Saturday, January 5, 2008

As Soon As Research Will Be It Is

As soon as research will be It is finished, the doctor together with the patient should consider results Preliminary laboratory and functional researches. The doctor or The special medical worker should discuss recommendations on To additional researches, treatment and the plan of the subsequent visitings The doctor and advisers. Results of survey, the recommendation, recipes and Special instructions should be presented the patient (that Becomes, on my supervision, very seldom or never) in the written To the form in English of language or, on demand, on a native language The patient. Normal results of inspection Normal results of primary research The patient with an estimation , the laboratory and some functional The data usually correspond to display of these functions at healthy faces Corresponding sex, age and constitution. If results with deviations are revealed from The norms including any changes and deviations from specifications, it Specifies definitely, indirectly or vaguely in infringements, Diseases or pathological conditions, (fever), (aria), etc.

Friday, January 4, 2008

The Gas Exchange Includes Delivery Of Oxygen To

The gas exchange includes delivery of oxygen to To capillary bed and elimination 2 from a blood stream in a small circle Blood circulations. Effective and long removal 2 from blood depends From adequate ventilation of lungs. Relations between ventilation and PaCO2 Can be presented as follows: PaCO2 = (k) (VCO2)/VA. In Which VCO2 is a metabolic stream (manufacture) 2 (that Is, maintenance 2 in a blue blood), k - a constant and VA - speed Alveolar ventilation. Therefore, PaCO2 increase as from reduction VA, and at all kinds hypoventilation of lungs. As space And a surface of alveoluses and also can work not effectively ( The age, etc.) increase PaCO2 conducts illnesses of bronchial tubes to reduction Percentage of oxygen with the subsequent . Alveolar ventilation can decrease, When the physiological dead space of lungs (that increases Is, VD/VT a parity). Physiological dead space Increases, when ventilation of lungs increases and it leads To parity infringement blood and volumes of a stream alveolar Air.

Additional Recommendations: The Signs Limiting Carrying Out Of

Additional recommendations: The signs limiting carrying out of the test In the presence of a chest pain syndrome: (<7 % on Goldman to criterion - sm Above); the estimation Report should include a high-grade clinical estimation Conditions, an electrocardiogram in rest and markers a whey myocardium Blood (CK-MB/TROPONIN); the carrying out Scheme the dough (exercise) and Electrocardiograms record should correspond to requirements American Warm Associations (AHA) (clinical exercise ECG testing laboratories). The most reliable and not aggressive in the present Time the report for an estimation of results diagnostic tests Bruce's scheme or changed Bruce the report admits. ACC/AHA Guidelines for Exercise Testing (2006). -- -- And now check up the knowledge on a problem "Sharp coronary syndrome" (Construction Department) (Right answers on test questions with Explanations and comments it is possible to receive after sending of yours Variants of answers on or ykhramov@yahoo.

Thursday, January 3, 2008

A Short Wind In Rest Or At To

A short wind in rest or at To physical activity is one of cardinal signs of many Heart diseases. Presence of a short wind at patients from the warm Insufficiency functionally usually designates the pulmonary venous Hypertension. It is sometimes difficult to allocate kinds of a short wind among the various reasons, Which include primary warm or respiratory infringements, defects Developments, an anaemia or difficulties with peripheral blood circulation. Certainly a short wind at support of the obvious Signs of diseases of heart confirms a warm aetiology. But when The short wind aetiology is doubtful, ultrasonic can accurately explain an origin This symptom and to document or exclude other general reasons Pulmonary hypertension: the left type - the illness of valves lowered or function and-or . "Trouble with doctors - not that they know insufficiently, and that they do not see enough." Dominik John Korrigan (1802-1880 ) The general survey and condition estimation. Before survey at the doctor the bladder should be released and a portion Urine can be collected in special (sm on a site [31]) the container ( Better with preservative - a drop of boric acid of 1 %) [30].

Monday, December 31, 2007

Its Works Persistently Proved That Illnesses Are Connected

Its works persistently proved that illnesses are connected With set of the terrestrial reasons also grow out of the natural Actions. In ancient Greece [1] was many people of Gippokrat carrying a surname [2]. It is often meeting surname as ' Ivanov' Or ' Petrov ' in Russia. Many of carriers of this surname tried To allocate itself in the Greek history in the various ways. But any The person with a surname of Gippokrat [3] has not received such popularity, respect and honours for the works as Gippokrat from island of Plaits. It has made revolution in medicine and pharmacy, Which has considerably changed a civilisation direction. has changed Medicine and pharmacy practice, having transformed it from mythical, superstitious, Magic and over natural bases to the rules based on Supervision and causal relationships with bases of scientific objectivity and Elements of constantly growing evolutionary tree. In modern medicine of the beginning of medicine often Connect with self-appointed pupils-successors of Gippokrata - Galenom (Galen), anatomists and physiologists of Vezaliem (Andreas Vesalius) and William Garveem (William Harvey) , Living in 14 - 15-s' centuries of our century, instead of with Gippokratom.