Friday, August 29, 2008

A Basic Sign Of This Syndrome Is That

A basic sign of this syndrome is that At these patients is absent or the answer is minimum shown on and , especially during the dream periods. Diagnosis CCHS It is established after an exception pulmonary, warm, metabolic Or a neurologic cause of illness. Patients from the moment of detection Syndrome CCHS demand lifelong support of artificial ventilation in The dream period, and in hard cases of display of this syndrome is required 24-hour support of ventilation of lungs. Fatness and hypoventilating syndrome At patients fatness often meets Hypoventilating syndrome and they have also the big sphere of action Various restrictive defects on ventilation. Numerous Researches have shown that patients with fatness and hypoventilating Syndrome have on 20 % smaller general capacity of lungs and maximum The forced speed of an exhalation, which usually on 40 % more low than at others Patients. Usually these patients always show Excessive work of breath (= breath) and the increased manufacture 2.

Thursday, August 28, 2008

In This Category, Usually, Conditions Which Define Efficiency

In this category, Usually, conditions which define efficiency "are considered The respiratory pump "(a thorax skeleton, chest and Muscles, and the respiratory centres in a brain) type , a syndrome , , a peritonitis, and brain tumours. The infringements connected with change of absorption of oxygen Extensive pneumonia, lung hypostasis, , and the various reasons at pulmonary and . These Processes cause difficulties of passage of oxygen through the alveolar Membrane and through a special layer in capillaries. Alveolar , contusions of lungs, and a respiratory syndrome Also concern a pathology of this group. Infringement of capillary circulation in lungs Pulmonary , lungs and congenital Warm defects of type Fallot make the following group The infringements always leading to a short wind, and . At these Conditions the blue blood bypasses an alveolar blood-groove and haemoglobin not Receives in alveoluses of a fresh portion of oxygen. In this category of infringements Include both illnesses with defects and a mismatch and Ventilation of lungs.

Foix, 1882-1927, L...Crouzon, 1874-1938), - Anomaly Developments: Absence Bottom

Foix, 1882-1927, L...Crouzon, 1874-1938), - anomaly Developments: absence bottom vertebras and with separate bones of a basin and muscles of the bottom finitenesses, often Accompanied by an incontience and urine. a symptom (G. Aschaffenburg, 1866), - Version of acoustical hallucinations: "conversation" of the patient through a subject, Similar to a receiver, or by phone not included in a network; It can be observed, for example, at alcoholic . a syndrome (G. Aschaffenburg), - Time sharp infringement of mentality in the form of affect of confusion, Sometimes observed at women at the time of delivery or directly after Them. a syndrome (.W.Ascher, 1887), - illness Not clear aetiology, characterised by a combination (see More low), lip thickenings, more often top, with formation Mucous membrane and poorly expressed craw without function infringement Thyroid gland. (J.G.Asherman), . - Ashermana a syndrome - Occurrence stickings which is typical at formation Scar after uterine operation, especially after abortion.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

As A Rule, General Practitioners And Fast The

As a rule, general practitioners and fast The help at the first contact to the patient and an estimation of its condition, in the first Turn define the leader dangerous, a syndrome menacing to a life and, Probably, disease. Only after that stage of diagnostics and, often, Additional tests, the diagnosis in as much as possible accessible to the given doctor and establishment a kind (sometimes with or definiteness and code number ) appears, specified and made out. In the book “ALGORITHMS and SCHEMES of diagnostics of therapeutic syndromes” I have included also some adjacent syndromes (neurologic, Orthopedic, pediatric, etc.), often enough meeting in To the general practice and perfectly presented to the special literature. Considering advantages of an electronic format of the book, in process of occurrence New data, I try to edit the book annually. Terms Are used on a basis The reference Internet are allocated by colour, a font or underlining.