Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Healthy Individuals And Older Persons Sometimes Also Can

Healthy Individuals and older persons sometimes also can test the insignificant Signs of change of state of health (= "lightheadedness", "greying-out") in The period of lifting from horizontal position in the vertical. More often a variant of a syndrome of the general weakness Arises at elderly persons, the people working in hot shops or Living in a hot climate or at patients with an arterial hypertension, Accepting . Quite often reason of sudden general weakness Insufficiently controllable treatment and some is preparations (an alpha , And nitroglycerine, etc.). Sometimes the reason the general weakness Structural damage of independent nervous system because of a number is Illnesses ( and a diabetes) or at neurologic diseases (For example, illness of Parkinsona). hearts also can cause Syndrome of the general weakness. Such type occurs and at healthy faces In the beginning an episode tachycardias (SVT). Rather seldom conditions Are caused and . The Most general reason in this category Diseases the sharp heart attack of a myocardium or ischemia episodes is Myocardium.