Saturday, February 16, 2008

C.E.). Illness, As The Central Problem Of Life Expectancy

C.E.). Illness, as The central problem of life expectancy of the person, was one of The central themes at scientific researches among thinkers, philosophers And doctors of that time. Historians consider that Gippokrat possessed the special Abilities ("infinite in abilities"), to the rational Arguments ("noble in the reason"), to teaching also represented Complete image of ideal medicine for the person ("what part of work - The person ") [19 [20] . It estimated health and illness as displays of properties of the human Bodies. In centuries later Margagni will offer very similar Classification of conditions of the person. Here the citation on this theme from one of Treatises of Gippokrata "the Place in the person" which precisely illustrates Complete representation of Gippokrata about the rational. [18] "Under today's standards of Gippokrat deeply would be mistaken and considered not The qualified doctor. The founder of modern medicine, usually, Investigated urine of patients, collected their pus and allocation, smelt and Carefully investigated their chair, etc.

Friday, February 15, 2008

After School At The Father And Other Doctor

After school at the father and other doctor (Herodicos) and having received Practical experience of doctoring, Gippokrat travelled on much To the Greek peninsula and, probably, across Egypt and Libya ( Presumably) for studying of medical methods and technics of treatment Patients. (Sm a card) Data on his life are poor and improbable. Earliest of the known and remained biographies is written by Soranom Efessky in five centuries after prospective date of death of Gippokrata. It is impossible to estimate accuracy of data of Sorana, but much in it Narration is fiction. dates a birth of Gippokrata About 460 years BC the Period of its vigorous activity carries to Time of Peloponnessky war (431-404 BC). Almost all authors Agree in that Gippokrat has lived a long life. For example, term of a life and chronology of events, Connected with Gippokratom, proves to be true sources of that time. In "" Platon Gippokrat will mention as the doctor living during this period and Training pupils to medical skills for a payment.

Now Health Net Is Considerable And Reliable Resource

Now Health Net is Considerable and reliable resource for citizens of Denmark, experts, and Also general practitioners. By means of system probably Realisation of supervision and treatment of patients in-home. Reception Information in system occurs at three levels: the national (Public health services national board), primary (sisterly houses, honey Offices of doctors, drugstores, etc.) and secondary (hospitals, hospices, etc.). In The project 92 % of the polyclinics, all drugstores, all medical have been involved — Preventive establishments and more than 62 % of medical experts The countries. As a result of project realisation 50 minutes have been liberated in Day on one general practitioner, quantity of phone calls in Medical — preventive establishments it was reduced to 66 %. On Nation-wide level by means of system it has been saved 100 million Euro and all it has considerably improved quality of the services rendered by doctors The general practice and country hospitals. Thus, the most important - has occurred Substantial improvement of awareness of the population about the necessary Actions and procedures at typical symptoms of diseases.

Wednesday, February 13, 2008

To Of This Kind Very Often Result ,

To of this kind very often result , tumours of a pancreas and lungs. At these conditions hyperpigmentation is caused over production a hormone and . - a typical sign in the form of late skin or motley . For example, at hyperpigmentation Serovato-brown or brown and, often, it is indistinguishable from pigmentation At illness of Addisona. The diagnosis in such cases can be put with Use skin. At late skin the diagnosis It is established on available , to bubbles, to stains, to changes i-or rashes on a skin of the opened Body parts. The diagnosis is supplemented and proves to be true presence of the increased Maintenances in urine (a parity and in norm more 3:1) or red fluorescence The acidified urine. Skin hyperpigmentation is observed and at Chronic nephritic insufficiency, primary a cirrhosis and A number of other diseases connected with metabolism change. For example, at chronic deficiency of a food (, a syndrome, a syndrome , etc.) Appear stains on a trunk skin. At The pigmentation zone is limited only to the sites of a skin subject To influence of light or .

Sunday, February 10, 2008

Factors Risk Aarskog Of A Syndrome - Defect

Factors Risk Aarskog of a syndrome - defect comes to light more often at men though women as can have more moderate displays of disease. (AF1). This syndrome is connected with mutations in a gene by name of FGDY1 which is found in X chromosome (Gene Map Locus: Xp11.21 (300546)).Faciogenital Dysplasia; Faciodigitogenital Syndrome, Aarskog Syndrome (from OMIM); Aarskog syndrome by Aase a syndrome, sin. - Aase-Smith 1 syndrome; Aase a syndrome rare the inherited defect characterised by an anaemia and skeletal uglinesses (http://www. ncbi. nlm. nih. gov / entrez/). Genetic localisation of illness is not known. The anaemia is caused structures and marrow functions. ABCD a syndrome (albinism, Black Lock, Cell Migration Disorder of the Neurocytes of the Gut, and Deafness), etc. Abdergaldena-Fankoni a syndrome, (-253.3); (.Abderhalden, 1877-1950, G.Fanconi, 1892-1979), . - Abdergaldena - Fankoni illness, ; , and , etc. (Abderhalden - Kaufmann - Lignac syndrome), a syndrome of Abdergaldena - Kaufmana - Ligna, Syndrome "Fankoni, a diathesis, a diabetes, , Nephritic gliko-amino-phosphatic diabetes.