Less Frequent (10-60 %): Night Attacks Of An
Less Frequent (10-60 %): night attacks of an asthma, decrease and potentialities, Night , a morning headache. Rare: an enuresis, a sleeplessness, Night cough, gastro-ezofagalnyj a reflux. Clinical diagnostics is based on revealing of any three signs from the listed: 1. Episodes of frequent respiratory standstill in the sleep; 2. Instructions on a loud or faltering snore; 3. Raised Day drowsiness; 4. Speeded up night ; 5. Long Infringement of a night dream (> 6 ); 6. The morning (night) arterial Hypertensia; 7. Adiposity of 2-4 degrees. Other type - central , Which can occur because of infringements when changes Respiratory cycle owing to a brain. Thus, when frequency Breath it is naturally slowed down during a dream, the patient clears up, To improve ventilation of lungs and to reduce the phenomena a brain. The patient often does not remember the awakening period, but the dream to become not The freshening. The following type arises because of occurrence Obstacles to an air stream in bronchial tubes, including in connection with Reduction of a tone of respiratory muscles in a dream current.
Thursday, October 25, 2007
). Syndrome Of Yellow Nails - Presence Yellow Nails
). Syndrome of yellow nails - presence Yellow nails (the illustration 27) assumes following diseases: Diabetes; ; damage median (or ) nerves Brushes; a long thermal overheat and-or a jaundice. Important thus Syndrome not to forget about specification of presence or absence at the patient Lymphatic hypostases or lungs. ( Syndrome of green or black nails - green Or black nails (an illustration 28) specify in following diseases and Conditions: long work with application of a chlorophyll, methyl Green and-or silver nitrate (and of some other substances); type infections Pseudomonas spp; and, sometimes, traumas. Processes round a nail - an inflammation . connects a bend soft fabrics of fingers with plates Nails which provides penetration of bacteria at infringements and Often conducts to limited infections. (An illustration 29). Signs can include an inflammatory hypostasis and-or, Morbidity, sometimes with pus allocation. (an illustration 30) - characteristic signs also it is caused by the expanded capillary Loops as a result of an atrophy .
Monday, October 22, 2007
Http:// The Majority Of Joints At The Person The majority of joints at the person Type. A joint a cover producing Liquid of pale yellow colour. Structure liquids: more 7,0, viscosity 5-6 , the tsitoz1+0,5h109/l, is not present. All joints share on 7 types: Flat (only sliding movements - carpal); Spherical (humeral, coxofemoral); Ellipse (pjastno-phalanx, ); (elbow); (knee); (rotating - I cervical vertebra); (pjastno-carpal). The main is functional-morphological elements of a joint: 1) the bone ends; 2) a fibrous capsule; 3) surfaces; 4) a cover; 5) fatty depots. Hrjashchevye surfaces of joints eat and restored from liquids by a way. Complaints: specific - Is not present; nespetsificheskie: - morning constraint; - a painful syndrome in Rest; - a painful syndrome at loading; - symmetry of defeat. The anamnesis: revealing The transferred diseases; frequency of infectious diseases and Localisation of the chronic centres of an infection (a tonsillitis, etc.); communication with Intoxications, including with professional (work on Knees, in an elbow position);) the disease beginning (sharp, under sharp, Gradual).
Sunday, October 21, 2007
C. (B.C.E.) On Island Of Plaits, Greece. Has Died:
C. (B.C.E.) on island of Plaits, Greece. Has died: approximately in 377 B.C.E. The native of island of Plaits in Aegean sea (Ionichesky Coast nearby Halicarnassus - illustration sm), a full name of Gippokrata - Hippocrates Asclepiades also it is translated as descendant Asclepios ( ). Whether However not clearly and doubtfully, really there was a sort the family connected by relationship with Asklepiem. There are some legends asserting that The sort of Gippokrata ascends in the past in the area of family and the hero of Oat-flakes (Heracleides). Son Heracleides and Praxithea from a rich family has got good the then education. After nine Years of studying of bases of medicine, physical training, reading, the letter, Music, singing and poetry, Gippokrat has gone to school of higher level, Where it has spent two years, and has got very high education, especially in Areas of medicine and athletic biology. During the same period, possibly, It continued to study medicine by means of the father in the form of an apprenticeship (Including the arrangement to study and trade through an operational experience of the father).
Thursday, October 18, 2007
The Theory The Fever Nature Has Appeared Only
The theory The fever nature has appeared only at Gippokrate, when increase Body temperatures tried to explain infringement of balance four Organism liquids - blood, phlegms, black bile and yellow bile. Then there was a theory (1760), according to which Moving blood on vessels through a friction and fermentation processes (= in intestines) were the compound factors supporting Certain body temperature. And only after occurrence of works of Claude Bernard by a body temperature source have been recognised metabolic Processes in fabrics of warm-blooded organisms. When Galileo Galilej (1592) Has invented and has constructed the primitive (air) thermometer, has appeared Possibility to compare results of measurements at different people. But Definitively and thoroughly the body thermometry was included into the clinical To practice only after 1868, when Carl Reinhold August Winderlich Has published work "temperature Change at illnesses". The term "fever" - "A condition of the raised internal body temperature which is frequent (but not Always) is one of the important elements of protective reaction Multicellular (microorganisms) on hit live (microorganisms) and Lifeless particles which the macroorganism distinguishes as pathogenic and Alien ".
Tuesday, October 9, 2007
Pains After Plentiful YES To Specify Communication Of
Pains after plentiful YES to Specify communication of pains YES Additional . Fat food in verhne - with possible! A cholecystitis, (ultrasonic, blood enzymes, the right a stomach? illness, tests and ) Is not present a sharp pancreatitis 6. Whether you have burning U a stomach ulcer, Additional in a breast, during the moment when YES IRRITATION or researches Eat or drink. Whether there is no , AND a specification - Burnings in a breast through a spasm of muscles of a gullet. , and Some hours after meal? It is necessary to exclude Is not present hernia HIATAL 7. Whether have a burning pain, to Exclude herpes Attentively to investigate and which has begun after zoster the anamnesis, localisation How you had YES (= POSC NA) YES pains Herpes episode? NO 8. Whether you YES marked Lengthening of an exhalation with YES Urgent inspection on Episodes of cough with rattles remote to bronchospasm revealing On an exhalation and lengthening by rattles and a short wind and symptoms Exhalation? Demands an exception of a bronchial asthma IS NOT PRESENT ASTHM.
Monday, October 8, 2007
Usually White And Opaque, While The Mucous Sinevato-transparent
usually white and opaque, while the mucous sinevato-transparent colour. Estimation of a condition of a hard palate and drinks Hard palate. After an estimation of a condition of language, I recommend to pay attention to a hard palate. Tolerant on a hard palate (=torus palatinus), are defined normal and soft. The arch sky can assume syndromes of Sippla, Marfana or probability . Defects or ulcers on a hard palate often appear in the presence of an infection, beam therapy or new growths. Estimation of a condition of a soft palate Soft palate research includes an estimation of a junction firm and a soft palate - is frequent On this border it is possible to see a rash. The hypostasis and a soft palate meets at very many Diseases, including at so-called illnesses of heavy chains. The following step of survey of an oral cavity should To include an estimation of a condition drinks. Essential asymmetry of handles assumes possible an abscess or an abscess. The reduced area of an input in a drink (especially in the horizontal Planes) are assumed by predisposition to sleepy .
Saturday, October 6, 2007
Sm -vidioroliki Http:// [Author ID1: At Tue Oct
sm -vidioroliki [Author ID1: at Tue Oct 9 1:27:00 PM 2007 ] Ultrasonic scanning allows to add essentially a picture of changes of bones, a fabric and the copular device of joints.»Ó¿ó«ªÒ references to fine clips on research of joints Touch chin Throw head back Touch each shoulder Elbow. Survey, definition of vocal trembling and a thorax. At survey of a configuration of a thorax estimate The form, symmetry, active participation in the certificate , a condition zones, width and movement of intercostal intervals corners Inclination and movement of edges at breath, etc. signs. (Is more detailed than sm in Section 3). 2.9.7 Perkussija of a thorax. (PHOTO 5k) areas of lungs it is spent on the special technics by blows Fingers with alternation of symmetric fields of an estimation from top to bottom. In the beginning The thorax is investigated on intercostal intervals with auscultation Character of a sound, resonance and on feeling of blow.
Thursday, October 4, 2007
Embrionalnyj Syndrome Of Blood Transfusion - Rare Condition
Embrionalnyj syndrome of blood transfusion - Rare condition which meets only at twins. sin. - Blood transfusion from "the twin to the twin". In Blood transfusion syndrome, the twin-donor usually is born smaller (anaemic), Anaemic and dehydrated, while the twin - the addressee of blood Is born big on weight, with too great volume of blood and The increased pressure of blood (cardiac failure). Both babies can have problems depending on gravity Parities - one from insufficient volume of blood, and another from too Great volume of blood. Emphysema - the raised lightness and rigidity (= ) fabrics of lungs. Allocate more than 20 reasons and names. This illness of a lung lung disease, Which damages alveoluses. Thus alveoluses are incapable completely To delete air during an exhalation and are incapable to be filled in the fresh portion at a following breath to provide adequate delivery Oxygen to an organism. And risk factors - smoking is considered the reasons the most general reason of emphysemas.
6. Chronic Nephritic Insufficiency With Level In Blood
6. Chronic nephritic insufficiency with level in blood = 2.0 mg/dl and more. Further I suggest to consider one of the most reliable variants of algorithm of an estimation of a painful syndrome in a breast with use the test. Requirements before record of an electrocardiogram and the test at Patients with presence of a painful syndrome in a breast: * 2 tests of "warm" Blood enzymes at 4 hour interval should be normal. * an electrocardiogram During record in 12 assignments does not show essential changes. Contra-indications for record the test in the presence of a painful syndrome in a breast: New or developing changes on written down during this moment of an electrocardiogram. Hyperactivity of "warm" enzymes. Inability of the patient to execute the minimum physical efforts. Coming and \or constant pressing chest pain. Sudden infringement of a rhythm of warm activity. The data obtained in practice confirms Safety of record of an electrocardiogram at use (after 8-12 hours Rest) at patients with a syndrome of a chest pain which were initially Are identified as persons with low or intermediate risk on To the clinical algorithms described above with use of markers Myocardium of whey of blood and an electrocardiogram in rest.
Saturday, September 29, 2007
5. Diseases And Damages Of A Forward Belly
5. Diseases and damages of a forward belly wall (a hernia, ruptures of vessels, phlegmons). 6. Irradiirujushchie pains at diseases and Backbone and spinal cord damages. Localisation of pains, a place their person Intensity, in most cases specifies in defeat of that Body which is in a projection of these pains. Thus follows To mark in which place a stomach causes the greatest Pain. To spend at the patient is better when it lies on To back with the semibent knees. such position of a muscle of a belly wall Partially relax and to palpate easier. At stomach survey use following terms: Soft, , strained, sharp, , blown up (=), involved (=), frog, loose-hanging, etc. Colour of a skin of a stomach can have a considerable quantity Shades depending on genetics of the patient (swarty, white, dark, Marble and , only 32 standard shades of colour of a skin.). Hypodermic Vessels (= a venous network) are expressed individually in the form of three types - Main, disseminated and mixed. Considerable strengthening of drawing Veins of a forward belly wall comes at the expressed difficulty Blood-groove in system of a portal vein.
Friday, September 28, 2007
Plural Defects At A Birth Of The Child,
Plural defects at a birth of the child, with "classical" alcoholic a syndrome: (Intrauterine) growth delay (deficiency of growth at a germ and the newborn in all parametres, (head circumference), But the main thing a breast circle, weight and growth. An arrest of development with Reduction of mental faculties. Obverse defects, including the small Brain volume (microcephaly); Small top jaw; a short snub nose; the smoothed Deepening on an upper lip; a thin upper lip and narrow, small Eyes with visible bends of eyelids (epicanthal folds). Often enough it is possible to meet warm defects of type between (VSD) or (ASD) partitions (ventricular septal defect (VSD) atrial septal defect (ASD). Uglinesses of hands, feet and fingers are quite often marked. (Illustration sm) an atrophy (Allison N., Brooks Century 1922). The bone atrophy developing owing to inactivity is meant the given term. - change of a parity and the sizes of parts of a body in growth. - a principle of treatment by the means causing symptoms opposite to disease.
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
More In Detail Sm -- Therefore Working
More in detail sm -- Therefore working out and use of algorithms, Along with classical stages of diagnostics and treatment, do not contradict, And bring essential advantage to any modern system Public health services. The present edition reflects the point of view of the author On use of diagnostic algorithms in therapeutic practice. 1 General syndromes 1.0 Tsianoz and its versions One of symptoms often revealed in practice - . (Cyanosis) - a bluish or purpurno-bluish shade Skin and mucous membranes (see Images 1-2). Doctors estimate this syndrome on the basis of the general is more often Clinical signs. Obvious signs concern first of all Change of colour of lips, mucous an oral cavity and nail boxes. However Clinical, visual estimation of a syndrome , as it is known, Is often insufficient and unreliable for following reasons: There is a set of the collateral The factors leading to an erroneous estimation of a syndrome . It Natural shade of a pigment of a skin and character of illumination of a room.
Microscopy Fresh With Preliminary Colouring Cyanogen Allows To
Microscopy fresh with Preliminary colouring cyanogen allows to define Intensity of allocation of the leukocytes testifying in advantage Bacterial aetiology of a diarrhoeia (ё, a salmonellosis, , etc.). It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that Golden streptococcus and others bacteria, viruses, cholera and do not give obvious in . Colour usually should be brown as a walnut. Certainly, the patient did not eat food like a beet or dark green vegetables. Length and its consistence: Should will be allocated like a tooth-paste (continuously) and to correspond Approximately to length of a banana. Many patients allocate in the form of small, Dense balls in the form of mutton . More often it is connected with Insufficient daily water consumption which is key The investor in formation of length and density Frequency: Is minimum healthy person should have one good clearing Once a day, but from 2 to 3 times a day it is even better than intestines. Gases of intestines and a smell: gas - a natural by-product of digestion of food, but abundance of gas not normally and .
Sunday, September 23, 2007 Ankle Joints. Survey: The Foot Arch! A Calcaneal Ankle joints. Survey: The foot arch! a calcaneal sinew! Lobby omission Foot parts (= foot)! Deformation of I finger of foot. Examine Also Achilles' tendons, sheaves of anklebones, etc. (sm palpate rice and illustrations). One of the most widespread diseases Joints is art roses () where the main sign admits Dystrophy of an articulate cartilage. With the years and at usual rates of ageing The phenomena of a dystrophy of a cartilage and joint covers develop slowly and not Lead to sufferings. However early art roses at traumas and The presenilation which reason is not solved yet, influence on Condition of the patient negatively. The important factors of development Are a heredity and it l-is known that women is more often are ill. () - the Diagnostic criteria offered ACR (1990). ( Art roses of brushes short: 1. A pain, or feeling of constraint in Brushes, more often in the afternoon within the last month and 2.
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
Increase In Physiological Dead Space At To Hyperventilation
Increase in physiological dead space at To hyperventilation does not correspond in classical representation about Mechanisms of infringements of function of breath at patients with an emphysema and COPD. Effect of occurrence of the physiological dead Spaces at alveolar hypoventilation can be expressed in Following equation: PaCO2 = (k) (VCO2)/VE (1 - VD/VT). In which VE There is an exhalation volume, and (1 - VD/VT) a ventilation part, directly Involved in a gas exchange. Increase in the physiological dead Spaces without ventilation increase conducts to the alveolar To hypoventilation and increase PaCO2 of blood and fabrics. Primary central alveolar hypoventilation As it is told above, patients from the primary Alveolar hypoventilation can cause hyperventilation any way Lungs and to normalise PaCO2 blood. However these patients are incapable Any way to unite and co-ordinate signals from the central , though peripheral , apparently, Function normally. Congenital central hypoventilating syndrome This rare syndrome of the congenital central Hypoventilation (CCHS), it is defined as infringement of the automatic control Biomechanics of breath.
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Average And Big Doses Of Preparations For To
Average and big doses of preparations for to therapy or chemotherapy can lead also To occurrence of a line of Bo. Serious deficiency of zinc, probably, also can be The reason of lines of Bo. Having noted a site of a line of Bo on a nail, it is possible Approximately to define time of illness of the patient. Besides, depth Lines are shown often by degree of gravity of such disease. The thickness and fragility of nails - thin, fragile nails can specify in following illnesses and conditions: "Metabolic" illnesses of bones (the thickness of nails correlates with an osteoporosis and osteosinging); Infringement of functions of a thyroid gland; System ; Serious deficiency of a food. - (onychorrhexis) - Presence of longitudinal strips (striations) or eminences in the form of the mountain Ridges is signs of serious age of the patient. But, sometimes, This symptom can be connected also with following conditions and Diseases: a revmatoidnyj arthritis; Illnesses of peripheral vessels; Flat deprive; illness Darier' (red-white ).
Friday, September 14, 2007
- A Bolt In A Stomach Abdominal Pain,
- a bolt in a stomach abdominal pain, rumbling, a liquid chair diarrhoeia, fever dehydration. The typical reasons : food poisonings Food poisoning Salmonella enteritis; Shigella enteritis; Staph aureus food poisoning; Campylobacter enteritis; ; Bacterial gastroenteritis; radiation Radiation enteritis; illness Crone Crohn's disease, regional , etc. The diagnosis: the clinical data, crops on microflora and viruses stool culture toxins. endoscopy, etc. (-784.7) - a bleeding (allocation) from a nose. blood types Bombay - a variant of blood type 0. (-695.0) - proof reddening of a skin under thumbs of palms (tenor). A sign of possible disease of a liver. migrating (-695.0-695.9) - a symptom of many diseases, more often a gastroenteric path. (MKB - ) - Frequent symptom at S.Okruglye's virus hepatitis the centres with the raised edges, colour - the crimson. Appear more often on finitenesses, are sometimes transformed in Bubbles, with the subsequent pigmentation of a skin on a defeat place (=).
If At The Patient Is Not Present Signs
If at The patient is not present signs of peripheral dizziness or are marked Other neurologic deviations, it is necessary to estimate character Defeats , i.e. To execute or a back cranial pole, To spend , provocative tests or . Diagnostic procedures and laboratory researches - group of illnesses of small intestines character. The termination-ity means the inflammatory nature of this group of diseases. One of the most frequent signs - diarrheas including are included in syndromes of intestinal diarrhoeia. All kliniko-biochemical characteristics Insufficiency of function of small intestines almost on 100 % are united :1) Syndrome of insufficient digestion; 2) the Syndrome . The combination from these two syndromes gives a clinical picture Syndrome (CM) meeting at very many illnesses (An enteritis chronic, illness of Peak, illness of Uipla, , conditions, , Small intestines, infringement pancreas functions And a liver, malignant illnesses etc.
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
(Illustration Sm). A Symptom (Arreger) - Distance Reduction
(Illustration sm). a symptom (Arreger) - Distance reduction between and the big spit on the party Crisis the hollows, a hip combined with the central dislocation. Asboe-Hansen'a Illness (-754.33), sin. - a congenital incomplete dislocation of coxofemoral joints. Aschoffa a syndrome (-398.0), sin. - rheumatic . - intellectual limitation. Asperger' The syndrome - is one of five neurologic diseases connected with development (neurobiological) (pervasive developmental disorders) = (PDD), - 1) characterised by deficiency social (social) and communicative communications (communication skills) at normal tests on intelligence (intelligence) and to a speech level of development (language development). The diagnosis (diagnosis) is put on the basis of tests (I, etc.). Exact reason PDD is unknown also prevalence firmly are not established (. stasis - standing) - impossibility to stand. Astazija-abazija - frustration of the Pose of standing and movement (without Supports cannot go); arises at defeat of frontal shares of a brain.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Brightly Red Colour Of Blood And The Big
Brightly red colour of blood and the big one-stage quantity of a chair Testify about localisations of process and a source Bleedings. It, probably, ulcer , illness the Crone, Radiating , disease, illnesses, Tearing away syndrome at transplantations (GVHD) and some chronic Infectious illnesses (for example Mansoni). As secondary to a diarrhoeia Conditions - a haemoplenty and cracks, also not seldom develop at Patients also can cause a bleeding with brightly red shade of colour Chair and slime and to leave blood strips on a toilet paper. Some Foodstuff, type the beets containing a red pigment, paints Chair also can promote is false-positive symptoms of occurrence Bloody diarrhoeia. A diarrhoeia connected With infringements it is represented symptoms alternating Diarrhoeia and the locks, the strengthened abdominal murmur (bloating), slime and-or Blood in a chair with simplification of a pain in a belly cavity after and Worsening a diarrhoeia in connection with physical pressure the Diarrhea at syndrome : more often in the mornings, at seldom night; more often at women; always there is an urgency symptom .
Thursday, September 6, 2007
Extreme Degree Of Increase (= Expansions) Veins Of
Extreme degree of increase (= Expansions) veins of a forward belly wall are carried by expression "a head Jellyfishes ". [3] At survey of a skin of a stomach it is necessary to search 1. Changes of colour and skin structure, scars, , hernias, vascular Drawing and its changes, damage, , etc. 2. Movement of a skin, Connected with intestines or pulsations of vessels. 3. To turn Attention to a belly contour - (a flat stomach, convex, dense, and .). Pains in (=) areas. Stupid or sharp, holding apart or aching, can for Breast on a gullet course, do not depend on the previous physical Loadings, but can be connected with diet infringement (the use in Food of sharp, sour products, strong coffee, etc.). Can arise Vomiting at the moment of strengthening of pains. After pain vomiting, as a rule, Decrease or disappear. Are characteristic for a gastritis and a stomach ulcer Stomach. Pains in right areas, in Waist on the right, the right half of thorax and the right shoulder. Are accompanied by feeling of bitterness in a mouth, there can be a vomiting by bile, after Which there comes simplification.
Absence Of Definiteness In A Clinical Picture, And
Absence of definiteness in a clinical picture, and concept is characteristic "Norm" at interpretation of results of diagnostic researches rather Widely. Though in advanced age there are any kostno-muscular The pathological changes, certain infringements are marked especially Often. The special attention at an estimation of a condition of elderly patients follows To turn on possible consequences Diseases (and their treatments) at inspection of geriatric patients, Having complaints to a condition of kostno-muscular system. Insufficiency of blood circulation Insufficiency of blood circulation () the most frequent The reason of hospitalisation among the senior age group of patients. Has specific features at elderly persons and, usually, increases Risk of death, burdening essentially financial burden of public health services in All countries. Comparison of features of insufficiency of blood circulation at elderly patients and persons of middle age Features Elderly patients Patients of average years Prevalence The high The low Floor Women Men Aetiology Hypertension Ishem.
Tuesday, September 4, 2007
The Increased Concentration Of Antinuclear Antibodies Have Been
The increased concentration of antinuclear antibodies Have been found out at a number malignant conditions, but while any Antinuclear antibodies specific (anti-ena, anti-dna) have not been recognised At patients with malignant conditions. The truth Was an essential sign at a quarter of patients with a syndrome of Segrena and Obviously correlated with conditions and death rate. The superfluous maintenance antibodies was revealed At the fifth part of patients with a syndrome Segrena however specific IgG Convincingly has not been increased in these cases. Andras C, Csiki Z, Ponyi A, et al. Rheumatol Int 2006; 26:376-382. Thus, there are steady Epidemiological certificates that cancer diseases can To begin as syndromes or conditions, for example in Kind or . There are certificates of the important role Long an arthritis, a syndrome of Segrena, system Red and a system sclerosis as precancer conditions. More in detail sm-Musculoskeletal Syndromes Associated With Malignancy [Curr Opin Rheumatol 20 (1):100-105, 2008.
Conditions Which Can To Cause A Nail Final
Conditions which can To cause a nail final fracture, include: At chemotherapy; system and local . Estimation of colour of nails - infringements a nail - If is absent, consider the possible reasons and Undereating or anaemia symptoms. The pyramidal form specifies Often on superfluous hobby for manicure and-or a trauma. Pale Dark blue colour assumes presence of a diabetes and other infringements systems. If has it is red - a pink shade or Decolouration, consider following reasons among others ( Illustration): Cardiovascular diseases; vascular And-or malignant diseases of blood. Cross-section milky-white lines (lines Mee's) - any Sharp diseases can cause occurrence cross-section dairy colour and White lines. Besides, such lines can appear at a poisoning Heavy metals (arsenic) or at chemotherapy of the oncological Diseases. Time when took place treatment and-or illnesses can be It is defined on a site of lines on a nail. (Sm an illustration). Turn Attention to a line of Mi approximately at level of third of nail), this line Assumes the disease proceeding 2 months ago.
The Form And Volume Movements In Joints Estimate
The form and volume Movements in joints estimate on special algorithm or the scheme [37] [38]. For example - interphalanx joints - Metakarpalnye joints: Survey: symmetry of changes (= defeats). Estimation of volume of movements in thumbs, thumbs and Lines metakarpo-falangealnyh joints. It is necessary to check up Ability of the patient to do a full fist to unbend and expand fingers Brushes. Volume of movements in joints: the most simple compression in a fist - nearby 100 About, to an equal palm - about 100 Islands Symptom of drum-type sticks-. Growth of soft fabrics and their hypostasis in Areas phalanxes. There are schemes of exact definition and Qualifications of a syndrome of drum-type sticks - the Symptom of drum-type sticks Meets at - chronic purulent pulmonary infections; a cancer Lung; pleurae; a pneumosclerosis; a cirrhosis, etc. (PHOTO 7a, 7b) At a syndrome of "drum-type sticks" (= clubbing) Qualitative and quantitative estimations can be spent Departments of fingers and nails of hands.
Friday, August 31, 2007
4. Irradiirujushchie Pains At Diseases Of Bodies Of A
4. Irradiirujushchie pains at diseases of bodies of a thorax (A pneumonia, a pleurisy, a myocardium heart attack, ).5. Diseases and Damages of a forward belly wall (a hernia, ruptures of vessels, phlegmons); 6. Irradiirujushchie pains at diseases and damages of a backbone and Spinal cord. Abeleva-Tatarinov reaction (G.I.Abelev, 1928; J.S.Tatarinov, 1928), a sin.-alpha-fetoproteinovyj the test. a syndrome, . - Vidalja-Abrami illness, a syndrome - chronic the nature. illness, - zernisto-cellular. Ablepsia - Blindness Abta-Letterera-Sive illness (A.Abt,1867-1955,‡.Letterer,1895-1982,S.Siwe,1897) - . - Letterera - Sive illness. Abt-Letterer-Siwe a syndrome; Letterer' ; Letterer-Siwe a syndrome; Hand-Scheller-Christian'a a syndrome; Siwe' Illness; ; aleukaemic reticuloendotheliosis, X; the infectious ; malignant ; nonlipoid histiocytosis syndrome, nonlipoid reticuloendotheliosis, subacute disseminated histiocytosis X, systemic reticuloendotheliosis syndrome of childhood, malign reticulosis in children and adolescents; ; Pulmonary histiocytosis X; Nonlipid reticuloendotheliosis; Pulmonary langerhans cell granulomatosis; Hand-Schuller-Christian disease; Letterer-Siwe disease; Langerhans cell histiocytosis, etc.
Tuesday, August 28, 2007
Frequent And Convincing Symptom At Stratifying An Aorta
Frequent and Convincing symptom at stratifying an aorta aneurysm is Appreciable difference in qualities of pulse on the top and bottom finitenesses. 3. - it is considered at Patients with obvious signs of an emphysema, a trauma in a near time. As basic signs are considered-reduction (disappearance) of sounds of breath, Hyperresonance and box sound at a thorax, Trachea deviation far aside from , not Answering oxygen inhalation. 4. A pleurisy and plevrodinii-as the reason Chest pains are usually considered at all patients. In such cases The pain arises or amplifies at breath height, unilateral, is frequent with Short wind, sometimes with , it is not rare with . Other reasons of chest pains: ; a pneumonia / a pleurisy; a stable stenocardia; gastro-ezofagalnyj a reflux; gullet spasms; (candida, Herpes); Varicella zoster; a syndrome of Tittsa (ostochondritis); the mental Frustration (the exception diagnosis!); etc. the Urgent estimation of a condition of patients with pains In breasts can include: Check of signs menacing to a life, such as at carotids on a neck, O2, the HELL and pulse on both Hands and feet.
Thursday, August 23, 2007
Chronic Diseases Of Lungs And Chronic Illnesses Of
Chronic diseases of lungs and Chronic Illnesses of lungs can bring the essential contribution to deterioration Lives of elderly patients. Besides often applied treatment should be specially considered in relation to the elderly To people and if contra-indications (sm site Table are not certain), Type of a serious chronic obstructive syndrome and-or asthma. This The fact is necessary for noting in the history of illness. Advantages which were Are received at controllable researches in all subgroups elderly Patients, even taking into account accompanying diseases, have shown that Low doses at such patients can are useful, Than are harmful. However still the big advantages have been registered when The dose has been found by a method of individual titration. Hypotonia and physical activity So-called vascular insufficiency, rigidity of a channel and frequent Damages of vessels form at elderly patients , create Preconditions also contribute for reactions in the form of a hypotonia And . Hypotonic reactions can amplify and in reply to Standard therapy that increases risk of headaches, Dizzinesses and falling at patients of the senior age groups.
Tuesday, August 21, 2007
Laboratory Data. At Jet : OAK - Increase
Laboratory data. At jet : OAK - increase to 25mm/ch, the TANK - increase of the maintenance of fibrin, , acids. Tool researches. Allocate 3 stages .1 the item - insignificant restrictions of movements, Small narrowing of an articulate crack, initial . 2st. - Mobility restriction in a joint, a rough crunch at movement, The expressed narrowing of an articulate crack in 2-3 times from norm, considerable . Joint 3st.-deformation, its restriction Mobility, a total absence of an articulate crack, deformation and consolidation Articulate surfaces , extensive and . In the quantity of cages in 1 makes liquids 500-5000, less than 50 %, are found out fragments Fabrics. Criteria of activity joints of the top finitenesses. Sensitivity of diagnostics-94 % and Specificity of 87 %. At survey and palpation are investigated strictly Following joints: (1) - the second a joint The left brush; (2) the third a joint of the left Brushes; (3) the second a joint of the right brush; (4) the third a joint of the right brush; (5) the second a joint of the left brush; (6) the third a joint of the left brush; (7) the second a joint of the right brush; (8) the third a joint of the right brush; (9) the first a joint of the left brush; (10) the first a joint of the right brush; Traditional format: (1) pain in brushes or a pain and an immovability, + (2 3 or 4 signs from the following list: (A) Firm expansion of fabrics over> = 2 from 10 above joints Brushes of hands.
Tuesday, August 14, 2007
YES See Your Doctor. It Or It Will
YES See your doctor. It or it Will define that processing (treatment) is right for you. Spirits The drink set of liquids, also avoids some foodstuff which Do your signs by the worst. NO 13. alternate a lock and a diarrhoeia, and your condition worsens at stressful situations? YES IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME or spastic . YES Additional inspection and increase in a diet of food fibres FIBER NO 14. Whether you have a chronic lock, but there was suddenly a watery diarrhoeia which is not supervised? YES Probably it with initial displays Insufficiency of a rectum YES Consultation of the proctologist and additional researches. NO Source: American Academy of Family Physicians. Family Health AND Medical Guide. Dallas: Word Publishing; 1996. In addition sm - diarrhoeia For quantities of the information, please address in a specialised office (clinic. Estimation of influence of a diarrhoeia on daily functions The patient it is used to estimate gravity of illness. Patients with Serious diarrhoeia are usually incapable of trips during the long Time periods.
Saturday, August 11, 2007
6. Are Sometimes Necessary And For Diagnostics For
6. Are sometimes necessary and for diagnostics for not clear aetiology. After these procedures of the patient, stack on Semifixed couch. The head of the patient lying on a couch, should be It is slightly raised and when the patient lies and is weakened, investigate: Thorax and chest glands. Thorax spend for definition skin, hypodermic and others Consolidations and unusual formations. On a forward surface chest Cages estimate (rigidity) of a skeleton of a thorax, width And mobility of intercostal intervals. To be spent also survey, and lungs and heart area (is more detailed in Corresponding sections of the book). Heart does approximately 36 800 000 For one year. For an initial estimation of borders and an action of the heart in Positions of the patient lying and standing are used and various types Stethoscopes, including with electronic analyzers of sounds and-or Direct auscultation of sounds of heart and breath. Often thus Spend an estimation of a condition of blood vessels of a neck and sine (Examine, palpate and listen a stethoscope to noise).
Sunday, August 5, 2007
Sudden Desires On , Urgency, From Time To
Sudden desires on , urgency, From time to time connected with pressure and sensation of the incomplete Clearings is frequent enough display and syndrome . The fever can sometimes be shown as collateral Symptom of a system inflammation at IBD, illnesses of Uippla, malignant Diseases and chronic infections. Syndrome also has set Extraintestinal displays, including (red eyes with an itch and Burning), (a pain, not accurate sight, photofear, a headache and Other), ulcers, arthritises (lumbar, sacral or Peripheral joints) and skin damages (central , pyoderma gangrenosum, etc.). also can be connected with ulcers and a characteristic skin in a kind . The illness anamnesis Whether usually specify there was at the patient a diarrhoeia in The early childhood which remains to an adult life. So can be At . The history of frequent diarrheas can be connected with signs Type , a syndrome of chronic weariness, tempora-mandibuljarnym an arthritis or chronic a pain, Offering syndrome . History of an incontience of the urine, the expressed dryness Skin and mucous membranes, pains, the neurologic Dysfunctions or a diabetes increase risk of occurrence of a chronic diarrhoeia And faecal fieriness.
Special Attention And Inspection Of Ears, A Nose,
Special attention and inspection of ears, a nose, an oral cavity and Drinks it is often very useful, as signs of dangerous illnesses can To disappear in the form of skin signs, changes in nasal courses, in a mouth and in Kind of neurologic symptoms. It is known as that these changes and Damages can essentially change a current of illnesses. Estimation of a condition of ears (visual survey of an ear) 1. It is necessary to check up symmetry of both auricles. Examine both external ears and estimate the following: -- If top level of the right ear below level Pupil, consider possibility of a genetic pathology of type of a syndrome Down, etc. will pay special attention that congenital anomalies Auricle forms can be often enough connected with the anatomic Defects of kidneys, heart and large courts. Thus nephritic anomalies not Seldom have defects with an auricle. - Check up a skin in deepenings of a bowl of an ear on Presence superfluous , including solar or others Potentially harmful indicators of damage of a skin.
A Movement Range, Active - Bending-90 About; Razgibanie-70
A movement range, Active - bending-90 About; razgibanie-70 About; a radial deviation of 20-30 degrees; a deviation elbow-20-30 O.Palpatsija (palm): (can be , , vaginas), nodular growths, a stenosis Sinews (foto 8c2). An example: - incidentally appearing formation on brush back ( formation of a capsule of a joint). Volume of movements in joints: a corner of bending at healthy 88-90, a corner - 70, a deviation in the elbow party - 50-60, in beam - 30-40. Interphalanx joints. Metakarpalnye joints: Survey: symmetry Changes (= defeats). An estimation of volume of movements in thumbs, thumbs and lines metakarpo-falangealnyh joints. It is necessary to check up ability of the patient to do a full fist, To unbend and expand brush fingers. Volume of movements in joints: the most simple compression in a fist - nearby 100, to an equal palm - nearby 100. A symptom of drum-type sticks-. Growth of soft fabrics and their hypostasis in area phalanxes. (Illustration sm) The symptom of drum-type sticks meets At - chronic purulent pulmonary infections; a lung cancer; Pleurae; a pneumosclerosis; a cirrhosis and .
- , Afty Bednara, Ulcers - Ulcers On
- , Afty Bednara, ulcers - ulcers on a mucous membrane of a hard palate at chest children, Arising at careless wiping of a mouth or as a result a dummy. syphilitic (aphthae syphiliticae) - located the soft palate mucous membrane, arising at a secondary syphilis. tropical (aphthae tropicae) - . . - Venkebaha a sign (G. D. Achelis; F.Wenckebach, 1864-1940) - restriction of displacement of a diaphragm downwards at a breath, Observed at and a pleurisy In connection with presence reberno-diafragmalnyh unions. a syndrome (W. Achenbach,) - . A hematoma of hands . atsetonemija - Increase Maintenances of acetone and its derivatives in blood. Acetone in blood appears When for reception of energy the organism instead of carbohydrates uses Fats. Acetone carry to, so-called, to bodies, which Are developed at an exchange in organism fabrics: A-at the expressed Insulin lack; fast losses of weight B Th a background (“hungry ”). V-ambassador long . atsetonurija - Acetone in urine, define by means of special test strips.
Saturday, August 4, 2007
Palpation: Anatomic Signs - Profiles Bones, Presence Of
Palpation: Anatomic signs - profiles Bones, presence of crises, consolidations and morbidity points. Turn Attention to swellings, deformations, pain, etc. signs of an inflammation, Contours of joints, morbidity zones, possible , and Other Special attention turn on a condition of sinews And sheaves (a surface of structure and morbidity!). Further find out Movement range in a joint. An active range for everyone Movement and each joint it is distinguished. Often distinctions in volume of movements It is defined by comparison (if a joint pair). it are defined Comfort of performance of test and various deviations. A passive range Movements in a joint comes to light only at the restrictions revealed at To active estimation of functions of joints. At research of joints turn Attention to any atrophy of muscles. (foto 8a2). Survey of separate joints. Joints of the top finitenesses the Shoulder: Survey - Anatomic features - a head of a humeral bone, a biceps, Shoot, a zone, grudinno-kljuchichnoe connection, a shovel, Muscles round a joint, sheaves and sinews (supra and infraspinatus).
Thursday, August 2, 2007
Blood Culture In Certain Cases Any Reason Can
blood culture in certain cases any reason can to be found. culture-negative endocarditis infective endocarditis Signs: · Weariness; Weakness; Physical examination the Fever; ; Night (evening) sweats; Loss of weight of a body; Warm noise; the Short wind at small physical activity shortness of breath; Hypostases standing; Blood in urine; Excessive ; Red Painless stains on a skin of palms and soles (Janeway damages (Illustration sm); Red, painful knots on phalanxes of fingers and Toes (named in the knots Oslera - illustration sm); (illustration sm nail abnormalities (splinter hemorrhages); colour of urine of type of meat slops (or muddy) blood in the urine (acute) ESRanemia echocardiogram transesophageal echocardiogram chest X-ray. involving of the internal Edges of a century in scarring process (usually lower eyelids) thus hems Rub about an eye surface. The reasons and risk factors: can To be a congenital condition. At babies it seldom creates problems, Because scars very soft and not often damage a cornea Eyes.
Tuesday, July 31, 2007
) Before Or During An Attack ? Whether The
) before or during an attack ? Whether the sizes of a body (footwear have changed recently, Gloves), weight of a body or appetite? Whether it was marked raised Fatigue or sleeplessness? What medical products you Accept (, insulin)? Abusing alcohol? I result one of SCHEMES of the differential diagnosis night at patients Effects of medicines and drugs: alcohol; ; insulin; Niacin; Antidepressants; Meperidine; Tamoxifen; Withdrawal symptoms from alcohol, opiates, or cocaine Infections: HIV; the Tuberculosis; ; the Sepsis; New growths: ; various forms of cancer processes; Neurologic infringements: peripheral ; strokes and strokes; Endokrinnye infringements: ; ; a syndrome; Diabetes and its complications ( and ); . In addition: a tonsillitis; and a climax; panic attacks; a syndrome. More in detail sm - Smetana GW. JAMA. 1993; 270:2502-2503. 1.2 Weakness, dizzinesses and faints (Sinkopalnye of a condition). In 2006 year in San Francisco some rules of definition of a condition (syndrome) are confirmed.
Monday, July 30, 2007
In The Majority Cases The Reason Of A
In the majority Cases the reason of a squint at children is unknown. More than half Cases the problem comes to light soon after a birth (the congenital Squint). not to spend squint correction one eye will be To see much worse than another. amblyopia. Some other infringements connected with a squint at children include: Retinopathy of prematurity Retinoblastoma Hemangioma Apert syndrome Noonan syndrome Cerebral palsy The got squint at adults can be It is caused by damages of an orbit of an eye or a brain. Patients with a diabetes often Have , - the got paralytic squint. Sight loss in one eye at any reason will be usually forces Other eye gradually to turn (exotropia) outside. Diabetes Stroke shellfish Guillain-Barre a syndrome, Botulism Double vision physical examination Standard ophthalmic exam Visual acuity - visual hallucination in the form of preservation of a bright image of a subject after the termination of its influence. a syndrome, sin. - . illness, . - Take-take. , sin.-dehydration: Eyes deeply sink down, a stomach will involve, bright dryness of a skin is marked and Mucous membranes, pulse becomes frequent, decreases and hourly , etc. (2-18); The Hump: The Angular Curvature Of Backbone (2-18); the Hump: the Angular curvature of backbone Gibbus (2-18): Crisis (compression) of a vertebra (a tuberculosis, metastasises of a cancer, Osteoporosis), Spondilolistez ( a vertebra = Spondylolisthesis); ; : Allocation forward the lumbar Backbone parts (pregnancy, fatness =Obesity) ; Reduction lumbar : Straightening of a profile lumbar ( a disk, ); Morbidity: (A trauma, a disk hernia, , metastasises); Restriction of a range of movements: (an osteoarthritis, , a tuberculosis, metastasises). Cervical department. Put one hand ( Usually left) on a head at neck research. Survey: Pay attention On concavity degree (= ) a back part of a neck. Find the seventh Cervical vertebra (C7). Palpation: Probe each accessible awned Shoot of cervical vertebras. to feel the cervical Joints at passive movement of a head (the left hand). Define Range of painless movement of cervical department. Define and measure Active (= spontaneous) scope of movements of a chin upwards and downwards.
5. A Summary Of Tendencies In Diagnostics Of
5. A summary of tendencies in diagnostics of syndromes and illnesses of a gastroenteric path Syndromes of the general property * features of the person and mentality of patients with diseases * Complaints and standard questionnaires (including PAGI - SYM, etc.) the Roman criteria III * a skin and nails at diseases [Vitiligo ( - 709.01), a skin itch (-564.9), , and ( - 374.51), , and ( - 695.0), pigmentary stains on lips Etc.] * appetite * frustration of functions of a stomach (, , ) Estimation of infringements of activity ( - 564.9) * a mouth, a teeth and a drink ( - 529.8; 530.81, etc.) * Eructation, a heartburn and zheludochno-pishchevodnyj a reflux ( - 787.1) * and vomiting (-536.2; 536.8; 787.2; 3) * a gullet ( - 530.5) and * belly-aches (-789.0) * and ( - 537.81) * insufficiency * a chronic pancreatitis *, the reasons and diagnostics * Neurosises of intestines and spastic (-564.0) and other kinds * Lock functional ( - 564.81) * bleedings from and criteria of urgency of intervention Introduction 1.
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Subjective Picture In The Form Of Diverse (
Subjective picture in the form of diverse ( Various) complaints of patients to chest pains bears often The uncertain information on the true reason, localisation and Intensity of a pain. Therefore from the first words of the patient the doctor should estimate Intensity (on a 10-mark scale), localisation, periodicity, Plausible reason and accompanying components of a chest pain. Important at It simultaneously to note presence and expressiveness of external signs Atherosclerosis (a senile arch of a cornea, consolidation, a thickening, arteries, , etc.). Indirect symptoms - pallor, Cold and damp skin can sometimes testify to a heart attack Myocardium, the pulmonary artery, stratified an aneurysm Aortas and conditions another urgent and menacing to a life. A pain at Turns and ducking, mobility restriction, sensation Cracklings at head turns the reflected pain at shejno-muscular Pathologies or a syndrome arteries (illnesses cervical and chest Backbone departments). If the pain is shown and amplifies at a thorax (a local pain), it is necessary to think including about Syndrome of Tittsa? Surrounding ? A neuralgia of intercostal nerves?, Etc.
Saturday, July 28, 2007
) Or Morning Constraint A Minimum Of 30 Minutes
) Or morning constraint a minimum of 30 minutes or bone deformation . 4. Absence or bone deformation. Clinical and radiological symptoms: 1. A pain in a knee joint during Previous month, more often in the afternoon, 2. ; 3. The typical For an art rose a liquid (light, viscous, number of cages less 2000/ml); (if there are data about no liquid, instead The age more than 40 years) is considered;) morning constraint on the smaller To measure of 30 minutes at active movements. Laboratory data. At jet : OAK - increase to 25mm/ch, the TANK - increase of the maintenance of fibrin, , acids. Tool researches. Allocate 3 stages .1 the item - insignificant restrictions of movements, Small narrowing of an articulate crack, initial . 2st. - Mobility restriction in a joint, a rough crunch at movement, The expressed narrowing of an articulate crack in 2-3 times from norm, considerable . Joint 3st.-deformation, its restriction Mobility, a total absence of an articulate crack, deformation and consolidation Articulate surfaces , extensive and .
Friday, July 27, 2007
Part Of Procedures Of Research Of The Patient
Part of procedures of research of the patient (for example Measurement the HELL, pulse, an estimation of a condition of sight, intraocular pressure, Conditions of hearing, etc.) on the instructions of the doctor spend diplomaed and The CERTIFICATED medical workers to a meeting with the doctor. the organisations of additional researches of patients (the questionnaire, mobile laboratories, the specialised centres and ). At revealing of any syndrome or disease at General practitioners usually there is a necessity of the additional Researches of the basic disease, body and-or system. In the such Cases often it is offered to fill the special questionnaire or the contract on Additional procedures. Thus the information on the patient, its credit The history, medical insurance number is protected really by several Laws of the USA. Possibility of many additional researches for Patients with the medical insurance of federal level () It is almost free. The persons who do not have the medical insurance, and such In the USA about 50 %, should pay planned procedures of research from The means.
* - Average Cost Of Methods It Is
* - average cost of methods It is calculated on the basis of the quotations applied in university clinic The State of Wisconsin, the medical centres of the Pittsburgsky university, New England and university Djuka. [19] Except small mobile complexes for Researches, exist powerful rentgeno - the radiological centres with Branches ultrasonic and other kinds of diagnostics where spend The advanced diagnostic procedures. In such centres The diagnostic equipment varies each 3-5 years on the advanced Updatings. Thus annually ratings of all are published in newspapers Hospitals and hospitals on quality of work with patients. Company HealthGrades analyzing quality Works of the American hospitals, has come to a conclusion that during the period with 2004 on 2006 medical errors have led to that was not possible to physicians of the USA To rescue 238.3 thousand lives. Authors of the report (Safety is called" Patients in the American Hospitals "\Patient Safety in American Hospitals Study) have analysed stories of illnesses of 41 million of patients, Which use one of the state insurance (Medicare).
Thursday, July 26, 2007
At Men It Is Necessary To Examine And
At men it is necessary to examine and probe attentively (sm). At women, at least, it is necessary to estimate a condition bodies (sng) and to take dab from a vagina (Pap test) Feet. At the patients, being in a prone position, Feet usually examine for revealing of stains on a skin, hypostases and Puffinesses. Define presence and qualities of pulse in folds, To popliteal pole and on foot back. In symmetric areas Define and estimate presence, the sizes and quality and others Formations. An additional estimation of a condition skeletno - myshechno-articulate system. In position of the patient lying estimate a backbone condition (spine), development of muscular weight, its proportionality and symmetry. The configuration of joints (thigh), volume of their movements, force of muscles in brushes and other parametres (illustration sm) is visually analyzed. Blood vessels. Presence of any deviation Forms and pulsations of vessels on a body (including veins (varicose) should be noted in the survey report.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Com) EXAMPLE Of The Test Task According To The
com) EXAMPLE of the test task according to the SHARP coronary syndrome. 1. After hospitalisation at the astable form of a stenocardia or a heart attack of a myocardium without Q waves on an electrocardiogram, the long-term forecast of the patient with a diabetes without any previous cardiovascular illness () there will be one of the following? A.Sopostavimyj with that at the patient without a diabetes with established V.Hudshy than that at the patient without a diabetes with established S.Luchshe than the forecast at the patient without a diabetes with established D. Uncertain 2. Concerning anatomy of destruction of an atherosclerotic plaque the conclusion following are correct EXCEPT one, of what? A.Na the basis on the structural characteristics, all plaques are defined as vulnerable to To destruction. V.Ateroskleroticheskie Plaques inclined to be broken off usually consist from soft with The crystals of cholesterol separated from of a plate thin Fibrous film S.Skoplenie of foamy cages and strengthens instability of plaques to destruction.
So There Are Diarrheas Mainly <> Type. In
So there are diarrheas mainly <> type. In one of researches at patients with The chronic watery diarrhoeia defined, how a diarrhoeia more often than 3 Liquid chair in day, at least within 4 weeks and with weight Chair> 250 g/24, the following data is obtained: the bilious Acids it is revealed as the diarrhoeia reason in 45.2 % of cases, Carbohydrates - 16.1 %, gljuteno-sensitive in 16.1 %. 9.4 % Patients the reason of a chronic diarrhoeia and remained not found out and Further were considered as a functional diarrhoeia. More in detail sm - Am J Gastroenterol 2007; 102:2520-2528 Other variant of occurrence of diarrheas - structural Damages mucous intestines. For example, at an inflammation or Degenerate changes breaks absorption process, leads To delay of intraintestinal contents and diarrhoeia. Often meets Situation when there are wrong or not effective intestinal waves which can cause a diarrhoeia through reduction Contact time between the digested parts of a chemical moustache and mucous Intestines.
Tuesday, July 24, 2007
Asthma - (; ) (); (an Asthma Of
Asthma - (; ) (); (an asthma of physical effort); ( an asthma); (Professional); (night); (), etc. (illustration sm). - X-chromosomal - the hereditary illness of men shown progressing ; it is inherited on X-retsessivnomu to type. a symptom (A.Athanassio), sin. - an eye of the melancholiac - positive reaction of pupils to light at negative reaction to accommodation; a symptom of the expressed depression. - removal of alarm, fear and \or pressure application of psychotropic drugs. (atelectasis; atel - + . ektasis Expansion) - a condition of a lung or its part, at which alveoluses not Contain or nearly so do not contain air and are represented slept. Allocate more than 20 kinds . - congenital defect . Avellis' s a syndrome - Syndrome at which damage of a trunk of a brain limits the concerning To a wandering nerve also leads to the unilateral To paralysis of the vocal channel and soft palate with sensitivity loss. (ambiguospinothalamic paralysis) (Avellis' paralysis). Axe grinder' illness (-502.
On Chair Volume Sometimes It Is Possible To
On chair volume sometimes it is possible to offer Site and the basic component of the mechanism of a diarrhoeia. For example, a chair Very much great volume (> 750 mL/24) means the primary Defeat of a small intestine and diarrhoeia type. And a chair with volume (< 350 mL/24) is more typical for origins of process and Functional infringements . The condition of a consistence of a chair should be estimated On a wide spectrum of signs - from generated to watery. These Characteristics usually correlate from norm of intestinal transit to Typical diarrhoeia. It is necessary to remember that diarrheas - it the main thing In the image a liquid, and for functional diarrheas typically alternation Soft or semifirm consistence of a chair. It is known that the chair always floats and if it It is filled by gas from fermentation at carbohydrates and preservation Superfluous quantity of carbohydrates. At vegetarian type of a diet and The big maintenance in food of food fibres, the chair also floats and not Sinks in fresh water.
Section "About Joints ", Devoted To Reposition Of
Section "About Joints ", devoted to reposition of dislocations where it is in detail described Well-known "the bench of Gippokrata", quite probably, ascends Directly to sources of the Greek medicine. The most well-known ancient (Surgical) treatise "About head wounds" is known for the exact anatomic The description of seams of a skull of the person and the amazing recommendation It is obligatory to make cranial trepanation in all cases of a contusion or Cracks. The gynecology and obstetrics also are not bypassed Silence in "case". These problems are considered in a number of compositions, For example in treatises "About female illnesses","About illnesses of girls","About Seven-mouth fruit "and" About an eight-monthly fruit ". These treatises Show an extensive knowledge; but, as usually, practice advanced The theory, and descriptions of processes of reproduction are naive and erroneous. The doctrine and attempts of that proof that a seed For reproduction gathers from all parts of a body, it is similar to the doctrine about Growth of fabrics of an organism at the expense of branch from food of the smallest homogeneous It of particles.
It Estimated Intensity Also Investigated Blood, , Tears
It estimated intensity Also investigated blood, , tears and emetic weights of patients. It was It is close familiar with their living conditions, family and relatives and it Attentively studied their looks... It collected and estimated the huge The information on the patient, district, properties of local water and culture, all Investigating more exhaustively and scrupulously documenting the data ". [32] Possibly inspired according to The concept of Empedokla about four elements making the natural Bodies [33], (Blood, yellow bile, black bile and ) Gippokrat has included these Elements as a basis of human, individual elements in the various The combinations defining a state of health, state of health and Individualities. He considered that surplus of blood does shape of the person Cheerful, full of energy, optimistic and ruddy. Surplus of yellow bile does the person sickening, irritable with a feeling sick and irritable. Black bile does the person melancholic, deeply thoughtful and sad.
This Sign Of Change Of Nails Means Presence
This sign of change of nails means presence Illnesses of kidneys or a liver (an illustration 23 A, 23 B). The general decolouration of a plate of a nail (syndrome of white nails) - decolouration Plates of nails a useful method for identification of potential problems Organism. White colour of nails can be often caused an anaemia, a hypostasis Or vascular infringements (conditions) (an illustration 24). At Revealing of a symptom of white nails it is necessary to consider the following Conditions: Anaemia; the nephritic Insufficiency; a cirrhosis; a diabetes; chemotherapy and-or To consider a hereditary variant of a syndrome (seldom). Syndrome of red (pink) nails - At revealing of the pink, red or partially decoloured nails (An illustration 25) I recommend to consider the condition following: (darkly claret colour); system red ; Poisoning with carbon ( red); and chronic undereating. It is brown - grey nails - it is brown - grey nails (an illustration 26) can testify to following conditions and diseases: diseases of the cardiovascular Systems; a diabetes; deficiency of vitamin B12; a cancer of lungs; the malignant ; flat ; a syphilis and-or use by the patient Special substances and agents (for example, for a hair-dyeing, , a hairspray, formalin (etc.
Monday, July 16, 2007
It Also Harms To Their Ability To Execute
It also harms to their ability to execute the usual Daily work, visiting of school or to execute social functions. Infectious types of diarrheas tends To begin sharply and are often connected with a fever, almost always arise and At other individuals in an environment of the patient. The gradual beginning more Typically for the majority of other chronic diarrheas. Incidental Diarrhoeia strengthening typically at a syndrome of an angry thick gut and prick, connected with bacteria Clostridium. Duration of illness also is important The diagnostic indicator. A sharp diarrhoeia (<4 weeks) are typical It is caused by infectious agents and at sufficient treatment and a diet, Come to an end spontaneously. On the contrary, at a chronic diarrhoeia such variant Illness outcome is less probable. The long anamnesis (in Some years) and-or current signs of a chronic diarrhoeia more often Offer the functional nature of illness. At the diarrheas arising soon after meal and-or Right after hunger it is possible to think about (for example, ), (for example, in connection with insufficiency Glands), fast transit of a chemical moustache after operations on intestines or The increase reflexes as it happens at a syndrome Angry thick gut ().
Friday, July 13, 2007
Allows To Reveal The Following Minimum Of The
allows to reveal the following minimum of the data - The pulse characteristic, quality of breath (depth, frequency, etc. Features), a body temperature and pressure of blood, etc. At the patient in position sitting, following systems can be considered: Skin. Open areas of a skin are observed and Are estimated on set of signs-from of colour scale (32 standard Shade) till the sizes of forms of any damages and changes. During a life The skin of the person is replaced about 1000 times. Special attention turn on Skin structure, various folds and stains, including vascular drawing. (Illustration sm). For example, the data about the BIOLOGICAL Age of the patient can give research skin. If sufficient on the area a skin fold on wrists and, then To measure time for which skin fold to finish, it is possible to define biological age of the patient. At patients To 20 summer age the skin fold finishes less than for 1 Second. At age of 30 years the skin fold will already finish 1-2 Seconds, and at 40th years - 3-4 seconds.
* Researches (Vaginal Examination) - To Note Any
* researches (Vaginal examination) - to note any deviations, formations and allocation. * urine ( and Leukocytes, bodies, fiber, glucose, bilirubin and its derivatives, to estimate possible ). * Lungs are investigated and Warmly - vascular system - to estimate possible pulmonary or The warm pathology causing a belly pain. * Blood tests (Blood tests) - the Full analysis of blood with search of changes , an anaemia and inflammation signs (inflammation) - An estimation of the basic electrolits and search of signs of dehydration or a disbalance (Electrolytes). - Activity of pancreatic enzymes (Pancreatic enzymes). - Women tests for pregnancy (Pregnancy test) - search Pregnancy - Blood crops at presence and fevers. - The analysis - for revealing of the latent and obvious blood, eggs and-or parasites (parasites). * Radio graphic Researches - depending on a site of the revealed weights and others Signs, at least - a belly cavity. * Ultrasonic researches Stomach and-or a small basin - search of gallstones and urolithic illness, Belly an aneurysm, the changed sizes of bodies, Pregnancy.
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Further Check Passableness Of Each Nasal Course. Standing
Further check passableness of each nasal Course. Standing directly ahead of the patient also close one nostril The patient with a forefinger of the right hand. Ask the patient to breathe In usual rate through the right nostril. Repeatedly, closing the right nostril Forefinger of the left hand ask the patient to breathe through the left Nostril. The obstruction of a nasal course comes to light if the patient is not capable To exhale through the right or left nasal course. An estimation of a partition of a nose. The nasal partition with the lighter looks round, softly pressing on Tip of a nose of the patient a thumb of the left hand. Light on a threshold (Lobby) of a cavity of a nose of the patient goes the right hand The researcher. Usually, a nasal partition of pink colour in average Parts also it is not damaged. Usual deviations from norm at research of a partition of a nose include the following: The nasal partition is rejected from an average line; Presence red and mucous, which Assumes a sharp allergic rhinitis or an inflammation; Pale and The flabby mucous assumes a chronic allergy; Red colour and the dryish mucous Assumes frequent use and Means.
In The First Case Are Pathogenetic Or Clinical
In the first case are pathogenetic or clinical Syndromes ( a syndrome, syndrome WPW, a syndrome, a syndrome of a thrombocytopenia, etc.). In the second Case - or syndromes, they Are a subject . In this sense the term "syndrome" Is a synonym of the term "illness" and has a certain code (-9 Or -10). In this edition are collected Data from various open sources concerning terms, Symptoms, syndromes and conditions of the person. References to primary sources and Citations are resulted by other font or colour. This most extensive area Medical knowledge it develops constantly and supplemented. Especially quickly In there are changes in genetics section. In this connection The presented section annually is edited and registers in a disk (CD).- The present directory It is made on the basis of sequence of the Russian alphabet. I bring Apologies for the passed errors, typing errors and discrepancies. AND Aarskog a syndrome, sin. - Aarskog - Like a syndrome; Aarskog - Scott a syndrome; Aarskog Syndrome; Faciodigitogenital a syndrome; Faciogenital Dysplasia; FGDY; Kuwait Type Faciodigitogenital Syndrome - the hereditary defect characterised by low growth, Obverse uglinesses, myshechno-skeletal and sexual anomalies.
Sunday, July 8, 2007
It Is Known That Each Finger Of The
It is known that each finger of the person for Life time is bent approximately 25 million times. One of variants to a floor of a quantitative estimation Symptom of drum-type sticks definition of size of a window is . (Illustration sm). In spite of the fact that for many patients are available Individual and age distinctions in the form of a curvature of fingers, Homogeneous thickenings of trailer phalanxes always are convincing and Appreciable on both hands. (Illustration sm). -- Detailed medical research of nails at patients Human nails, The areas occupying about 40 % phalanxes of each finger, Are difficult enough and a little investigated for diagnostics Syndromes of internal illnesses structures. They have 3 various layers: 1. The nail plate consists from structured , rather widespread at live beings on the Earth. 2. The nail bed including a matrix and sterile . The bed represents Vascular surface which supports and is responsible For nail growth. The basic area of a nail bed is protected and is in To zone from 1/2 nail to (junctions of a nail and on the phalanx end.
Friday, July 6, 2007
At Adult People, And Also At The Majority
At adult people, and also at the majority of the large Mammals the basic way of increase in development of heat is Shiver. plays more important role at the small Mammal, newborn animals and babies and at The mammals acclimatised to a cold. Also it is characteristic for various fabrics (for example, heart, respiratory Muscles and fatty fabric), but in not play a leading role a brown fatty fabric. It Highly specialised form of a fatty fabric located between Shovels, in the field of a neck, adrenal glands and round the deep blood Vessels, it is characterised by the brown colour developed by a vascular channel and Abundance . In nervous system there is no one centre, Supervising a body temperature. Thermoregulation represents Process in which participates whole nervous structures and The connecting nervous fibres which are starting with and Systems and going through the bottom departments of a trunk of a brain and pharmacy in a spinal cord and sympathetic . - Types of fevers and terms. Normal body temperature 36,0-37,4 With.
Wednesday, July 4, 2007
The Tests Confirming A Syndrome - Hypercortisolism -
The tests confirming a syndrome - hypercortisolism - revealing , daily allocation and creatinine, the test dexamethasone suppression test, a daily rhythm of concentration in blood serum cortisol, maintenance ACTH, fasting glucose, serum potassium, - the device for research of features of gait. - Van-Krevelda illness, sin. - dizostoz-hereditary disease, It is transferred on autosomno-retsessivnomu to type. Shortening is observed Finitenesses mainly at the expense of forearms and shins. Often Meets (usually ), is more rare . Brushes And stops wide, phalanxes of fingers are truncated. As a result External femoral and bones it is formed deformation of knee joints, is more rare than a femur neck. Often reveal defects — developmental anomalies of a teeth, nails and Hair. Happens the bite is broken, nails are deformed or are absent, Sometimes meets . Approximately in half of cases of defeat Skeleton are combined with congenital heart diseases, it is often observed Squint. At radiological research pay attention on Typical changes of a structure of bones of brushes and feet, shortening of bones Forearms and shins, wrist bones ( and ), the bones forming knee joints.
Tuesday, July 3, 2007
Q., Possible Hobbies And Preferable Employment, The Facts Of
Q., Possible hobbies and preferable employment, the facts of medical history, Food preferences and habits, the food status, functional Condition warmly vascular and pulmonary systems, articulate and Rheumatic diseases and conditions, skin signs on illnesses and Infringements the status. It is useful to follow the following sequence at research of nails: 1. An estimation of the form of a nail; 2. Attentively, at corresponding illumination, investigate colour of a nail; 3. Spend qualitative manicure and estimate a condition of fabrics round nails; 4. Compare the form, colour of a skin of fingers and nails on both hands and feet Conditions and light exposure have critical value At research of nails. At examination important softly to rotate a nail in Light stream so that reflexion has put in the forefront all shades Colour scale of a nail. It is necessary to give special attention a nail (= lunula) which looks as a pale half moon and its colouring it is similar To the moon. To be this formation at the nail basis.
Sunday, July 1, 2007
The Diarrhoeia Connected With Diabetic It Is Characterised
The diarrhoeia connected with Diabetic it is characterised as: impetuous desires on , explosive character of the desires, usually noticed at patients with Diabetes, against neurologic dysfunctions and with high sugar of blood. The analysis and examination should include -- Presence visually and blood assumes inflammatory process -- The estimation of the maintenance of the leukocytes, which considerable quantity are assumed by inflammatory and-or infectious process. -- 72 hour portion of a chair to investigate Presence and quantity of faecal fat. Chair colouring allows syndromes , and-or the maintenance Laxatives on a fatty basis. -- Research of the maintenance of electrolits in a chair allows to calculate [2 (K + + Na +)] and an interval. -- Crops on microflora (including tests for eggs of parasites) should be spent in all cases. -- Measurement pH a chair. More in detail sm of the reference [10] Introduction. The Greek doctor Gippokrat is considered The father of modern medicine. It has changed postulates and a course Greek Medicine of that time in which was considered that any illness is caused Gods or alcohol.
Friday, June 22, 2007
Extraction And Removal From Oxygen Capillaries In Fabrics
Extraction and removal from oxygen capillaries in fabrics in volume 5 g/dL (that is oxygenation) leads to reduction of the maintenance of haemoglobin on 3.4 g/dL In arterial blood. For this reason, patients with the normal The haemoglobin maintenance show clinical signs against Raised SaO2 more often, than patients with an anaemia. At patients nearby 15 g/dL (at approximately 45 %) do not occur to the haemoglobin maintenance haemoglobin reduction in capillaries to 5 g/dL (that is, oxygenation) while level SaO2 does not reach approximately 85 % (=PaO2 50 mm Hg). (Image 3) When the haemoglobin maintenance equally approximately 9 g/dL (and approximately 27 %), threshold level SaO2 for display is lowered approximately on 73 % (PaO2 = 38 mm Hg). But at this level except the patient certainly should To have and other displays of respiratory insufficiency (bright , Changes of the status of consciousness and ). It is clear that at the maintenance of haemoglobin it is less than 9 g/dL at patients develops obvious before symptoms become obvious.
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