Saturday, September 29, 2007

5. Diseases And Damages Of A Forward Belly

5. Diseases and damages of a forward belly wall (a hernia, ruptures of vessels, phlegmons). 6. Irradiirujushchie pains at diseases and Backbone and spinal cord damages. Localisation of pains, a place their person Intensity, in most cases specifies in defeat of that Body which is in a projection of these pains. Thus follows To mark in which place a stomach causes the greatest Pain. To spend at the patient is better when it lies on To back with the semibent knees. such position of a muscle of a belly wall Partially relax and to palpate easier. At stomach survey use following terms: Soft, , strained, sharp, , blown up (=), involved (=), frog, loose-hanging, etc. Colour of a skin of a stomach can have a considerable quantity Shades depending on genetics of the patient (swarty, white, dark, Marble and , only 32 standard shades of colour of a skin.). Hypodermic Vessels (= a venous network) are expressed individually in the form of three types - Main, disseminated and mixed. Considerable strengthening of drawing Veins of a forward belly wall comes at the expressed difficulty Blood-groove in system of a portal vein.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Plural Defects At A Birth Of The Child,

Plural defects at a birth of the child, with "classical" alcoholic a syndrome: (Intrauterine) growth delay (deficiency of growth at a germ and the newborn in all parametres, (head circumference), But the main thing a breast circle, weight and growth. An arrest of development with Reduction of mental faculties. Obverse defects, including the small Brain volume (microcephaly); Small top jaw; a short snub nose; the smoothed Deepening on an upper lip; a thin upper lip and narrow, small Eyes with visible bends of eyelids (epicanthal folds). Often enough it is possible to meet warm defects of type between (VSD) or (ASD) partitions (ventricular septal defect (VSD) atrial septal defect (ASD). Uglinesses of hands, feet and fingers are quite often marked. (Illustration sm) an atrophy (Allison N., Brooks Century 1922). The bone atrophy developing owing to inactivity is meant the given term. - change of a parity and the sizes of parts of a body in growth. - a principle of treatment by the means causing symptoms opposite to disease.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

More In Detail Sm -- Therefore Working

More in detail sm -- Therefore working out and use of algorithms, Along with classical stages of diagnostics and treatment, do not contradict, And bring essential advantage to any modern system Public health services. The present edition reflects the point of view of the author On use of diagnostic algorithms in therapeutic practice. 1 General syndromes 1.0 Tsianoz and its versions One of symptoms often revealed in practice - . (Cyanosis) - a bluish or purpurno-bluish shade Skin and mucous membranes (see Images 1-2). Doctors estimate this syndrome on the basis of the general is more often Clinical signs. Obvious signs concern first of all Change of colour of lips, mucous an oral cavity and nail boxes. However Clinical, visual estimation of a syndrome , as it is known, Is often insufficient and unreliable for following reasons: There is a set of the collateral The factors leading to an erroneous estimation of a syndrome . It Natural shade of a pigment of a skin and character of illumination of a room.

Microscopy Fresh With Preliminary Colouring Cyanogen Allows To

Microscopy fresh with Preliminary colouring cyanogen allows to define Intensity of allocation of the leukocytes testifying in advantage Bacterial aetiology of a diarrhoeia (ё, a salmonellosis, , etc.). It is necessary to pay attention to the fact that Golden streptococcus and others bacteria, viruses, cholera and do not give obvious in . Colour usually should be brown as a walnut. Certainly, the patient did not eat food like a beet or dark green vegetables. Length and its consistence: Should will be allocated like a tooth-paste (continuously) and to correspond Approximately to length of a banana. Many patients allocate in the form of small, Dense balls in the form of mutton . More often it is connected with Insufficient daily water consumption which is key The investor in formation of length and density Frequency: Is minimum healthy person should have one good clearing Once a day, but from 2 to 3 times a day it is even better than intestines. Gases of intestines and a smell: gas - a natural by-product of digestion of food, but abundance of gas not normally and .

Sunday, September 23, 2007 Ankle Joints. Survey: The Foot Arch! A Calcaneal Ankle joints. Survey: The foot arch! a calcaneal sinew! Lobby omission Foot parts (= foot)! Deformation of I finger of foot. Examine Also Achilles' tendons, sheaves of anklebones, etc. (sm palpate rice and illustrations). One of the most widespread diseases Joints is art roses () where the main sign admits Dystrophy of an articulate cartilage. With the years and at usual rates of ageing The phenomena of a dystrophy of a cartilage and joint covers develop slowly and not Lead to sufferings. However early art roses at traumas and The presenilation which reason is not solved yet, influence on Condition of the patient negatively. The important factors of development Are a heredity and it l-is known that women is more often are ill. () - the Diagnostic criteria offered ACR (1990). ( Art roses of brushes short: 1. A pain, or feeling of constraint in Brushes, more often in the afternoon within the last month and 2.