Friday, January 30, 2009

The First Step To Identification Of Role ICHD

The first step to identification of role ICHD in practice it is possible To consider allocation of two kinds of a headache: the Primary headache, Classified as a migraine and the secondary headache connected with Physical pressure, chewing muscles, the chronic daily Headache. There is a variant of a primary headache not Giving in classification. The detailed structured research The headache nature in system ICHD also has ended with the incomplete Division in classification and more than at third of patients from the sharp Headache it was difficult to define with confidence the diagnosis on To criteria ICHD. Ann Emerg Med. 2007; 49 (4):409-19, 419.e1-9 In practice usually allocate Incidental, periodic, constant headache. On character The headache can be divided on stupid, pulsing, pressing and Other On localisation - one and bilateral, frontal, occipital, parietal In other zones of a head. In total is 13 variants head Pains. One of variants of classification of a headache. 1.2.0. The Migraine - with or without neurologic and mental signs on support; 1.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Often At Children Meets Hydrocephaly, Optic Nerve Atrophy,

Often at children meets Hydrocephaly, optic nerve atrophy, paralysis of eye muscles, . Teeth appears late and are badly developed. The liver and a spleen are increased. At Some patients find sharp increase of activity alkaline blood. about l about and with to and - skeleton bones Dense, compact, unstructured, spongy substance as Turns in compact, marrowy cavities are not visible. Bones, Despite compactness, are fragile, quite often there are pathological Crises, are more often damaged bones of a skull, a basin, the ends Femoral and the ends bones, an edge, a spine column, Less often-humeral bones and phalanxes. The forecast adverse, in the course of time Illness progresses. Albert a syndrome (s. Albert), sin. - , , a calcaneal sinew. It is described Albert in 1893 It is shown by a swelling in the field of a place Attachments calcaneal () sinews to a hillock of a calcaneal bone. The movements connected with pressure of a calcaneal sinew, are accompanied Pain. At this disease in to a bag which is between Calcaneal sinew and calcaneal bone, the inflammatory develop The changes which reason is the trauma more often or Repeating .

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

A Flabby, Loose-hanging Membrane In An Ascending Part

A flabby, loose-hanging membrane in an ascending part Membranes, is the most frequent site for (= a tumour), especially in cases when the patient has a paralysis Obverse nerve. Remember that any patient with a paralysis of the obverse should To be checked up on presence !). Then, investigate bone elements of a membrane of an ear - Examine a forward part of a membrane and investigate a hammer. Look On umbo (the central and well visible point of an eardrum) and The hammer handle. Low sensitivity of a membrane often offers nerve damage (sign Itard-Cholewa). Estimation of possible false sounds When the patient complains of extraneous sounds, to check up it it is possible by means of following actions: For example, the unusual pulsing sound can be It is connected with occurrence of a fistula or aneurysms with involving of arteries (more often Sleepy). To check up it, attentively listen to a carotid And-or conduct its ultrasonic research. Thus, if the soft Pressing an artery during listening changes quality of a sound, Perceived by the patient.

Sunday, January 25, 2009

The Metabolic Component Of Fabrics Receives Chemical And

The metabolic component of fabrics receives chemical and Nervous stimulus from a chest wall and a lung depending on Level 2 and 2. At a metabolism quickly there is an accumulation Considerable quantity of coal acid (carbonaceous = 2) in Body fabrics. The metabolism of fats and carbohydrates conducts to formation most Considerable quantity 2, which at connection with water of fabrics Forms coal acid (H2CO3). Lungs a changeable share 2 Through ventilation and consequently constant decrease pH () Fabrics does not occur. Pressure of carbonic acid in blood (PaCO2) in Normal conditions it is strongly supported in a range 39-41 mm Hg. On Ventilation of lungs influence and PaCO2, PaO2 and Indicators pH located in a trunk of a brain, which in commonwealth with Nervous impulses from receptors of a stretching of a lung and impulses from Fabrics of a bark of a brain operate breath biomechanics. Refusal of any of these Mechanisms leads to hypoventilation development, and . alveoluses a venous stream of blood from Pulmonary capillary network allows a pulmonary fabric to participate in Gas exchange of an organism.