Saturday, December 15, 2007

Thus The Patient Should Close Eyes. Important Time

Thus the patient should close eyes. Important time with The moment of assignment of a foot back at the closed eyes. If the patient Is in stable equilibrium on one foot blindly More than 70 seconds, its BIOLOGICAL age makes about 20 years. If the patient keeps in this pose balance 60-69 age It is equal approximately to 30 years. 50-59 = 50, 30-39 = 60, 20 and Less = 70 and more. The dizziness connected with the serious The reasons arises at infringement visual, or Vestibular perception, more often the last. Dizzinesses not Are seldom accompanied by vomiting, instability in vertical position, at movement. The condition is usually provoked or aggravated Movements by a head and neck. Such dizzinesses accompany is more often Defeat or frustration of peripheral nerves (VIII steam Cranial nerves, ). Important quickly to understand the true To the dizziness reason. Dizziness of a peripheral origin The expressed semiology is accompanied by a nausea and Vomiting. Are marked noise in ears, sensation ears or decrease Sensory acuities.

Friday, December 14, 2007

The List Of The Conditions Accompanied By Sudden

The list of the conditions accompanied by sudden occurrence of the CHEST PAIN (sudden chest pain): Heart attack; Angina; Anxiety attack; Panic attack; Esophagitis; Pneumothorax; Peptic ulcer; Chest symptoms; Pulmonary embolism; Dissecting aortic aneurysm; Pericarditis; Pancreatitis The conditions accompanied by repeating chest pains (recurring chest pain): Heart attack; Angina; Hiatus hernia; Lung disease; Chest infection; Lung cancer; Gallbladder disease; Arrhythmias; Anemia; Pernicious anaemia; Aortic aneurysm; Pericarditis; Aortic valve disorder; Da Costa's syndrome; Chondritis; Bornholm's disease; One of the most simple algorithms of an estimation of repeating chest pains: 1 Age of the patient? If the child YES S look further NO 2. Whether you have Short wind in rest? YES G to * NO 3. Whether there is a pain In a breast along the edges Edges and a pain Amplifies during time YES Signs costal R-skopija, Cough or deep (= Tittsa) Exhalation? NO 4. Physical activities, Immediately an electrocardiogram Emotional pressure YES ANGINA Sm AND urgency specification Or extreme temperatures of a condition Cause pains and feeling behind a breast? NO 5.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

And Many Who Consider That There Are Only

And many who consider that There are only one or two initial reasons of illnesses or Death, they often are mistaken. "-" about ancient medicine "[17] "For classification, the reasons and means Illnesses, the medicine demands the reason, but not only reasonings. Consideration of that knowledge appears from the information processed The reason not only that quality of the reason, considers, but also and does Quality of the information fed as the main indicators of the reason. The reason Concedes to formally valid conclusion but if appears and The spoilt information is accepted, it will not lead to the reliable To the conclusion. For the definitive conclusion the reason demands the information, in The final account based on a skilled way and normal supervision. Badly if it is based on reflexion, imagination and not subjected To doubt, and contains only belief in a deity, guesses, etc., thus The reasons in the best knowledge are not collected, are doubtful or is available most Bad false knowledge ".

9. Whether There Is At You A Feeling

9. Whether there is at you a feeling Symptoms CH BTIS, Fizikalnoe research, in a breast YES especially at smokers YES emphysema presence At long cough With ? NO 10. Whether you have to Consider probability Additional tests Long YES an obstructive syndrome AND research ( Moderate cough? And-or EMPHYSEMA., a X-ray and ) Short wind at you Accrues slowly For a number of years? NO 11. Fever presence to Specify presence Additional tests Repeated YES a tuberculosis, fungoid YES (, And-or night sweats, defeats, special with And as cough about attention a cancer of lungs , LUNG! Blood crops ? And cytologic There are no analyses (not Less than 5 times!). 12. Other questions the Resulted algorithm ONLY focuses the patient and The adviser will set. The doctor also it can be applied in any conditions for Tentative estimation of syndromes. I will not begin to repeat algorithm of an estimation Electrocardiogram of syndromes at a painful syndrome in a thorax, as this Diagnostics section widely also is full presented in managements on Cardiology.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

[28]. However It Is Known That Differential The

[28]. However it is known that differential The methodology of the diagnosis does not conduct to exact definition of causes of illness, But only allocates the most probable conditions at available on the given The moment a data set of inspection of the patient. The differential The diagnosis, actually standard methodology of clinical practice. Every time when the doctor speaks "I has spent the differential diagnosis and Has excluded all the rest ", there is a various volume of the errors connected With set of factors from discrepancy of tests, negligence and knowledge of the doctor To conditions and equipment of a place of diagnostics. Feature of psychology of patients and examples of questionnaires of interrogation on sections, systems and bodies. Features of psychology of patients and service, to To which emigrants of the USA quickly enough get used, has at first resulted Me in some bewilderment. Not always it is possible to describe and understand and Acts of the doctors working with Russian-speaking emigrants, which Have received free of charge an insurance policy on age.