Tuesday, April 17, 2007

2.6 Syndrome Of Insufficiency Of Blood Circulation. Criteria

2.6 Syndrome of insufficiency of blood circulation. Criteria and complications. 2.7 Definition and algorithm of diagnostics of the reasons of hypostases standing. 3. Separate syndromes at diseases bronho - pulmonary system. 3.0 Apnoe. Criteria of the diagnosis and the inspection scheme. 3.1 Syndrome of a bronchospasm, schemes of an estimation of its weight and the indication to hospitalisation. 3.2 Syndrome of consolidation of a pulmonary fabric. 3.3 Algorithms of diagnostics of an obstructive syndrome. 3.4 Syndrome . Algorithm of diagnostics of a pleurisy. 3.5 Syndrome and ways of an estimation of its volume and weight. 3.6 Syndrome of pulmonary heart. Criteria and diagnostics variants. 4. Syndromes at diseases zheludochno - an intestinal path. 4.0 Appetite, the nature and classifications of infringements. 4.1 Heartburn. The reasons zheludochno-pishchevodnogo a reflux. 4.2 Algorithm of diagnostics of a painful syndrome in a stomach. 4.3 Nausea and vomiting. Algorithm of diagnostics of the possible reasons.

Sunday, April 15, 2007

In Addition To An Estimation Of The General

In addition to an estimation of the general status and at Time presence, it is necessary to define and measure a condition Uneasiness, moods of the patient and, it is desirable, level of its intelligence. Tentative estimation of the neurologic status. Ability of the patient to do some steps to jump up, stand on tiptoe, Deeply to bend knees and a coxofemoral joint testify to relative general neurologic well-being. Force in brushes of hands is desirable for measuring and comparing to the help of a dynamometer. At the patients sitting on a chair, knee reflexes (reflexes) are easy for checking up by means of a special hammer. At elderly patients happens it is useful to check up feeling of vibration (vibration) and pains (pain). Sometimes the extra time is useful for spending for a condition estimation, investigating 12 steams of craniocereberal nerves (cranial), Which are connected directly with a brain. They operate sensations Sense of smell, force of muscles on a head, in the field of eyes, mimicry movements (gag reflex), muscles of a jaw and salivation.