Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Increase In Camber Of A Bend Of A

Increase in camber of a bend of a nail and thickening of a trailer phalanx of a finger As is shown in an illustration, leads to reduction and disappearance so Named window of Shamrota. (Illustration sm) On the size of a window of Shamrota it is possible to define About degree "" trailer phalanxes of fingers of patients. If there is a sufficient gleam between phalanxes (a window of Shamrota Normal) then nails have no form. (An illustration 4) The most frequent reasons of a symptom of drum-type sticks (clubbing): The pulmonary and cardiovascular reasons (80 %) Lung cancer, chronic abscess of a lung, pulmonary , a poisoning , pulmonary a fistula, bacterial , The infected arterial vessels, aneurysms (12 %). The gastrointestinalnye reasons (approximately 5 %) Before cancer and cancer diseases of intestines, (2 %). (approximately 1 %) Pay attention: the chronic obstructive Illness of lungs (emphysema) usually does not lead to symptom occurrence Drum-type sticks. (koilonychia) Koilonychia - concave forms of nails (sm an illustration 5).

Monday, January 21, 2008

NO 3. Whether You Have Eaten A Product

NO 3. Whether you have eaten a product which could be spoilt. Someone else ate the same foodstuffs and also became patients? YES This FOOD POISONING is possible. Other signs of food poisoning can include a headache, Fever, , a diarrhoeia and weakness. YES The majority of the problems caused By food poisoning are shown in limits from 12 till 48 o'clock. Avoid Firm foodstuff while diarrhoeia not to end. NO 4. Whether you travelled recently to other country? YES Think about TRAVELER'S DIARRHEA YES It is necessary to use many liquids but to avoid some alcohol, caffeine and dairy products. NO 5. You have a pain in nizhne-left a stomach, is frequent after foodstuff difficult to digestion? YES Check up possible presence . YES Additional consultation and FIBER NO 6. Whether it is valid your diarrhoeia watery, and you have a headache or pains in muscles and a fever? YES Think about virus . YES At a high fever or duration of signs more than 10 days urgent consultation and NO 7. Whether you have frequent belly-aches, swellings and a watery diarrhoeia? YES Think of a bacterial diarrhoeia i-or parasitic .

Sunday, January 20, 2008

Special Fear In Those Days Caused Epilepsy Which

Special fear in those days caused Epilepsy which named "sacred illness". In the case is The composition with such name, it begins with polemic attack Against sorcerers and doctors-charlatans who existed in all Times also shroud this illness in religious secret, and apply for it Treatment by means of church chanting, spells, plots and cleaning Ceremonies. The author of the treatise writes: "it seems To me that this disease All is not more sacred at all, than other, but has the same nature, as Other diseases, and to that also arises ". The criticism of the author is directed Not against religious beliefs as those, and against "magicians, Cleaners, charlatans and deceivers who pretend to be the having Piety more all others and are most than others understanding ". The similar approach we see and at the author of section" About Dreams "with which the composition" About a mode "comes to the end. The author leaves Aside a question on, whether really prophetic dreams are sent by heavens, To warn the states or separate people and agree to leave Research of this problem to professional interpreters of dreams in The future.

The Reasons Of The Central Alveolar Hypoventilation Include

The reasons of the central alveolar Hypoventilation include narcotics, medicines, illnesses The central nervous system of type tserebro-vaskuljarnyh infringements, a trauma And new growths. So-called nejro-muskuljarnye diseases Can cause alveolar hypoventilation. They include: Pregnant women, lateral a sclerosis, syndrome Guillain-Barre and Muscular dystrophies. Feature of a clinical picture at such patients Are - fast superficial breath connected with secondary The reasons or wrong motor function . Other known reason - Fatness, superfluous weight of a body. It is not clear yet what index of weight of a body It is connected with development . Recently (Kessler, 2001) investigated Association of a syndrome sleepy with size of an index of weight of a body in To cohort from 34 patients. Thus patients with a syndrome sleepy And fatness had the most bad gas constants and higher is more often Pulmonary hypertension when in comparison with the patients having a syndrome Fatness. Anatomic infringements of the form of a thorax Type , edges and a post of operational complications also Are often connected with the alveolar hypoventilation conducting to infringements Respiratory cycles and insufficiency of ventilation.