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Friday, March 21, 2008
· A Nose Tip - An External Corner
· A nose Tip - an external corner of a triangle. · Nose Wings - oval formations at the heart of a triangle. · Vestibjuli of a nose - expansions in each nasal course. · The Partition divides a nose cavity into 2 nasal courses. · The Lateral surface of external wings of a nose from both parties. In the beginning examine an external surface of a nose with All points of view. Usually the nose skin is not damaged and similar on colour Face skin. The surface of a skin at healthy faces should be smooth and The homogeneous. It is necessary to check up noso-lip folds on the possible Density changes, tourist's mountain and (carcinoma?). Increased the nose offers possible or (= and ). Hypostasis and deformation of the bridge of a nose, it is frequent with Bruises offers nose crisis (follows for Definitions of instability of a nasal cartilage). Sometimes at revealing of asymmetry of the form of a nose, Infectious illnesses, traumas in the anamnesis, new growths are assumed or Leprosy. Will pay special attention on area of a redness, and skin damages, presence Crusts, , roughnesses and visible vascular drawing.
LOCAL 1. Obverse: Connected With Food Intake; Lucy
LOCAL 1. Obverse: connected with food intake; Lucy Frej's syndrome; a syndrome of a drum-type string; Red ё a nose; dark blue spongy . 2. Axillary, , : the primary (, ); a hereditary pathology; ; ; Kassirera 3. Neurologic infringements: illness of Parkinsona; ; a stroke. an unknown origin Is more frequent condition, than secondary and, as The rule, happens limited in separate or several zones of a body The person (most often it is hands, feet, axillary hollows or Their combination). Superfluous at patients usually Begins in the childhood or a youth and remains all life. Nervousness, Stressful conditions and anxiety can strengthen and reveal . Displays primary : Obverse : sweat, Merging downwards from a forehead at pressure can be very painful and Forces the patient to think of this apparent defect. : the excessive hands usually disturbs patients less. However many people in Communications with expressed palms are limited with a choice Trades because are incapable to work with some materials, Sensitive to humidity (a paper and .
Thursday, March 20, 2008
Very High Level Payment And Service To The
Very high level Payment and service to the USA, huge volume of possibilities of inspection, and availability of medical services (for elderly patients!), Have generated among immigrants ugly schemes of mutual relations the doctor - The patient. As an example following supervision - [29] can serve But these are emotions, and if on business that: * Before visiting of the doctor to patients recommend To prepare questions for the doctor. The patient also should write down the important The facts and dates concerning the current health, own Medical history and, it is desirable, short history of members of the Families. It or it should have the list of all used in the present Time of medicines with their doses and marks about shipping or presence Allergies. If the patient knows about the disease, it is desirable to fill The primary or repeated questionnaire-questionnaire which stands out at record The patient to the doctor. For example the standard questionnaire for a quality estimation Lives at patients with diseases of bronho-pulmonary system includes 36 Questions (SF-36) also looks as follows: (illustration sm).
Monday, March 17, 2008
For Example, A Symbol Many Students With Whom
For example, a symbol Many students with whom it encouraged for good knowledge and ability was" Tree of Gippokrata "which it showed to the students sitting under Tree and listening to its conversations. At it own sons studied also - Thessalus and Draco. Teaching activity of Gippokrata It was improved and during the period to 400 B.C.E., when it has based school Medicine on island of Plaits. A number of products from "Case Gippokrata" Concern the period of board of emperor Hadrian'a (rules. 117-138 C.E) also are recognised as the works written by other people. Modern Scientists yet have not formulated definitively and have no sufficient Knowledge concerning style of the letter of Gippokrata to prove the individual Authorship of all works of Gippokrata. It is known also that "the case "there is no totality of recommendations, schemes and principles on To inspection, and treatment of patients. Some sections (books) of the collection Recommendations "Case Gippokrata" are directed on attention of doctors, Some heads are devoted pharmacists, and some, more directed On attention of the inhabitant.
Sunday, March 16, 2008
Laboratory Criteria Of Abusing Laxatives (Laxative) 1. It
Laboratory criteria of abusing laxatives (Laxative) 1. It is necessary to spend an enema with barium to check up normal reaction to clarification. 2. To spend for revealing melanosis coli (often normal variant). 3. a chair ( test). 4. * or Chromatography of urine or chair liquid: detection anthraquinones, bisacodyl, phenolphthalein; can find out anthraquinones> 32 hour After one dose. 5. Measurement a chair: it is useful only at <250 mOsm/kg. 6. Measurement of the maintenance of sodium and in a chair; Calculation of a faecal osmotic interval: 290 - 2 (Concentration Sodium + concentration ) 7. An osmotic interval: if> 50 mOsm/kg to measure! Chair magnesium (usually <45 mmol/L or <30 mEq in day). 8. Measurement of the maintenance of sulphates and phosphates . * researches usually become in commercial laboratories. The sample of a chair should be liquid and is frozen. The inquiry about abusing laxatives "Laxative" usually comes to an end Chromatography, spectrometry and other methods of detection anthraquinones, bisacodyl, phenolphthalein, oils, salts, mineral Oils, magnesium, and phosphate.
Thread Symptom! - To Fasten A Usual Thread
Thread symptom! - to fasten a usual thread at level of IV edge during an exhalation: if on a breath the thread tears - a symptom negative if will not tear - positive. Lumbar department Symptom of Shobera: from V lumbar vertebra to measure upwards 10 sm and to make a mark; to incline the patient as much as possible forward in Lumbar department at healthy noted distance will increase on 4-5 Other methods of diagnostics of an articulate syndrome see Radiological research - an objective method of diagnostics and the forecast of illnesses Joints. There are two kinds of radiological research: - joints in different projections;-artrografija - Intraarticulate introduction substances (, , , etc.). Radiological signs inflammatory and Dystrophic changes of joints are diverse and in more details Are stated in managements on diagnostics forms Diseases. Biochemical and clinical analyses - (30-40 %). A little above specificity reactions (50-70 %): * the factor (60-70 %); ** (50-70 %); (2-20) *** (50-60 %).
For A Moment Publication Dates All References Worked
For a moment Publication dates all references worked from the computer of the author. All typing errors, errors and discrepancies in belong to me and cannot be used without the written permission of the author. THE MAINTENANCE Introduction 1. Syndromes of the general property. 1.0 Tsianoz and its versions. -- (), the reasons and classifications. 1.2 Weakness, dizzinesses and faints (Sinkopalnye of a condition). 1.3 Headache. -- Skin signs as signs of illnesses. 1.5 Articulate syndromes. 2. Some syndromes of diseases of cardiovascular system. 2.0 Syndrome of a pain in a thorax. Algorithm of diagnostics of urgent conditions. 2.1 Syndrome of a short wind. Criteria and diagnostic algorithms. 2.2 Syndrome of low arterial pressure. The reasons and diagnostic criteria. 2.3 Syndrome of high arterial pressure. Diagnostics of menacing conditions. 2.4 Syndrome and algorithm of specification of its nature. 2.5 Examples of syndromes and algorithms of revealing of infringements of a rhythm of heart.
The Strip Directed Dome-shaped On Edge Aside Is
The strip directed dome-shaped on edge aside is called . Set presence on a course often offers The big emotional pressure at the patient and-or insufficient Attention to hygiene. This sign not seldom reflects the expressed Depression, or psychiatric frustration. Estimation of quality of growth of nails Nails at the person grow continuously Proportionally intensity of an exchange, blood-groove and body temperature. For Growth of a nail from edge 6 months are required approximately. Low Temperatures and metabolism delays can slow down growth rate Nails. The truth some researchers consider that an average nail Brush finger it grows slightly faster the others, but for practice No essential value has. It is known also that with the years There is some delay of growth rate of nails - approximately From 3 months in the childhood till 6 months in 70 - summer age. Nails at Elderly persons also much thicker than at the young. Excessively thin Nails during the period a post at women increase risks and possibilities Metabolic illnesses of bones and osteoporosis.
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