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Thursday, January 22, 2009
To Define Zone Displacement . Then To Measure
to define zone displacement . Then to measure this distance. It also will be a range of movement of a diaphragm. Normal values at people of different growth are various, but at the person Average growth a range of movement of the diaphragm, defined , Makes 6-8 the Lung see is filled by air 99 %. it Creates a resonance - bright with a shade of lightness a sound. Zones The lung, the deprived lightnesses in various degree, at Answer with more stupid shades of a sound. a thorax allows to reveal on To zones a sound extensive or average size ( About 1st segment of lungs) consolidations (= ) a pulmonary fabric Or presence pleural more than 500 ml. it is possible to reveal And hyperresonant zones on a thorax, for example at an emphysema and . However it is necessary to remember that as a method Researches of patients possesses rather low sensitivity (15-20 %) also are used exclusively as a tentative estimation method Conditions of patients. Maitre B et al; Eur Resp J 1995; 8:1584. (Is more detailed than sm in section 3).
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
I Result One Of Many Variants Of Algorithm
I result one of many variants of algorithm according to the nature of such pains. SYMPTOMS Diagnostics beginning First aid AND QUESTIONS 1. The pain amplifies after you will eat great volume of food? NO Pass Go Question 10 YES 2. Whether you feel pressure in top a stomach which amplifies when you bend or at night? YES It is necessary to think of hernia HIATAL HERNIA. YES To limit food volumes, a fractional food. inspection NO 3. Whether pains are connected with reception ? YES Probably be ill are connected with a gastritis, ulcers. Illness ULCER or eructation HEARTBURN YES A fractional food without fats, a diet. Additional inspection at is necessary. NO 4. The pain begins in top, average or top by the right a stomach and is connected with fat food? YES To exclude illness GALLSTONES or a cholecystitis. YES Careful a stomach, ultrasonic of bodies of a belly cavity, etc. Inspection kinds. NO 5. The pain amplifies, when you at ? YES Think about IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME or Spastic variant .
Consultation . NO Source: American Academy Of Family
Consultation . NO Source: American Academy of Family Physicians. Family Health and Medical Guide. Dallas: Word Publishing; 1996 In addition sm: abdominal pain, The algorithm ONLY is resulted For the general orientation also does not apply for diagnostic accuracy! The list of the minimum trouble-shooting tests usually (Abdominal pain) used in for an estimation of the nature of belly-aches includes: The general displays - search of a jaundice, signs of fast loss of weight of a body (weight loss), etc. Whether * shock signs? [Low pressure of blood (blood pressure), high ], strengthening or offering possible perforation , obstruction of intestines or a sharp pancreatitis. * a stomach - that To estimate intensity of a belly wall, the sizes of separate bodies the belly Cavities and to feel presence of any formations and weights. * a stomach on presence of hernias * intestines sounds - To estimate possible obstruction of intestines. * straight line audit Guts - to note any formations or blood presence.
It Is Shown That Elderly Patients With Atypical
It is shown that elderly patients with atypical Signs of coronary illness have higher 3-year-old death rate In comparison with group of patients of the same age with Typical signs. Besides, accompanying diseases complicate The clinical picture is increased also by risks diagnostic and Therapeutic procedures. The Diastolichesky form of warm insufficiency at elderly patients The Diastolichesky form warm ( H) - a clinical syndrome in which patients have signs and symptoms H with normal or about normal fraction of emission from the left and certificates dysfunctions (the defective Filling of a cavity left and superfluous is final Pressure in a cavity left ). Among patients with H in 40-60 % Cases there is normal or nearby a normal fraction of emission ( LVEF). Prevalence forms H considerably increases With the years. Thus, at such patients in the anamnesis comes to light is more often High arterial pressure and is more rare a myocardium heart attack. Besides these Patients have lower hospital death rate.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
D. At Test Treatments Clopidogrel + Aspirin, Was
D. At test treatments clopidogrel + aspirin, was available quantity Ischemic complications in comparison with the scheme - + aspirin 8. On the basis of supervision on to influence of preparations, which of the following Statements is true? A.Nizkomolekuljarnyj (=LMWH; enoxaparin) - not safe alternative (=UFH) at treatment of patients with high risk of Construction Department. Enoxaparin carries out a secondary role, providing independent (other) action. Enoxaparin showed modest increase in risk of a bleeding in comparison with UFH. D. In 30 days frequency of death rate or myocardium heart attacks at treatment enoxaparin'o, was Considerably above in comparison with treatment UFH. 9. What recommended ACC/AHA duration for therapies by aspirin and clopidogrel' at patients from Construction Department? And. 1-month Century of 6 months With. 12 months D. Vaguely long 10. What of following statements is true? Clopidogrel blocks activity cyclooxygenase and formation A2 V.Konechnye the general points of a congestion - GP IIb/IIIa receptors antagonists.
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