Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Then As Level BNP> 400 Pg/ml Convincingly Testifies

Then As level BNP> 400 pg/ml convincingly testifies to presence . Between 100 and 400 g/ml concentration BNP admits an interval as Uncertain also cannot be significant without others Signs. Certain problems at inspection and Treatment of elderly and old patients it is possible to present or meet Following life-support systems: Nephritic dysfunctions and urine incontience. Nephritic function definitely decreases with the years and a filtration Primary urine can decrease to <50 ml/min even without signs Nephritic diseases. Ageing also is connected with the worsening Mechanisms electrolits, including sodium and water. It Promotes an overload in volume of a liquid at patients who have or Are inclined to development . It is known that are less effective with Age at patients also can sometimes worsen current together with Other medicines, type angiotensin 11 and receptors. At the same time lead often to a disbalance. Besides, appointment can To strengthen symptoms of a condensation of blood and an urine incontience.

Force Of Muscles, Especially On A Breath And

Force of muscles, especially on a breath and respiratory volumes in rest also Are reduced at corpulent patients in comparison with control group Patients with normal weight of a body. Pulmonary pressure upon an exhalation and a breath Always lower at patients with fatness and hypoventilating Syndrome. Fatness considerably increases work of breath and manufacture because of the reduced interface of work of walls of a thorax And respiratory muscles. Excessive inquiries on oxygen from Respiratory muscles conducts to increase in efforts of breath and can To provoke and show others, connected with breath and warm Activity, illnesses. Despite the aforementioned Physiological infringements, the most important factor in syndrome development Hypoventilation at fatness, possibly. Defect of the central mechanisms Interfaces in a respiratory control system of biomechanics. It is shown that At such patients speed of the answer to inhalations 2, is reduced Or both these of the answer simultaneously.