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Saturday, January 10, 2009
He Only Notices That Many Dreams - Result
He only notices that many dreams - result defined Organism conditions. Interpreters can do nothing with them, The only thing that they need - to advise having dreams to pray. "The prayer, supposes the author of this work, it is good, but, appealing to The help of gods, the person should take a burden part on itself ". In the ancient time books of Gippokratova of the case have been translated on Latin, Syrian and Arabian languages. was engaged in practical treatment much Patients also has cured many well-known and known in the history of patients, Including the king of Macedonia whom it surveyed and has helped to recover from Serious illness of lungs (it is possible from a tuberculosis!). The role is huge and during the period when he struggled against a plague in Athenes (430-427 B.C.E.) within three years. His career and popularity peak was, probably, In Peloponessky War (431-404 B.C.E.). During the same period of Gippokrat was engaged much Problems of training of pupils. It had practice of training of set Students were entered also by a number of interesting technologies of training.
Friday, January 9, 2009
* - Grey Points On A Gum Surface
* - grey points on a gum surface assume a poisoning (sign Burton'). * Pale violet decolouration on a line Gums about a teeth are offered by a poisoning with copper (sign Corrigan'). A dental health estimation After research of gums carefully examine Teeth. Erosion on on a surface assumes caries or deterioration and a tooth. If a gum in this place and nearby red and , Consider an abscess. At patients with Fever of not clear origin it is necessary to check up each tooth, To be convinced of absence an abscess. Insufficient hygiene of an oral cavity increases chances of development of serious medical problems Type (conditions) a pneumonia. The increased intervals between a teeth demand Attention on revealing of possible symptoms . Are rather informative colouring and stains On a teeth and their colour can help to reveal variety Syndromes. Greenish colour a teeth says that the patient had the obvious Jaundice at children's age. A dead teeth () looks more dark, grey in comparison with other teeth.
Monday, January 5, 2009
3. (=). The Epidermalnyj Layer Incorporating To A
3. (=). The epidermalnyj layer incorporating to a nail plate. (Illustration sm) The major role of nails - Protection. Infringements of appearance and structure of nails more often Are caused by illnesses of a skin, infections and variety of the general medical Pathological conditions. Quality check of nails to be spent taking into account the following scheme: Softness and flexibility of free nail edge; The form and colour of a nail at normal illumination; Quality fabrics; Estimation of growth rate of a nail (approximately 6 Months from to edge at the age of 60 years). Time significant for Health of events can be approximately estimated from a site of a sign to . (Illustration sm). -- Research of nails The information on a condition The person can be estimated considering about 6 last months lives On approximately 10 square centimetres of the area of all nails. H on hand fingers grow approximately in 4 times faster, than standing. Research Nails can help the doctor and any person to find out set of the general And enough certain factors, including the following: quality of an exchange Substances, an internal emotional condition, I.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
The Basic Written Certificates Activity Of Gippokrata Are
The basic written certificates Activity of Gippokrata are considered about 70 works of collected works "Cases Gippokrata" which show amazing contrast with Known written sources on medicine of that time and in many respects Are free from all "magic and supernatural. In this meeting Works, for the first time in history medicine, it is shown completely the rational The prospect of illnesses, whose reasons and signs speak now in Quite natural (as today it seems to us) terms. Importance of this revolutionary transition for The subsequent development of medicine can be hardly probable overestimated. This was The present emancipation of medicine from philosophy of magic and superstitions, was Result of opinion, which naturalistic philosophy representatives for the first time in history Have given to the world. Ancient Greek medicine (to Gippokrata) Always used postulates supernatural, religious Character and "magic art". God of healing, Asklepius (Aesculapius in the Roman terminology [25] ), Whose priests and temples prospered in ancient Greece (at least During an era of the Homere) when to it in dreams the patient who entered addressed In a temple for "therapy by a dream" and hypnosis, Asclepius through priests Gave advice to the patient-dreamer.
Such Form Nails Comes To Light At Children
Such form Nails comes to light at children is more often and with the years disappears. For definition Symptom nails carry out the test of "a water drop". For this purpose Place a water drop on a nail and if the drop does not slide (not Rolls down from a nail) the nail surface is smoothed, and it is Early sign forms of nails. (Illustrations) Skilled see The doctor can at known attention and experience "by sight" at survey Nails to define a symptom nails. The reasons of such form Nails consider the following: Deficiency of iron; the Diabetes; Deficiency of fiber ( Especially fibers with an alpha - containing amino acids (cystein, methionin); Frequent use of solvents and paints without the sufficient Protection; System red ; Illness of Rejnauda. In 1846 Joseph Honor Sajmon Bo (Joseph Honor Simon Beau) has described cross-section lines in structures of nails as Signs of the last sharp illness. Lines look, as small Cross-section grooves on a nail surface. Illnesses and the occurrence reasons Lines of Bo on surfaces of nails the following: the Serious long Infections; a myocardium Heart attack; the Stroke and low arterial pressure; Long ; Extensive surgical interventions.
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