Thursday, August 23, 2007

Chronic Diseases Of Lungs And Chronic Illnesses Of

Chronic diseases of lungs and Chronic Illnesses of lungs can bring the essential contribution to deterioration Lives of elderly patients. Besides often applied treatment should be specially considered in relation to the elderly To people and if contra-indications (sm site Table are not certain), Type of a serious chronic obstructive syndrome and-or asthma. This The fact is necessary for noting in the history of illness. Advantages which were Are received at controllable researches in all subgroups elderly Patients, even taking into account accompanying diseases, have shown that Low doses at such patients can are useful, Than are harmful. However still the big advantages have been registered when The dose has been found by a method of individual titration. Hypotonia and physical activity So-called vascular insufficiency, rigidity of a channel and frequent Damages of vessels form at elderly patients , create Preconditions also contribute for reactions in the form of a hypotonia And . Hypotonic reactions can amplify and in reply to Standard therapy that increases risk of headaches, Dizzinesses and falling at patients of the senior age groups.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Laboratory Data. At Jet : OAK - Increase

Laboratory data. At jet : OAK - increase to 25mm/ch, the TANK - increase of the maintenance of fibrin, , acids. Tool researches. Allocate 3 stages .1 the item - insignificant restrictions of movements, Small narrowing of an articulate crack, initial . 2st. - Mobility restriction in a joint, a rough crunch at movement, The expressed narrowing of an articulate crack in 2-3 times from norm, considerable . Joint 3st.-deformation, its restriction Mobility, a total absence of an articulate crack, deformation and consolidation Articulate surfaces , extensive and . In the quantity of cages in 1 makes liquids 500-5000, less than 50 %, are found out fragments Fabrics. Criteria of activity joints of the top finitenesses. Sensitivity of diagnostics-94 % and Specificity of 87 %. At survey and palpation are investigated strictly Following joints: (1) - the second a joint The left brush; (2) the third a joint of the left Brushes; (3) the second a joint of the right brush; (4) the third a joint of the right brush; (5) the second a joint of the left brush; (6) the third a joint of the left brush; (7) the second a joint of the right brush; (8) the third a joint of the right brush; (9) the first a joint of the left brush; (10) the first a joint of the right brush; Traditional format: (1) pain in brushes or a pain and an immovability, + (2 3 or 4 signs from the following list: (A) Firm expansion of fabrics over> = 2 from 10 above joints Brushes of hands.