Wednesday, October 1, 2008

The Bacteria Occupying A Skin, Decompose A Liquid

The bacteria occupying a skin, decompose a liquid and Allocate a decay smell. At patients with a syndrome it is frequent Arise skin reddenings () and from this centre Distinctly the decay smell proceeds. Not seldom in practice there is also a syndrome when bacteria settle in axillary and other folds Skin, thus the patient has the extremely unpleasant smell of sweat. But as the most frequent and serious syndrome consider - illusion of sensation of a bad smell. The reason in such cases Diseases is at activity level and the centres Sense of smell of a brain of the patient. Totally some data on the diagnostic importance of smells of the person I result in the following table: Character of a smell (aroma) of exhaled air The possible reason 1 Rybno-ammoniac, Nephritic insufficiency? 2 rybno - The sweetish Hepatic insufficiency? 3 Has grown mouldy-ammoniac Illnesses of a liver (hepatic stench)? 4 Fruktovo-atsetonovyj Diabetic ? 5 The apple Chloroform or ? 6 The grape Infection of sort Pseudomonas? 7 fruktovo - The barmy Food intake, alcohol (beer)? 8 Smell of newly-baked bread Typhus fever? 9 Smell stale or bread Syndrome (serious deficiency)? 10 Smell of fresh meat Yellow fever? 11 Smell of stale beer Infection Mycobacteria (scrofula)? 12 Cleaning or dust Roto-ezofago-Bronhoektkatichesky infection, ? 13 The putrefactive Anaerobnaja infection? 14 Very putrefactive Lung abscess? 15 Musty, not a fresh smoke Smoking of a cigarette, cigarette 16 Zhzhenoj cord Marihuana smoking? 17 Shoe polish Reception ? 18 Bitter almonds Reception 19 Garlic Arsenic reception, preparations or ? 20 The metal Reception of preparations with ? 21 Solvents Poisoning with hydrocarbonates 22 Violets Turpentine reception inside At survey of patients not seldom reveal signs .

At Research Of Joints Turn Attention To Any

At research of joints turn Attention to any atrophy of muscles. (foto 8a2). Survey of separate joints. Joints of the top finitenesses the Shoulder: Survey - Anatomic features - a head of a humeral bone, a biceps, a shoot, a zone, grudinno-kljuchichnoe Connection, shovel, muscles round a joint, c and sinews (supra and infraspinatus). Palpation: Check up sensitivity and a surface Sinews of bicepses, subdeltoid bursa and a bag akromio - Joint. The volume of movements of a humeral joint needs to be checked at The fixed hand to a shovel as mobility of a shovel adds to To own volume of movements of a humeral joint of 60 %. Estimate Intensity at passive movement in a joint. Presence or Absence of a liquid in an articulate bag, a condition and density of the articulate Bags, myshechno-suhozhilnye transitions and bags. To estimate Thickness membranes. Active volume of movements in the humeral Joint (foto US3) at healthy faces makes 120 degrees in assignment and 70 degrees in a ghost, 180 degrees bending; 60o ; 90 degrees external rotation and 90 internal rotation.

Monday, September 29, 2008

4.4 Diarrheas. Algorithm Of Diagnostics Of The Reasons

4.4 Diarrheas. Algorithm of diagnostics of the reasons of a diarrhoeia. 4.5 Locks, classifications and variants of diagnostics of the nature of locks. 4.6 Syndrome and algorithm of specification of its nature. 4.7 Syndrome and the reasons . 4.8 Bleedings from a gastroenteric path. Indicators of necessity of urgent intervention. The present edition is prepared for the publication (in electronic format PDF) in 2008 year, is accompanied by a considerable quantity of colour illustrations and clips on CD. The order through Introduction Necessity of perfection of the diagnostic (And medical) algorithms in the urgent help and at use Computers in medical practice to become more and more essential Problem. An example of work of the developed automated system Public health services Denmark has shown. Still in 1994 in this country has been constructed Medical system Health Net, and since 2004 this network has found The portal embodiment (have established terminals in the majority Country medical institutions).