Your time is almost up.
Hello dear,
There is no reason to relax at all but ẏou ԁon’t neeԁ to panic anԁ haνe to
read my message carefullẏ.
It is reallẏ important, moreoνer, it’s ...
Thursday, July 9, 2009
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
STD Testing
The draft list in the Alpes-Maritimes people infected with HIV (the World dated June 14-15) is long past. After the many reactions that it had raised throughout the weekend, Jacques Médecin, Nice Mayor and President of the General Council of Alpes-Maritimes, announced on Monday 15 June it was withdrawing funding for this census.
Why at the meeting of 12 June last general advisers of the Alpes-Maritimes have voted unanimously for the establishment of a census of people with HIV? It is now possible to reconstruct what might be called a "methodological slippage. Initially, there is the development, scientific and rigorous, the public health laboratory in Marseille, a method for an epidemiological study of AIDS and STD without violating medical secrecy.
Testing for Sexually Transmitted Diseases, sometimes can be daunting task, since various applications and methods are being used to test for different STD (Sexually Transmitted Diseases)
<a href="">HERPES | STD GENITAL HERPES: STD TESTING</a>: "Medically registered cases of sexually transmitted diseases (STD) are common in every city and district of United States."
Why at the meeting of 12 June last general advisers of the Alpes-Maritimes have voted unanimously for the establishment of a census of people with HIV? It is now possible to reconstruct what might be called a "methodological slippage. Initially, there is the development, scientific and rigorous, the public health laboratory in Marseille, a method for an epidemiological study of AIDS and STD without violating medical secrecy.
Testing for Sexually Transmitted Diseases, sometimes can be daunting task, since various applications and methods are being used to test for different STD (Sexually Transmitted Diseases)
<a href="">HERPES | STD GENITAL HERPES: STD TESTING</a>: "Medically registered cases of sexually transmitted diseases (STD) are common in every city and district of United States."
Monday, June 22, 2009
It Is Known As That These Changes And
"Today, the danger is Herpes and STD viruses and infections that we believe to have been serious and often fatal, while the risk of contamination is present and eminent we have no common vaccine against it. Vaccination is not an individual interest, it protects all the people around possible infected person it is done in the public interest to prevent epidemics and isolate the infected person without danger to other people. Common statement by specialist in preventive medicine, "to eradicate a disease, at least 80%-90% of the population have to be vaccinated. " Herpes and other STD have grown to epidemics proportions among people of all countries and technically the spread of the virus have put all other non-infected people at risk of contracting the disease and yet we do not have any vaccine against it. " by Are the vaccines necessary and when Herpes vaccine will come around ?
It is known as that these changes and damages can essentially To change character and duration of bronho-pulmonary diseases. Estimation of Genital a condition of a mouth and drinks Sounds and breath smells. At survey simultaneously Attentively listen to sounds at breath. For example, soft The noise coinciding with pulse of the patient can be heard through widely opened Mouth at presence aneurysms of a chest aorta (sign Drummond'). Appreciable Lengthening of duration of an exhalation is connected with an abundance of mixed rattles With a possible bronchospasm. A soft rattling sound at an open mouth on Breath and exhalation assumes foreign matter presence in a bronchial tube (a sign Jackson'). Pay attention to breath with occurrence Unusual smells. This component of quality of breath is very useful in To diagnostics because there is a set of characteristics (sm the table Aromas). you feel at this research awkwardly, Try to spend these definitions on distance. Ask the patient To speak or discuss its anamnesis and, at this time, define smells Breath.
It is known as that these changes and damages can essentially To change character and duration of bronho-pulmonary diseases. Estimation of Genital a condition of a mouth and drinks Sounds and breath smells. At survey simultaneously Attentively listen to sounds at breath. For example, soft The noise coinciding with pulse of the patient can be heard through widely opened Mouth at presence aneurysms of a chest aorta (sign Drummond'). Appreciable Lengthening of duration of an exhalation is connected with an abundance of mixed rattles With a possible bronchospasm. A soft rattling sound at an open mouth on Breath and exhalation assumes foreign matter presence in a bronchial tube (a sign Jackson'). Pay attention to breath with occurrence Unusual smells. This component of quality of breath is very useful in To diagnostics because there is a set of characteristics (sm the table Aromas). you feel at this research awkwardly, Try to spend these definitions on distance. Ask the patient To speak or discuss its anamnesis and, at this time, define smells Breath.
Saturday, June 20, 2009
It Did Not Remember, How She Lived These
"But the mobilization is immediate killer cells, unlike T cells that need to be educated. The learning behavior of these natural killer cells thus quell the enemy before it progresses in the body, the challenge is to intensify the progression of natural immune system to be more effective and efficient in developing anti herpes approach fighting the virus. The natural killer cells play an important role in eliminating the infection, that is how the immune system is set up to function in regular infection attacks, but the Herpes virus is much too strong and infection demand much stronger immune system. Most initial viral load is a substantial pressure on immune system of the body, that in most cases suppress the immune system and the virus is established in the body for the rest of life. " by New research on pathogens causing genital herpes
It did not remember, how she lived these days that Genital to it occurred, but by its pity kind it was possible to assume about all detestableness of the happened. She sobbed, repented, went to the neuropathologist and the psychopathologist, swallowed of any medicines, but after a while an unexpected collapse was made again th background of full family calmness!. Having analysed their way of life, I ascertained not only constant a mealy food at them, but also that its failures happened right after holidays - with a traditional overeating of pies and cakes and wine thus is rich. a biological nature of this young woman it was that that after action of a similar detonator it was liberated, speaking in images, in the big explosion. To put it briefly, from their diet (and especially - from it) it has been cleaned everything that provoked occurrence notorious open molecular communications, and here four years in a family not broken prosperity reigns. Such is indissoluble communication of the high theory with ordinary practice of existence.
It did not remember, how she lived these days that Genital to it occurred, but by its pity kind it was possible to assume about all detestableness of the happened. She sobbed, repented, went to the neuropathologist and the psychopathologist, swallowed of any medicines, but after a while an unexpected collapse was made again th background of full family calmness!. Having analysed their way of life, I ascertained not only constant a mealy food at them, but also that its failures happened right after holidays - with a traditional overeating of pies and cakes and wine thus is rich. a biological nature of this young woman it was that that after action of a similar detonator it was liberated, speaking in images, in the big explosion. To put it briefly, from their diet (and especially - from it) it has been cleaned everything that provoked occurrence notorious open molecular communications, and here four years in a family not broken prosperity reigns. Such is indissoluble communication of the high theory with ordinary practice of existence.
That Is Why Bent For To Alcohol At
"In United States, the most infected are the youth and people of younger age, STD affecting especially the black minority more intensely women rather then men, according to federal statistics released in June 2009. Medically registered cases of Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) are recorded only at public medical centers when the individuals comes for STD TESTING, those other people who orders STD Testing privately, from private medical establishments are not. The CDC reports also shows that cases of syphilis surprisingly continue to grow, since these disease are considered to be "manageable" and preventable. Syphilis is in the process of being eradicated, from the late 90-s, in the United States, however it began to represent a new health threat in 2001, registering an increase of 15. " by USA: The Call for Public Attention to Sharp Increase in STD Sexually Transmitted Diseases
That is why bent for to alcohol at those who plentifully eats bread and macaroni and besides often consumes sweet tea, is in the most dark cellars of a STD Herpes nature, even more deeply, than the horizon of instincts is located. Therefore practically all attempts to get rid of predilection for alcohol at the chip with the similar impoverished food are equivalent to aspiration to stop the heavy stone which has swept from top of mountain downwards: it is possible, but it is very difficult. However, if to change a food on mainly vegetative, the result will affect quickly enough for biochemical promptings by the nature will be cleaned, consciousnesses lying below level, and sobering up process becomes operated on head level. I will give an example from practice: in not which quite safe family there was bitter grief vainly hidden from people - the young, intelligent, fragile woman loving mother of two small children from time to time broke in absolutely inexplicable monstrous hard drinkings. It unexpectedly disappeared from the house, and it found sometimes in a week somewhere in an inconceivable dirt, among the latest, from the point of view of morals, human garbage.
That is why bent for to alcohol at those who plentifully eats bread and macaroni and besides often consumes sweet tea, is in the most dark cellars of a STD Herpes nature, even more deeply, than the horizon of instincts is located. Therefore practically all attempts to get rid of predilection for alcohol at the chip with the similar impoverished food are equivalent to aspiration to stop the heavy stone which has swept from top of mountain downwards: it is possible, but it is very difficult. However, if to change a food on mainly vegetative, the result will affect quickly enough for biochemical promptings by the nature will be cleaned, consciousnesses lying below level, and sobering up process becomes operated on head level. I will give an example from practice: in not which quite safe family there was bitter grief vainly hidden from people - the young, intelligent, fragile woman loving mother of two small children from time to time broke in absolutely inexplicable monstrous hard drinkings. It unexpectedly disappeared from the house, and it found sometimes in a week somewhere in an inconceivable dirt, among the latest, from the point of view of morals, human garbage.
) * Fizikalnoe Research Of An Air Line, Lungs
"It is well over 20 million people each year contract a sexually transmitted disease, according to a study released by the World Health Organization (WHO ). It is this study first have put into perspective the research and analysis under the conducted study parameters on the Herpes disease, it estimated that approximately 16% of the global population aged 15 to 49 carry the virus (!!!). The disease is particularly widespread in sub-Saharan Africa where over 70% of women are infected. The virus Herpes simplex type 2 is usually transmitted through sexual contact and remains in the body for life. " by World Health Organization (WHO ) on HERPES Outbreak
) * Fizikalnoe research of an air line, lungs and a diaphragm "Trouble Herpes Genital with doctors - Not in that they know insufficiently, and that They do not see enough. "Dominik John Korrigan (1802-1880 ) Survey of the patient Skin. The integument of the person allows To see displays of set of diseases. Thus opened and closed Sites and skin areas are observed and estimated on set Signs-from of colour scale (inhabitants of the Earth have 32 standard Skin shade) till the sizes of forms of any , damages and Changes. It is interesting that during a life of a cage of a skin of the person are replaced According to a genetic code about 1000 times. At doctors turn special attention on Skin structure, various folds and stains, including vascular drawing, Burn, cicatricial changes and presence . (Illustration sm). Consider that the rough data about BIOLOGICAL age of the patient can give elasticity research Skin. So if for sufficient on the area a skin fold on Wrists and, then to measure time for which this fold of a skin To finish, it is possible to define biological age roughly The patient.
) * Fizikalnoe research of an air line, lungs and a diaphragm "Trouble Herpes Genital with doctors - Not in that they know insufficiently, and that They do not see enough. "Dominik John Korrigan (1802-1880 ) Survey of the patient Skin. The integument of the person allows To see displays of set of diseases. Thus opened and closed Sites and skin areas are observed and estimated on set Signs-from of colour scale (inhabitants of the Earth have 32 standard Skin shade) till the sizes of forms of any , damages and Changes. It is interesting that during a life of a cage of a skin of the person are replaced According to a genetic code about 1000 times. At doctors turn special attention on Skin structure, various folds and stains, including vascular drawing, Burn, cicatricial changes and presence . (Illustration sm). Consider that the rough data about BIOLOGICAL age of the patient can give elasticity research Skin. So if for sufficient on the area a skin fold on Wrists and, then to measure time for which this fold of a skin To finish, it is possible to define biological age roughly The patient.
Further: Now It Would Be Possible To Make
"In the current debate mainly from those who do not live or share the life experience of the African woman in countries like Congo there are those who do not want contraception is equivalent to abortion practices, support the pregnancy, or better human life begins only from the implantation of the fertilized ovum in the endometrium of the uterus and not from fertilization. All these debates do more harm to the life of the woman and the child. There is no need to explain at length the concept of reproductive health and abortions, what we really need to take into consideration is the side effects and adverse consequences on women's health made by hormonal contraceptives. It is for the sake of health of people these advocates and debaters should be focusing on providing more economic and realistic means of contraceptives like condoms and stop other social experiments. " by Africa following the suit
Further: now it would be possible to make a magnificent selection of the analytical materials explaining salutary influence Genital Herpes STD of silicon on our nervous system. I with pleasure and advantage already a number of years use water, infused on silicon, to be exact, y me there are two banks with crystals - one near to another for their contact. Further: it is possible to take for granted that with the termination of growth it is required to the person of less calcium, than in the childhood. We, as a rule, increase consumption of the meal rich with calcium and as a result we find an osteochondrosis, arthritises, illness, an atherosclerosis, a hypertension and other "pleasures". Meanwhile, the water analysis in regions where it is most of all noted long-livers, shows small doses of presence at it of calcium and, accordingly, almost a total absence of an atherosclerosis at people, its consuming. The given statistics rather convincingly testifies to necessity of consecutive decrease in consumption of milk and all dairy products rich with calcium, and she explains presence of cheeses and a brynza in food of long-livers: in their regions and the cows milking, also drink water with the low maintenance of calcium.
Further: now it would be possible to make a magnificent selection of the analytical materials explaining salutary influence Genital Herpes STD of silicon on our nervous system. I with pleasure and advantage already a number of years use water, infused on silicon, to be exact, y me there are two banks with crystals - one near to another for their contact. Further: it is possible to take for granted that with the termination of growth it is required to the person of less calcium, than in the childhood. We, as a rule, increase consumption of the meal rich with calcium and as a result we find an osteochondrosis, arthritises, illness, an atherosclerosis, a hypertension and other "pleasures". Meanwhile, the water analysis in regions where it is most of all noted long-livers, shows small doses of presence at it of calcium and, accordingly, almost a total absence of an atherosclerosis at people, its consuming. The given statistics rather convincingly testifies to necessity of consecutive decrease in consumption of milk and all dairy products rich with calcium, and she explains presence of cheeses and a brynza in food of long-livers: in their regions and the cows milking, also drink water with the low maintenance of calcium.
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
I Only Laughed, Understanding, From What Layers Of
"Have a serious talk with your life partner about herpes virus, open dialogs with partner always helps to reduce the risk of transmission of herpes virus during sexual intercourse or oro-genital contact). Living with herpes is not easy for many people infected with the virus spreading the virus is making living of other people as difficult, you must do utmost to prevent it. Remember herpes is a highly contagious viral disease that affect the body in many ways and usually seen on the face, including the cold sore, or other body parts, like genital herpes. Day to day life requires a lot of adjustments at first, then it shell become a part of routine of the day. " by Herpes: Protecting Others
I only laughed, understanding, from what layers of the previous poverty similar representations about "a beautiful" Genital Herpes life grew. It has been very constrained on high words, but I know that the love to me and fidelity to a family made an essence of its being. In a year of a joint life when she was in the family way, there was a trouble: to it have informed that with me on distant business trip (she has understood at once that in Afghanistan) there was a misfortune, but already everything is all right, the most important thing - is live and it is possible not to worry. When I have arrived, have found it in hospital: from a nervous shock there was an abortion, twins was kept. I and have not learnt, who has shown similar "care" of me. I speak about it that more and more time to tell: Darya loved me selflessly, all strong and lonely female nature, on a happy life. She aspired on to a call of duty completely to correspond to representations about this happy life. And here here we were expected by the conflict.
I only laughed, understanding, from what layers of the previous poverty similar representations about "a beautiful" Genital Herpes life grew. It has been very constrained on high words, but I know that the love to me and fidelity to a family made an essence of its being. In a year of a joint life when she was in the family way, there was a trouble: to it have informed that with me on distant business trip (she has understood at once that in Afghanistan) there was a misfortune, but already everything is all right, the most important thing - is live and it is possible not to worry. When I have arrived, have found it in hospital: from a nervous shock there was an abortion, twins was kept. I and have not learnt, who has shown similar "care" of me. I speak about it that more and more time to tell: Darya loved me selflessly, all strong and lonely female nature, on a happy life. She aspired on to a call of duty completely to correspond to representations about this happy life. And here here we were expected by the conflict.
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
42]. This Way Is The Relaxation. If To Draw
"The disease is particularly widespread in sub-Saharan Africa where over 70% of women are infected. The virus Herpes simplex type 2 is usually transmitted through sexual contact and remains in the body for life. The disease can be manifested by painful genital ulcers, but symptoms may also be more moderate, which is why most people are unaware they are infected with the virus and can transmit it further to other people. The said the study published by the WHO, we shall ask for the permission to have it published here. " by World Health Organization (WHO ) on HERPES Outbreak
42]. This way is the relaxation. If to draw an analogy between a camera and an eye, Any photographer knows what to Genital Herpes guide(visit) the camera at sharpness It is possible for any of two ways: or change of distance from Films up to a lens of an objective, or change of force most Lenses. Proceeding from the theory, considers(counts), that - sight in cases of anomalies of a refraction, senile - Vigilance and a squint can be carried out through - coordination of activity of external muscles of eyes. At them Correct interaction there is an exact focusing of beams Light on a retina of an eye. Correct interaction of muscles Probably only in a condition of a relaxation. Thus, - , according to(agree) , consists not in avoiding Works close or sight afar, and in disposal from - a pressure(voltage) which underlies imperfect work Eyes on both distances [16, .46]. Achievement of the relaxation necessary for improvement - , has demanded development of some the exercises carrying as - , and mental character with prevalence - Them.
42]. This way is the relaxation. If to draw an analogy between a camera and an eye, Any photographer knows what to Genital Herpes guide(visit) the camera at sharpness It is possible for any of two ways: or change of distance from Films up to a lens of an objective, or change of force most Lenses. Proceeding from the theory, considers(counts), that - sight in cases of anomalies of a refraction, senile - Vigilance and a squint can be carried out through - coordination of activity of external muscles of eyes. At them Correct interaction there is an exact focusing of beams Light on a retina of an eye. Correct interaction of muscles Probably only in a condition of a relaxation. Thus, - , according to(agree) , consists not in avoiding Works close or sight afar, and in disposal from - a pressure(voltage) which underlies imperfect work Eyes on both distances [16, .46]. Achievement of the relaxation necessary for improvement - , has demanded development of some the exercises carrying as - , and mental character with prevalence - Them.
The Additional Transport Mechanism Includes An Exchange Of
"According to the latest research across many data centers worldwide, medical institutions have reported their findings where people infected with herpes virus turn to for the first help with obscure symptoms. This medical data from around the world have allowed to see the real picture and draw the boundaries of herpes virus spread. It is well over 500 million people worldwide infected with genital herpes, according to the WHO World Health Organization, its almost twice the size of United States. It is well over 20 million people each year contract a sexually transmitted disease, according to a study released by the World Health Organization (WHO ). " by World Health Organization (WHO ) on HERPES Outbreak
The additional transport mechanism includes an exchange of ions 1' 3, Na + on Genital Herpes +, secretion +, To +, 1 ', 3 ` joint transport Na + both glucose and active carrying over Na + through a membrane by means of N +/ +--. Thus, water circulation through intestines is carried out in volume equal approximately 30 - to 36 litres a day. In a small intestine site also Are soaked up: iron, calcium, , fats, fibers, , Absorbed in to the form after dissolution by salts of the bilious Acids, amino acids and , absorbed by the specific Carriers; the sugar, absorbed by means of active transport. On a small intestine site are soaked up: , salts Bilious acids and water, and in a thick gut - water and electrolits. advances the intestinal Contents (chemical moustache) from a stomach to to an aperture with division Components that promotes absorption and the nutritious Substances. Contents advancement on intestines is supervised nervous, and hormonal mechanisms. In particular it occurs under The control a motor complex.
The additional transport mechanism includes an exchange of ions 1' 3, Na + on Genital Herpes +, secretion +, To +, 1 ', 3 ` joint transport Na + both glucose and active carrying over Na + through a membrane by means of N +/ +--. Thus, water circulation through intestines is carried out in volume equal approximately 30 - to 36 litres a day. In a small intestine site also Are soaked up: iron, calcium, , fats, fibers, , Absorbed in to the form after dissolution by salts of the bilious Acids, amino acids and , absorbed by the specific Carriers; the sugar, absorbed by means of active transport. On a small intestine site are soaked up: , salts Bilious acids and water, and in a thick gut - water and electrolits. advances the intestinal Contents (chemical moustache) from a stomach to to an aperture with division Components that promotes absorption and the nutritious Substances. Contents advancement on intestines is supervised nervous, and hormonal mechanisms. In particular it occurs under The control a motor complex.
Certainly, Definition Of Weight Of Fat Most Precisely
"However the vaccine against Herpes virus has never been developed despite many attempts and effort on the part of medical research labs. It pose many questions. Historically, the disappearance of such diseases as diphtheria, yet deadly in 1945, or smallpox eradicated in 1980, the decline in tetanus and tuberculosis are mainly due to the systematic practice of vaccination at an early age conducted by public health providers from year to year. Today, the danger is Herpes and STD viruses and infections that we believe to have been serious and often fatal, while the risk of contamination is present and eminent we have no common vaccine against it. " by Are the vaccines necessary and when Herpes vaccine will come around ?
Certainly, definition of weight of fat most precisely reflects a situation and allows to answer unequivocally a question - there is here an adiposity or not. But, unfortunately, all methods STD Genital Herpes of definition of weight of fat either are difficult, or are inexact. Before wide clinical application by it it is far. Recently in the West the method of a bioelectric impedance is widely applied. It is based that the fatty fabric has the electric resistance which is distinct from those at of fabrics. On total resistance it is possible to calculate weight of fat and muscles. Unfortunately this method too is not always exact. Resistance of fabrics depends and on the maintenance in them waters so at hypostases or, on the contrary, at dehydration it will give an error in this or that party. But it is simple, safe and does not demand any preliminary preparation. And the measuring device will easily go in in a palm. A number of foreign firms has already started mass production of these devices. Can be through what that time in each polyclinic at doctors along with a tonometer or the cardiograph there will be also a device for definition of structure of a body.
Certainly, definition of weight of fat most precisely reflects a situation and allows to answer unequivocally a question - there is here an adiposity or not. But, unfortunately, all methods STD Genital Herpes of definition of weight of fat either are difficult, or are inexact. Before wide clinical application by it it is far. Recently in the West the method of a bioelectric impedance is widely applied. It is based that the fatty fabric has the electric resistance which is distinct from those at of fabrics. On total resistance it is possible to calculate weight of fat and muscles. Unfortunately this method too is not always exact. Resistance of fabrics depends and on the maintenance in them waters so at hypostases or, on the contrary, at dehydration it will give an error in this or that party. But it is simple, safe and does not demand any preliminary preparation. And the measuring device will easily go in in a palm. A number of foreign firms has already started mass production of these devices. Can be through what that time in each polyclinic at doctors along with a tonometer or the cardiograph there will be also a device for definition of structure of a body.
But If There Is No Clear Boundary Between
"It is well over 500 million people worldwide infected with genital herpes, according to the WHO World Health Organization, its almost twice the size of United States. It is well over 20 million people each year contract a sexually transmitted disease, according to a study released by the World Health Organization (WHO ). It is this study first have put into perspective the research and analysis under the conducted study parameters on the Herpes disease, it estimated that approximately 16% of the global population aged 15 to 49 carry the virus (!!!). The disease is particularly widespread in sub-Saharan Africa where over 70% of women are infected. " by World Health Organization (WHO ) on HERPES Outbreak
But if there is no clear boundary between development of an organism and the illnesses linked to ageing, that is there is STD Herpes no distinction between norm and a pathology nevertheless such differentiation be conditional should is spent. It is necessary first of all the science purpose is not only in itself knowledge, but also aspiration to perfection and nature preservation. In this case this clearing of the person of burden of illnesses of ageing. And for this purpose, in particular, the line of readout delimiting conditionally is necessary that we accept for norm, because, that is almost proved to consider as illness. The deviation from this line of readout would be a signal to acceptance of certain measures of influence. About such line of readout based on representation about ideal norm, also there is a speech in the present book. In this respect I aspire to prove that after the termination of development and growth of an organism norm limits are uniform for all age and are individual for everyone (certainly if during this period the person is healthy).
But if there is no clear boundary between development of an organism and the illnesses linked to ageing, that is there is STD Herpes no distinction between norm and a pathology nevertheless such differentiation be conditional should is spent. It is necessary first of all the science purpose is not only in itself knowledge, but also aspiration to perfection and nature preservation. In this case this clearing of the person of burden of illnesses of ageing. And for this purpose, in particular, the line of readout delimiting conditionally is necessary that we accept for norm, because, that is almost proved to consider as illness. The deviation from this line of readout would be a signal to acceptance of certain measures of influence. About such line of readout based on representation about ideal norm, also there is a speech in the present book. In this respect I aspire to prove that after the termination of development and growth of an organism norm limits are uniform for all age and are individual for everyone (certainly if during this period the person is healthy).
At Once I Will Tell That The Patient
"Have a serious talk with your life partner about herpes virus, open dialogs with partner always helps to reduce the risk of transmission of herpes virus during sexual intercourse or oro-genital contact). Living with herpes is not easy for many people infected with the virus spreading the virus is making living of other people as difficult, you must do utmost to prevent it. Remember herpes is a highly contagious viral disease that affect the body in many ways and usually seen on the face, including the cold sore, or other body parts, like genital herpes. Day to day life requires a lot of adjustments at first, then it shell become a part of routine of the day. " by Herpes: Protecting Others
At once I will tell that the patient with adiposity of the fourth degree, is deeply sick person. Even a campaign in Genital Herpes a bakery or in polyclinic for it at times an insuperable problem. Fortunately there is this degree of adiposity not too often. I on work had to treat not less than thousand sick of adiposity. And so, patients with the fourth degree there were among them no more than fifty. Time has not sufficed ten me a scale of medical scales that them to weigh. These scales, by the way, are calculated a maximum on 160 kg. Were and simply depressing cases. I recollect one fellow who at the age of 18 years at growth of an order of 165 centimetres weighed kgs 170. He choked with excessive weight even in position sitting. Still, after all it weighed almost three times more than to it followed! 6 Here the formula for definition of an index of Ketle ( ): = (Kg): 2 (), Where M - weight of a body, - growth. As to the West countries, there Are guided by a so-called index of Ketle or an index of weight of a body.
At once I will tell that the patient with adiposity of the fourth degree, is deeply sick person. Even a campaign in Genital Herpes a bakery or in polyclinic for it at times an insuperable problem. Fortunately there is this degree of adiposity not too often. I on work had to treat not less than thousand sick of adiposity. And so, patients with the fourth degree there were among them no more than fifty. Time has not sufficed ten me a scale of medical scales that them to weigh. These scales, by the way, are calculated a maximum on 160 kg. Were and simply depressing cases. I recollect one fellow who at the age of 18 years at growth of an order of 165 centimetres weighed kgs 170. He choked with excessive weight even in position sitting. Still, after all it weighed almost three times more than to it followed! 6 Here the formula for definition of an index of Ketle ( ): = (Kg): 2 (), Where M - weight of a body, - growth. As to the West countries, there Are guided by a so-called index of Ketle or an index of weight of a body.
Cough Can Be Epidemic, Bronchial, Functional, , Spasmodic
The virus Herpes simplex type 2 is usually transmitted through sexual contact and remains in the body for life. The disease can be manifested by painful genital ulcers, but symptoms may also be more moderate, which is why most people are unaware they are infected with the virus and can transmit it further to other people. The said the study published by the WHO, we shall ask for the permission to have it published here. "The virus of genital herpes causes serious consequences such as increased risk of contracting the AIDS virus or the transmission of herpes virus to children at birth, which may cause neurological damage and even cause death, "said Dr.
by World Health Organization (WHO ) on HERPES Outbreak
Cough can be epidemic, bronchial, Functional, , spasmodic (= ), Neurotic, psychogenic, cough of the smoker, etc., including cough "Tea taste" at . Allocate also cough sharp and <a href="">Genital Herpes</a> Chronic (after 3 weeks sharp). Cough can be dry and with Branch . Besides in the various can be included Components - purulent, fibrinous clots or blood elements. Chronic cough Constant cough lasting more than what of 2 weeks without the convincing Proofs of the reasons or the conventional aetiology is called as chronic cough and is a serious clinical problem. The elementary questionnaire according to qualities of cough (Cough). The usual reasons of chronic cough: Long hyperventilation of lungs Nasopharynx pathology - a syndrome Other reasons (more rare) of chronic cough Lung cancer; illnesses of a throat; illnesses of an ear; Medicinal allergies (for example ACE ); the psychological Factors. Reflex cough The basic receptors of cough are in a nose, To nasopharynx, throats, the top part of a trachea and the main bronchial tubes ().
by World Health Organization (WHO ) on HERPES Outbreak
Cough can be epidemic, bronchial, Functional, , spasmodic (= ), Neurotic, psychogenic, cough of the smoker, etc., including cough "Tea taste" at . Allocate also cough sharp and <a href="">Genital Herpes</a> Chronic (after 3 weeks sharp). Cough can be dry and with Branch . Besides in the various can be included Components - purulent, fibrinous clots or blood elements. Chronic cough Constant cough lasting more than what of 2 weeks without the convincing Proofs of the reasons or the conventional aetiology is called as chronic cough and is a serious clinical problem. The elementary questionnaire according to qualities of cough (Cough). The usual reasons of chronic cough: Long hyperventilation of lungs Nasopharynx pathology - a syndrome Other reasons (more rare) of chronic cough Lung cancer; illnesses of a throat; illnesses of an ear; Medicinal allergies (for example ACE ); the psychological Factors. Reflex cough The basic receptors of cough are in a nose, To nasopharynx, throats, the top part of a trachea and the main bronchial tubes ().
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Spontaneous Occurs Approximately At 50 % Of Patients
Spontaneous occurs Approximately at 50 % of patients in age, and at 25 % of patients Partial recover comes at mature age. Exist and System signs of superfluous liberation at (Incidental "inflow", a tachycardia, breath infringements, a headache, Intestinal , a diarrhoeia, a hypotension) which indirectly specify on The possible reason - . are observed at albinism, a syndrome German-gudlaka (= albinism with defects and a diathesis), a syndrome of Cross-country - the Poppy-kjusika-brina (= albinism with , development backlog, a hypertone of muscles and ). Partial albinism (Piebaldism), Inherited on autosomno-prepotent type. The syndrome is characterised plaques in frontal area, a forward part of a head (in Result of that often there is a white lock of hair), on a thorax, In the field of knee and elbow joints. Plaques are caused by the local Absence or number reduction also do not disappear with Time. The syndrome of Vardenburga is characterised White locks of hair, defects of a pigment and hypopigmentation of a skin, , wide nose bridge, corners of eyes, Congenital deafness, inherits on autosomno-prepotent type, Tuberoznyj a sclerosis, is characterised Stains as a clean sheet of the small size (1-3 sm), Localised mainly on a trunk, fibromatous small knots on To skin of a forehead, trunk, hands and feet, intellectual backwardness, an epilepsy, small knots in a bark and areas of the head Brain, retinas, hearts, kidneys, easy And bones.
Saturday, May 23, 2009
It Is Necessary To Remember That Falling Or
It is necessary to remember that Falling or a serious head injury blood presence in the external acoustical Pass, can be a sign of crisis of the basis of a skull or parietal Bones. * bones which are shown as Convex hillocks in acoustical pass, often testify to that, That the patient long floated in cold water. Then it is necessary to concern softly skin of the acoustical The channel and to pay attention to any displays of a skin. The increased sensitivity of a skin (sign Hitselberger') offers Acoustic . Estimation of a condition of an eardrum After inspection of external acoustical pass It is necessary to concentrate all attention to research of the drum-type Membranes! Normal colour of an eardrum As it is pale - - grey. Stains on a membrane assume Possible otitis. But it is necessary to be very cautious in interpretation of stains Redness on a membrane. For example, a membrane redness can cause and Vascular reaction which superficially resembles laces, a network in a kind Sections on the membrane handle.
Thursday, May 21, 2009
More Often It Is Characteristic For Infectious Processes
More often It is characteristic for infectious processes - , a pneumonia, a sepsis Etc. Allocate set of kinds . Look more in detail 2.15 Features of diagnostics of diseases at elderly persons. Features of the general property: 1. A combination of several diseases. 2. Delay of a metabolism with prevalence and tolerance decrease to carbohydrates 3. Decrease in functional reserves respiratory, Cardiovascular, urinogenital, gastroenteric, etc. systems. 4. Immunity deterioration. With the years memory, sight (48 considerably worsens Years), the hearing, functions of kidneys, easy, develops the proof raised the arterial pressure, expressed in various degree Osteoporosis, etc. At elderly persons the chronic are more often shown The diseases demanding continuous supervision and treatment: 1. An arterial hypertension ( the HELL> 85 mm ); 2. An ischemic heart trouble; 3. Insufficiency of blood circulation; 4. A diabetes; 5. An osteoporosis; 6. Depression and ; 7. Illnesses glands; 8.
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
Slime In A Chair Is Typical For Inflammatory
Slime in a chair is typical for inflammatory and System-dystrophic processes, type ulcer or a syndrome Angry gut. Chair characteristics help to classify Diarrhoeia as watery, bloody, inflammatory, foamy or fat and Other Watery diarrhoeia, usually, is caused by the various Conditions, including carbohydrates, a consequence of treatment, bilious acids, illness the Crone, microscopic , Chronic an ischemia, postsurgical diarrheas, , and intestines. In the same group Carry diarrheas in connection with ethanol reception, at abusing Laxatives and at rare <hiding> hormonal tumours. it is described as grease Kind, an oil and badly smelling chair which is often difficultly washed off with Toilet bowl walls. Such characteristics of a chair assume the possible Pancreas defeats, a syndrome of a short gut, , and-or the expressed dysbacteriosis with the excessive bacterial Growth (English abbreviation-SBBO), named in Russia Intestines dysbacteriosis. Blood presence in a liquid chair, more often Everything, testifies to an inflammation and damage mucous intestines.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Allocation And Swimming In Water: A Chair At
Allocation and swimming in water: a chair at Healthy faces should will be allocated easily, being in water it it is soft Plunges. If the patient does not receive with enough food Food fibres (from 30 to 40 grammes), a chair quickly and sharply It is allocated and with splash falls in toilet water. If the chair floats it Can mean that in it too many food fibres or that more Possibly, in it too much not digested fat. This sign It is especially convincing, if the chair remains on walls of a toilet bowl and it is bad It is washed off by cold water. At the analysis it is necessary To pay special attention to the maintenance of fats which are In the parametre reflecting} the relations of two processes - chemical moustache digestion And . There are various ways of an estimation of fat in - qualitative (Painting dye) and quantitative (after gathering For 72 hours). In the latter case to the patient the diet with the exact is appointed The maintenance of fat (100). All within 72 hours collect in bank From dark glass.
Friday, May 8, 2009
Http:// Exact Identification Of A Condition Syncope At Exact identification of a condition syncope at patients is defined as 7 days repeating in a current a serious clinical case proved . Sensitivity and specificity of rules of revealing under the report San Franciscos for a primary case have made 89 % (the confidential Interval of 95 %) and 97 %. Are Thus named and Criteria of risk of sudden death in the presence of a syndrome under standards San Francisco Syncope Rule are shown. The rule convincingly worked on all patients and was good sudden death. The risk of death on the first year after research settled down in a range From 1 % for patients without risk factors to 27 % for patients with three or Considerable quantity of risk factors. One of syndrome variants - Dizzinesses, are the general clinical syndrome which includes Also it is a lot of conditions of a various range on an aetiology. The general Sign of all kinds of a syndrome is loss Consciousnesses. Allocate and . The syndrome is defined still as passing loss of consciousness, The stream of blood connected with reduction in brain pool.
Friday, May 1, 2009
Aschoff, 1866-1942, S.Tawara 1875-1952,), Sin.-predserdno-zheludochkovyj Knot. - Talalaeva (L.Aschoff,
Aschoff, 1866-1942, S.Tawara 1875-1952,), sin.-predserdno-zheludochkovyj knot. - Talalaeva (L.Aschoff, 1866-1942, V.T.Talalaev, 1886-1947) - sin.-granulema rheumatic. Annually the directory replenishes with syndromes and Symptoms of mainly therapeutic orientation. Clips of communication with are presented in the sizes only on CD or cards and sent after registration of the order by mail. More in detail sm - a site I anomaly - a congenital heart disease in the form of displacement of shutters of the three-folding valve in a heart cavity. Evans a syndrome, (-287.3), sin. - a primary thrombocytopenia. - intended acceleration of death of incurably sick person. - with a sound. Edwards a syndrome - hereditary chromosomal disease with plural developmental anomalies. , sin. - Esotropia; Crossed eyes; Exotropia; the Squint; Walleye. The reasons and risk factors - The squint is caused by a lack of coordination of movements between eyes. In Result, eyes look in various directions and not Concentrate simultaneously on separate point.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Orders For The Edition, A Disk With Drawings,
Orders for the edition, a disk with drawings, references and clips Remarks and offers to the same address. The author, professor Hramov Jury Afanasevich. (PHOTO 2) Copying of printing materials without the written The consent of the author it is not encouraged and it is not recommended. References are efficient At the moment of the material publication. The site does not bear responsibility for changes on foreign servers. THE MAINTENANCE The list of all sections of the edition INTRODUCTION 1. Modern lines of changes of the scheme of research of patients. * The approximate scheme of an estimation of a condition of patients in the USA. * the organisations of additional researches of patients * Key rules of a choice of methods of research and estimation of results * the diagnostic methods applied in the USA in 2008 year * Key rules of a choice of methods of research and estimation of results * a statement of the basic sections of the case record of patients 2.
Saturday, April 25, 2009
At The Such Patients It Is Checked A
At the such Patients it is checked a shoot and Triangle MacEwen'a which is in area approximately as 11 Hours on the right ear and 13 hours on the left ear. These areas most Are sensitive to pressure fingers when there are signs . Revealing of degree of loss of hearing Loss of hearing of various degree meets at Thirds of elderly population of the developed countries. Some data specifies, That loss of hearing and its sharpness can testify (and to be The indicator) losses of informative potential of the person. It is shown so That in some seniors age groups (80 and 90 years), signs Inadequate behaviour or mental infringements it is possible to prove Loss and hearing. Therefore, if at the patient hearing loss, comes to light The following step to a condition estimation should be towards detailed Audiologic test. The most simple test for definition of loss of hearing Whether one of ways to define the patient has Hearing loss, consists in giving to the patient the simple oral The instruction or command of different force a voice without visual contact.
Friday, April 24, 2009
D. If Extracellular The Plaque Kernel Makes More
D. If extracellular the plaque kernel makes more than 40 % of full volume , it is especially inclined to ruptures. 3. All following of the statement are correct EXCEPT one, of what? Clopidogrel - powerful, competitive () strengthens (Induces) aggregation Century lopidogrel and ticlopidin demand biotransformation for pharmacological effect () on receptors with low sensitivity it is necessary for S.Zakreplenie for activation (GP) IIb/IIIa receptors D. Aspirin blocks synthesis cages and then when arises The effect strengthening aggregation 4. a sharp coronary syndrome includes all statements EXCEPT one: A.Razryv of an atherosclerotic plaque V.Obrazovanie of a blood clot with an abundance S.Krovoizlijanie because of relative in the field of an atherosclerotic plaque D. Activation, sticking and a congestion 5. What of following factors of primary and secondary prevention or a stroke Is the main thing at Construction Department. And. Controllable arterial pressure <150/90 and V.Prekrashchenie of smoking and change of a way of life S.
(B) Deformation Of Joints> = 1 From 10
(B) deformation of joints> = 1 from 10 Joints. (C) hardening (expansion) of fabrics over> = 2 joints. D) a swelling over 0 2 (<3) joints. Treelike variant of classification of signs: (1) pain in brushes, a pain with an immovability; (2) firm thickenings of a fabric over joints> = 2 from 10 joints; (3) otechno-inflamed joints 0 2 (<3); (4 one or both Sign from the following list: (A) a firm thickening of a fabric> = 2 Joint; (B) deformation of joints> = 1 from 10 investigated. The format of treelike classification has sensitivity of 92 %, specificity of 98 %. (Altman R, Alarcon G, and others. Arthritis Rheumatism. 1990; 33: 1601-1610;) Criteria of activity coxofemoral and knee joints: The basic criterion: (A) Radio graphic (radiological) criteria of narrowing of an articulate crack > = 0.5 mm during the 6-month's period of supervision. Additional criteria: (A) a local hypostasis and joint changes: () - high level of a pain and an immovability at To inconsistent picture with moderated by radiological changes; (2) Some inefficient courses NSAID of preparations; (3) presence of surplus liquids with typical inclusions; (B) The general signs of an arthritis at present: (4) number of other changed joints> = 4 (5) for the patient physical activity; (6) superfluous weight of a body of the patient; (C) Preservation of signs during 6-12- the period: (7) repetitions of surplus liquids (Knee)> = 2; (8) quantity of aggravations; (9) quantity injections> = 2; Where: quantity of aggravations demanded For occurrence of insignificant criteria are not revealed.
Thursday, April 23, 2009
: Revealing Of Morbidity Big And Small A
: revealing of morbidity big and small a humeral bone. Volume of movements in joints: rotation and cultivation of hands at possible in limits 50-60. The symptom of Leklerka (as at braces) - allows to reveal movement partial or a complete separation rotating a joint. Symptom of Dauberna - at assignment of a hand more than on 60 degrees - a pain in a humeral joint. Symptom of Sepurlinga - by pressing a head inclined to a sick shoulder, there are pains, , giving to a zone a back. Symptom of Lasega - the same, but at a ducking in the healthy party. Elbow joints. Anatomic Features - lateral and medial epicondyles, a shoot lecrenon, Head of a beam bone, elbow bone. Active movements: Bending-160 About, - 0 degrees, the pronation and . Survey: , a swelling, . : revealing hypodermic small knots (30 %) which should be distinguished from small knots at . Luchezapjastnye joints. A brush (= Wrist): Survey - Anatomic features - an elbow bone, Radial bone, and a surface, a condition of the small Brush muscles, and .
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
The Top Part Covers The Passed Time Period
The top part covers the passed Time period approximately back. White signs (points, stains) on nails not Are considered dangerous and are connected more often with mechanical damages, Black or colour - signs of possible trouble or illnesses. The hollowed furrows - sometimes the extremely important sign dangerous Diseases. On nails it is possible to reveal a number of concrete signs and Symptoms specifying in certain diseases: For example a syndrome White nails specifies in metabolism gross infringements ( ) and a microblood-groove of fabrics at insufficiency Blood circulations, chronic obstructive illness of lungs, nephritic Insufficiency or a poisoning with selenium. Septic conditions it is frequent Leave microthromboses under nails and on an eye. Also often enough meets at various infections. 1.5 Articulate syndromes. The general principles of diagnostics of articulate syndromes: The main is functional-morphological elements of a joint: 1) the bone ends; 2) a fibrous capsule; 3) surfaces; 4) a cover; 5) fatty depots.
Thursday, April 9, 2009
[30] In "the Short History Of Medicine" E.
[30] In "the Short history of medicine" E. A. Ackerknecht Writes: "What there there was Gippokrat treated sick people, instead of Described illnesses ". It is very little known about circumstances and date Death of Gippokrata. Various sources give different dates of death from 374 A year B.C. (the earliest date), to 350 years B.C. ..
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
Then As Level BNP> 400 Pg/ml Convincingly Testifies
Then As level BNP> 400 pg/ml convincingly testifies to presence . Between 100 and 400 g/ml concentration BNP admits an interval as Uncertain also cannot be significant without others Signs. Certain problems at inspection and Treatment of elderly and old patients it is possible to present or meet Following life-support systems: Nephritic dysfunctions and urine incontience. Nephritic function definitely decreases with the years and a filtration Primary urine can decrease to <50 ml/min even without signs Nephritic diseases. Ageing also is connected with the worsening Mechanisms electrolits, including sodium and water. It Promotes an overload in volume of a liquid at patients who have or Are inclined to development . It is known that are less effective with Age at patients also can sometimes worsen current together with Other medicines, type angiotensin 11 and receptors. At the same time lead often to a disbalance. Besides, appointment can To strengthen symptoms of a condensation of blood and an urine incontience.
Force Of Muscles, Especially On A Breath And
Force of muscles, especially on a breath and respiratory volumes in rest also Are reduced at corpulent patients in comparison with control group Patients with normal weight of a body. Pulmonary pressure upon an exhalation and a breath Always lower at patients with fatness and hypoventilating Syndrome. Fatness considerably increases work of breath and manufacture because of the reduced interface of work of walls of a thorax And respiratory muscles. Excessive inquiries on oxygen from Respiratory muscles conducts to increase in efforts of breath and can To provoke and show others, connected with breath and warm Activity, illnesses. Despite the aforementioned Physiological infringements, the most important factor in syndrome development Hypoventilation at fatness, possibly. Defect of the central mechanisms Interfaces in a respiratory control system of biomechanics. It is shown that At such patients speed of the answer to inhalations 2, is reduced Or both these of the answer simultaneously.
Friday, March 27, 2009
Not Without Reason These Conditions Still Name "stone
Not without reason these conditions still Name "stone childbirth". Be ill women in the bottom of a stomach, over , in and-or in areas, do not depend from Loadings or amplify at walking - specify on more often Disease of gynecologic sphere. Belly-aches below on the right or at the left over . Suddenly arise, sharp, strong, are accompanied Dizziness, weakness (there can be a faint). One of symptoms Rupture or extra-uterine pregnancy. Especially, if pains Then became painful, have moved in area and or in a neck and humeral joints. It happens at Considerable hemorrhage in a belly cavity. Pains below on the right. In the beginning appear as at Gastritis - in areas, then gradually amplify and Fall in right area. Pains in a straight line Gut, amplify at walking (patients move having bent To the right), amplify at attempt to lay down on the left side - most likely it Appendicitis. Other variant of an estimation of pains in a belly cavity The pain proceeding or available now in the belly cavity, named a chronic pain, can be difficult at primary diagnostics.
If These Signs Are Present, The Patient Is
If these signs are present, The patient is necessary for interrogating in addition concerning consumption and Shipping of milk, fructose, food fibres in food, And sugar substitutes. The signs connected from diarrheas There is variety of signs, with Occurrence of diarrheas. Most frequent of them - a belly-ache, which It is considered the general sign of many diseases . At a syndrome of an angry thick gut, For example, the pain of typically convulsive character, is unstable and decreases After chair allocation. At a chronic pancreatitis and a chronic ischemia Intestines, the pain suddenly arises after food intake and, sometimes, It is so serious that the patient to accept food (=sitophobia). I will notice that the locks typical for persons with a syndrome Angry thick gut, can suddenly be replaced by a liquid chair, about Which the patient informs as on "diarrhoeia". A symptom described as , (the continuous The desire and desires on at an empty ampoule of a rectum), can To be caused irritation and a mucous rectum in connection with Ulcer , illness the Crone, radiating , or in weights.
Monday, March 23, 2009
Its Author, Probably, A Skilled Expert, On Examples,
Its author, Probably, a skilled expert, on examples, with deep arguments and demonstratively Considers influence on the general state of health of three cores Environment factors. Illnesses or predisposition to illnesses, on To its opinion, in the first can be caused weather conditions, for example, In very hot summer or rainy winter. Secondly, as factors, Influencing health, local environmental conditions are considered - Prevailing direction of winds, orientation of a city concerning the parties Light. Thirdly, in work it is underlined quality of water as on One of the pivotal reasons of some diseases. The composition part is devoted To influence of environmental conditions on formation of national types A food and a water consumption. Thus the author shows a profound knowledge Question at not the Greek people, especially at nomads-Scythians, Modern Ukraine occupying southern territory and Russia. In the composition known under the name "Epidemics", are given the general descriptions of a current of illnesses.
Saturday, March 21, 2009
Argonsa-del Kastilo A Syndrome (J. Argonz . Del
Argonsa-del Kastilo a syndrome (J. Argonz . del Castillo,), sin.-forbsa - Olbrajta a syndrome. -Gorchakova a symptom (L.Ph. A.Hardy, 1811-1893; I.A.Gorchakov) - or , covered Dot crusts, on a skin area surfaces Elbow joints; it is observed at an itch complicated . (I..Arias), sin. - a jaundice congenital not II type. Arcus (corneae) juvenilis, sin. - a youthful arch - proof turbidity of a cornea of degenerate character, under the form similar with senilis, but developing at young age. Arcus (corneae) senilis, sin. - gerontoxon, Senile arch-proof turbidity of a cornea of degenerate character, Observed in advanced age and having the arch or ring form, Located rather ; development .s. It is connected with infringements an exchange. (a. adiposus); (a. juvenilis), (a. lipoides corneae), (a. senilis). (Illustration sm) Arnold - Kiari developmental anomaly (J. Arnold, 1835-1915; .Chiari, 1851-1916), . - Arnold - Kiari ~ Solovtsova a syndrome. Arnold — Kiari - Solovtsova a syndrome (s. Arnold - Chiari - Solovzov), defect Arnold's developments - Kiari, a cerebellum dystrophy, developmental anomaly of a cerebellum And an oblong brain with infringement .
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
-purpurno A Bluish Shade Of The Separate Areas
-purpurno a bluish shade of the separate Areas of a skin, mucous, lips and a special kind of nails. (Illustration sm [35]. A clinical estimation of level and the nature (hypoxemia), as It is known, is very unreliable for following reasons: The factors influencing display of this symptom many, from a natural pigment of a skin before room illumination. Some doctors Diagnose as the indicator when it it is real Is absent (that is blood of the patient has a normal saturation Oxygen). Seldom doctors reveal which is present. Auxiliary signs and Symptoms (for example, a tachycardia, , infringements Orientation of the patient) has enough and any value in Reliable revealing do not bear. Patients can sometimes have Short wind and in rest at normal PaO2 and SaO2) For other reasons, than . And on the contrary, is available enough It is a lot of patients, which have chronological (low PaO2 and-or low SaO2) when the reasons of this condition without any additional signs are clear. [36]. While the patient sits, usually estimate the form volume Movements in joints of hands, a humeral belt, a neck and a jaw.
Sunday, March 15, 2009
The Fat Maintenance Is Defined And Pays Off
The fat maintenance is defined and pays off in Grammes on 100 g damp weight for 24 hours. The normal maintenance of fat At such kind of the analysis makes 7 / on 100 for 24 hours. Diarrhoeia - Condition or syndrome which can have set of the reasons. The majority of cases of a diarrhoeia passes without special consequences. However, in Some cases the diarrhoeia can cause dehydration of an organism or To have signs of more serious problems. One of simple methods of an estimation Gravity of a diarrhoeia the following sequence of interrogation is The patient: SYMPTOMS DIAGNOSTICS Continuation THE BEGINNING 1. You it is frequent or there is a vomiting? NO G the Question 10.* YES 2. Your signs begin from 30 mines till 2 o'clock after meal or drink of dairy products? YES Signs can be caused INTOLERANCE of LACTOSE. YES If you think that is available Intolerance of lactose, it is necessary to recommend enzyme tablets lactase Also avoid to eat or drink products and drinks which do you Sick and got tired.
Thursday, March 12, 2009
So, For People All Illnesses From Here Are
So, for people all illnesses from here are born. Important, That over it the ordinary person knew that it is necessary to know To the ordinary person; as to instructions and operations, People of art making area, it is important also, that idle time The person promoted own judgement to that speaks and The doctor does. And whence the simple person should the knowledge about Each of these subjects, I will tell ". approved use of a diet and Physical exercises as treatment means, but understood that some People and patients, are incapable to follow such councils and will require in Medicines. Letters of Gippokrata learn that processing of wounds and crises Helps to cure some traumas, wounds and illnesses, similarly To hip crisis, etc. For example Gippokrat wrote reposition of dislocations - "Whoever tried To speak or write about Medicine, at first it is necessary to establish leaders Factors and some hypothesis and to [include] in it arguments, type Hot, either cold, or crude, or dry, or irrespectively still [That or] they choose as a direction.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
). (=) - The Minimum Daily Temperature Above 37,
). (=) - the minimum daily temperature above 37, temperature fluctuations 1-1,5 within days (it is characteristic for a purulent infection, a bilious bubble, malignant new growths, etc.). Alternating (=) - the minimum daily temperature more low 37, fluctuations of temperature more 1 Within days, the heat is replaced normal during 6-8 Days, and then again high (a belly typhus, a malaria, a cytomegalovirus and Other). (=) - The rise in temperature periods are replaced by the periods of its fall without Decrease or decrease to norm (more often at , Etc.). Exhausting (=) - fluctuations of temperature more 3-3 a day, with repeated , sweats and episodes of normalisation of temperature (an abscess of lungs, a sepsis, etc.). Wrong - absence of certain law in temperature fluctuations (a flu, , etc.). Perverted (=) - the maximum temperature is marked in the mornings, and in the evening - a minimum of values of a fever. Crux mortis (an armour. Death cross) - sharp temperature drop of a body with simultaneous Pulse rate increase, graphically looks as a recross of curves Pulse and temperature; it was considered as an adverse sign in Clinical course.
Sunday, March 8, 2009
These Organisations Can Help To Define To Doctors
These organisations can help to define to doctors Necessity and expediency of a direction of the patient a shelter-hospice. The most frequent diagnoses include insufficiency Blood circulations IV (NYHA), serious forms , expressed Respiratory insufficiency at illnesses of lungs or a cancer of lungs. More in detail sm - Am Fam Physician. 2008; 77:807-812, 817-818. Further I result the general principles and rules Formations of some medical classifications. Terms of the general Diagnostic procedures - [23 [24] [25]. Diagnostic procedures and Laboratory researches [26]. to the professional Safety are stated on a site [27]. Section 2. One of variants of a breadboard model of the scheme researches of patients in the USA. It is not necessary to think that all doctors completely Carry out sequence of procedures and the scheme at inspection Patients. Each doctor gradually gets individual skills researches on the basis of features and frequency Meeting diagnoses at patients. Usually each doctor fixes Procedure of definition convenient and accessible to it it is the most frequent Meeting illnesses.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
* Diseases And Conditions At The Patients, Demanding
* diseases and conditions at the patients, demanding directions to the expert-lung specialist and for hospitalisation. The basic and additional tests at inspection of patients with a bronho-pulmonary pathology. 4. The review of last recommendations in diagnostics of some syndromes and illnesses of cardiovascular system. * the general syndromes at illnesses warmly - vascular system. * estimations of quality of a life at insufficiency of blood circulation and . * Estimation of a symptom of a pain in a thorax. * researches of cardiovascular system of the adult patient. * and concept about "deficiency of pulse" * an estimation of a kind possible on pulse. * signs of some on an electrocardiogram. * a thorax and large vessels * hearts and and one of classifications of their characteristics. * warm tones and noise. * examples at various conditions and syndromes warmly-sosudi stand systems. * insufficiency of blood circulation. * signs of insufficiency of blood circulation. *, and definition of their nature.
Monday, March 2, 2009
The Analysis Liquids Is More Specific: - An
The analysis liquids is more specific: - an acute inflammation in a joint - , , ; - [Author ID1: at Tue Oct 9 1:28:00 PM 2007 ] Bekhterev's illness (= ) - 50-60 % , to 1-5 %, 3-5109/ + accompanying diseases (, , an arthritis); - Syndrome of Rejtera - , , , about 6h1012/l, sometimes the activator (); a gout + an arthritis - to 1000h1012/l, it is frequent under a microscope crystals sodium are visible. covers - the most specific method of diagnostics of an aetiology of arthritises. it can be spent in any polyclinic Special under the control of ultrasonic or x-ray Researches. Samples a fabric and a cartilage receive for The biochemical and histologic analysis. it is not shown, if there are signs of septic defeat or infringement of system coagulation. Radionuklidnoe research - Allows to reveal an inflammation of fabrics of joints and to watch dynamics Inflammatory process. For researches more often Apply Sr85 and Sr87m, Tc99m. - visual research Internal architecture of large joints (a fibre-optical path in diameter 3 or 6 mm enter into a joint through a thick needle).
Unintentional Movements Of Language Or Twitching Meet At
Unintentional movements of language or twitching meet at And defeat (sign Castellani-Low ). To check up presence trochees, ask the patient to put out language and To take it some seconds are equal. Language cannot smoothly be put forward Forward and to remain motionless at a trochee. If the patient is incapable Any way to put out language, - it is considered as bridle shortening Language, presence possible a mouth or, probably, a typhus (The Sterling sign - Okuniewski). At survey at patients with language can To make involuntary twitchings. At Language of the patient falls to lips that complicates (a sign Escherich') or can look unusual under the form (a sign Schultze'). It is important to examine space under language behind The bottom foreteeth. Not seldom first signs of tumours the oral Cavities come to light there. The increased central venous Pressure of the patient ( defects, etc. the reasons) as can To cause expansion veins. Attentively examine an oral cavity on presence . For example, ranula (= salivary gland) It is shown as transparent weight about a language bridle.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Defects And Thorax Deformations At Patients With Deformations
Defects and thorax deformations At patients with deformations and uglinesses Chest wall hypoventilation develops again in relation to To the reduced interface of work of a thorax to the changed In respiratory volumes of lungs. The final alveolar dead The space not , but a parity of volumes VD/VT is increased because of The reduced volumes of a breath and exhalation. One of the most frequent reasons Thorax deformations - , at which. Occurs Reduction of vital capacity of lungs and reserve volume of an exhalation, in that Time as the residual volume is reduced moderately. Feature of this type Hypoventilation that these patients is usually long (to is Last stages of illness) are compensated or , even in Cases with serious defects of a backbone. Nejromyshechnye infringements Patients with infringements and Disorders usually have the reduced vital capacity of lungs and Decrease in volumes of the reserve exhalation, connected with secondary weakness Respiratory muscles and diaphragm. Residual volume of lungs, as Rule, it is not changed.
Monday, February 23, 2009
Thus A Middle Finger The Left Brush Should
Thus a middle finger The left brush should press densely to a chest wall and to put Identical force blows on to a phalanx of a middle finger of the left brush , The thorax pressed to an intercostal interval. * movement of the right Brushes should arrive only from a wrist. * number of blows by the right brush Usually 2-3 consecutive times. * it is not necessary to leave a finger of the right brush on Left after blow (it leads to some Sound). it is spent, usually, symmetrically on the right and at the left on To intercostal intervals. Thus it is necessary to ask to combine the patient hands Ahead, as much as possible having moved apart shovels. This maneuver will displace a wing Shovels and to open for other fields of a thorax. At on to lines The patient should hold hands lifted (for example to combine them on To head). the range of movement of a diaphragm is investigated: to Identify the bottom point on a sredne-axillary line on The maximum exhalation. To ask the patient to inhale as much as possible deeply and To hold the breath.
More In Detail Sm [15], [16]. The Federal
More in detail Sm [15], [16]. The federal insurance company (MEDICARE) Pays to the companies certificated in this service for everyone Research from the account of the concrete patient defined by staff laws And the governments of the country the sum. Annual budget MEDICARE makes more 346 dollars. For example, an estimation of function of external breath in The present is paid in the sum from 200 to 600 dollars in Dependences on a set of additional tests (codes-94060, 94240 and Other). Ultrasonic research of heart of the patient is paid in 600 - 1000 dollars. it is paid in sizes from 210 (a code 93307) to 650 dollars. Cost of the diagnostic methods applied in the USA in 2008 * Method Cost, US dollars Gathering of the anamnesis and inspection 80-160 25-90 The Holterovsky 24-sentry monitoring 230-468 Out-patient monitoring (within 30 days) 284 Electrophysiological researches 4678 Computer tomography of a brain 2400 993 400 Echocardiography 400-980 Tests with physical activity 433 Loading test with thallium 1800 with signal averaging 152 Ortostatichesky tests (under the standard report) 683 Psychiatric inspection 350 The note.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
Besides It Is Known That Nails Of A
Besides it is known that Nails of a dominating hand grow slightly more than nails not dominating Hands. Probably it is connected by that insignificant traumas accelerate Growth of nails. And on the contrary, a motionless way of life or the strict bed The mode of patients slows down growth rate of nails. A growth rate estimation Nails it is very important, because an interval of time from a critical episode The patient then can be measured from a site of damage of a nail. For example, the white line appearing across on a floor of a way of growth of a nail Assumes the disease which has begun 3 back. Shine and luster of nails Polishing of nails, shine of surfaces usually Estimate on nails of thumbs of hands and feet (nails on these fingers Grow with average speed 0.1 mm/day). Consider that decrease Intensity of shine and surfaces of polishing of nails reflects Nervousness and intensive excitement. An estimation of the form of nails Development deformations of trailer phalanxes Brushes leads to softening of a nail bed with loss of the normal Qualities of connection between a vascular bed of a nail and a bow-shaped bend.
Thus It Is Necessary To Consider And Specifying
Thus it is necessary to consider and specifying signs: -- Sistolichesky arterial pressure <110 mm Hg. -- Damp rattles in departments of lungs (are listened lying!). -- More than 2 episodes support last 24 hours or documented in the anamnesis. -- Myocardium heart attack in the anamnesis or at research on an electrocardiogram (ultrasonic), etc. (Each sign from this step adds in a risk scale on 1 point) Total scale - 0 points - risk degree = < 1 %; 1 point - not a high risk = 4 %; 2 points = to average size Risk = 8 %; However 2-3 points from the first and second step of algorithm Make already high risk level of =16 %; and more than 4 points demand Urgent urgent measures (daily monitoring and effective treatment) Final and major point of the forecast Conditions of the patient at chest pains and various defeats of heart Consider size of fraction of emission of blood from left . Decrease Sizes of fraction of emission to 45-30 % certainly one of the most bad signs. For example, McNamara and al.
Saturday, February 21, 2009
From My Point Of View, For Example, First
From my point of view, for example, first of all Interpretation of causal dependence between the malignant is important Diseases and other illnesses which reveals set Potential sources of errors. So the first row of diseases (the small list) at Patients it is displaced to obvious positive association of these conditions (For example, a syndrome of Segrena, system red and system Sclerosis, etc.). The second row of diseases, more often when patients Get to hospitals show criteria Bradford'a and it is possible to present, As primary rheumatic diseases and malignant conditions Correlate much more strongly, than in a lump of patients. Correlation between these two conditions can Also to occur and it is casual, but it can reflect and causal Relations. For an estimation of causal relations between cancer and Rheumatic diseases, without force of association by criteria Bradford'a It is possible to estimate additional features. Criteria Bradford'a include the following elements The analysis: (1) demonstration of strong association between the causal agent and Result; (2) sequence of results with the list of sites Researches and them ; (3) demonstration of specificity of the reasons or The agent in known terms and results; (4) demonstration Corresponding variables of time sequence thus, That the reason (agent) always were or have occurred to result; (5) Demonstration of a biological gradient, in which quantity The reasons or agents conducts to less significant result; (6) demonstration Such biological explanation which makes sense for the agent Leading to obvious result; (7) thus co-ordinated The sequence of results is that that the argument of the reason is caused Also is familiar and known; (8) experimental certificates And certificates of similar conditions will well be co-ordinated.
Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Primary Lymphatic Follicles Are Occupied IgM And IgD-bearing
Primary lymphatic follicles are occupied IgM and IgD-bearing V-cages, just as T-limfotsitami () to antigene stimulus. The secondary lymphatic Follicles are formed as a result of antigene stimulation and contain Internal zone (the germinal centre), consisting of the activated V-cages, macrophages, follicular and . Zones between Follicles and areas consist basically from T-limfotsitov. A joint arrangement of a great number Macrophages, , cages of Langergansa and allows To lymph node to carry out the basic function of the specialised The structure uniting all these types of cages for creation by the effective Cellular and immune reaction of an organism. The lymph node increase can be It is caused: 1) increase in number good-quality and Macrophages during the immune answer to an antigene; 2) Inflammatory cages at the infections mentioning the lymphatic Knot (); 3) in situ malignant And macrophages; 4) knots the metastatic malignant Cages; 5) the macrophages loaded with products Metabolism at various illnesses of accumulation.
They, Usually, A Diarrhoeia Name Simply Watery Allocation.
They, usually, a diarrhoeia name simply watery allocation. Some reasons of diarrheas: 1. Owing to Increases in volume of allocation of gastric juice (a syndrome Zollingera-Ellisona, a syndrome, , infringement acids etc.). 2. Infringements of speed of movement of food (Application , after etc.). 3. Diarrheas (at a cholera, , etc.). 4. Osmotic diarrheas (Increase a chemical moustache owing to acceptance of the salt Depletive - magnesium Sulfate etc., outwardly Insufficiency of a pancreas, infringement carbohydrates and Etc.). 5. Owing to reception by intestines from blood, pus, slime, Toxins which, usually, are connected with infectious illnesses, , Inflammation etc. Thus, the diarrhoeia syndrome can have the same precisely nature and an origin as well as a syndrome intestinal gripes. It is possible to allocate the approximate data concerning differentsialno-diagnostic criteria of a diarrhoeia from thick and small intestines. Signs Kolity Enterity 1. Character of a chair Very watery Less watery 2.
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Back And Waist - Cervicothoracic And Lumbar Departments
Back and waist - cervicothoracic and lumbar Departments of a backbone and muscle of a back part of a trunk. Comparison of the form and Symmetry of movement of a thorax and intercostal intervals at Breath, the right and left parties of a thorax and use Simple or electronic stethoscope (stpe) for auscultation of respiratory both warm sounds, and their analysis. (Illustration sm). Chest glands and axillary hollows. Chest Glands at women should be examined with the lowered hands, and then and with Hands lifted upwards. At men and women in the axillary Areas (lh ns) feel cautiously hands, and, if necessary, specify by means of ultrasonic scanning. Lymph nodes represent Peripheral the bodies consisting of cages of various types, The blood circulations connected to system and Lymphatic vessels and postcapillary . and them Derivative - cages - form karkasno-supporting Structure. Fabric , and cages of Langergansa are Important cages. Limfoidnye follicles consist in The core from V-limfotsitov.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
(PHOTO 7a, 7b) Small Knots Of Geberdena -
(PHOTO 7a, 7b) Small knots of Geberdena - deforming (/=4), on the back party interphalanx Joints. The dense bone growths which are starting with the bases trailer And heads of the average phalanxes, found out at deforming an art rose interphalanx joints of a brush. Small knots of Bushara - on interphalanx joints. Joints of the bottom finitenesses. Feet of the person consist of 28 bones and 33 joints Coxofemoral joints - - Survey: at defeat of a coxofemoral joint the body of the patient is bent towards defeat. Thomas's symptom - allows to reveal a coxofemoral joint. At healthy a bending corner in a coxofemoral joint - 120, (at the straightened foot) - 15, amplitude of assignment - 40-45, hip rotation external - 45, internal - 40 (restriction by an internal sign of defeat of a coxofemoral joint). Knee joints. Survey: , a swelling, deformation, damages of sheaves and a meniscus. Volume of movements in joints: at healthy 135-150 often come to light , arthritises, ==№.http://www.nlm.nih.
The Following Step To Nose Research -transljuministsentsija A
The following step to nose research -transljuministsentsija a nasal partition for search of the possible Punching. A nose partition examine on one party, and shine From other nostril. Thus try to avoid contact with with a partition Nose is very sensitive zone for the patient. Most the general The reasons nose partitions include an infection, a syphilis, Tuberculosis, collagenic vascular diseases, Vegenera, System , an arthritis, toxic influences, for example, Use of cocaine and poisoning with chrome derivatives. At survey of a partition of a nose not seldom reveal Congenital anatomic defects, - nasal uglinesses. For example, defects ("plowshare") - not connection with a flat bone, which Forms the bottom and following part of a nasal partition, are Frequent enough. Research of walls and nasal bowls. Mucous The bottom, average bowl and the middle of a nasal course should be pink, Not damaged, smooth and damp. If a visible pulsation of the nasal Arteries in in a mucous partition of a nose it is increased - probably in chest Aorta department is available an aneurysm (sign Bozzolo's).
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Increase In The Lymphatic Knots Demands Studying, If
Increase in the lymphatic Knots demands studying, if one or more of again increased Knots have reached sizes> 1 sm in diameter and the reason of it not It is known. It is necessary to consider: 1) age of the patient, 2) results knot (knots) survey, 3) their localisation, 4) the general The clinical semiology connected with . The sizes of a spleen at the healthy person Make 12 sm at length and 7 sm at width; it is located along X edge On the left average axillary line and, often, it is inaccessible , if Its sizes and the form are normal. In position of the patient on right to a side at dullness between IX and XI edge comes to light. To palpate Spleen is better in position of the patient on right to a side and at Deep breath. (Illustration sm). The clinical approach to the patient with and-or the increased spleen 1. The full anamnesis and inspection (Including definition of the sizes of a spleen). Specially pay attention On presence and expressiveness , and also on presence of the general or Local symptoms, characteristic for a sharp or chronic current Illnesses.
Thursday, February 5, 2009
). SM Forms: 1) Primary And 2) The Secondary
). SM forms: 1) primary and 2) the secondary (polyetiological) CM, for example , , , , nejro-endokrinnyj, etc. the Basic signs :1) Infringement All kinds of a metabolism (albuminous, , carbohydrate, vitamin, Mineral, etc.); 2) the Constant and ; 3) Gipoproteinemija (falling of weight of a body, hypostases and Other); 4) Gipokaltsemija (a progressing osteoporosis); 5) Giperhromnaja an anaemia. Clinical forms CM: 1) Dispepsichesky; 2) Infringement digestion; 3) Infringement of endocellular digestion. seldom meet as The isolated diseases. As a rule, they are connected with illnesses of a stomach And other departments ZHKT. One of the most frequent signs - Diarrheas. One of the terms meaning a diarrhoeia - allocation of a chair in weight more than 250 gr./24 hour with frequency more than 3 a day. The reasons Diarrheas can be the most different sharp and chronic, including" Inflammatory "and" not inflammatory "the nature. As an aetiology Diarrheas it is very various but mechanisms of occurrence of this syndrome Are often connected only with two reasons: 1) osmotic and 2) properties.
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Detection (=) A Symptom, A Syndrome Demands Its
Detection (=) a symptom, a syndrome Demands its greatest possible qualitative and quantitative Descriptions at the moment of survey, interrogation. The medical terms stated The patient, its knowledge of syndromes and the diagnosis should be specified questions And-or medical documents (it is better primary - an electrocardiogram, ultrasonic, The roentgenograms, given laboratory researches, Inquiries, etc.). - TH quality of gathering of the anamnesis most strongly influence Sequence of interrogation, resource of time of the doctor and intellectual Level of the patient. It is necessary to remember that qualitatively collected anamnesis Gives 80 % of the information to the exact diagnosis. At interrogation find out: 1) Duration or chronic character of process; 2) presence of a fever and Rattles; 3) quantity and character ; 4) time and seasonal Characteristics; 5) risk factors of the basic pathological condition; 6) the transferred diseases. For example, one of the most frequent complaints, especially At persons of advanced age, the short wind is.
Friday, January 30, 2009
The First Step To Identification Of Role ICHD
The first step to identification of role ICHD in practice it is possible To consider allocation of two kinds of a headache: the Primary headache, Classified as a migraine and the secondary headache connected with Physical pressure, chewing muscles, the chronic daily Headache. There is a variant of a primary headache not Giving in classification. The detailed structured research The headache nature in system ICHD also has ended with the incomplete Division in classification and more than at third of patients from the sharp Headache it was difficult to define with confidence the diagnosis on To criteria ICHD. Ann Emerg Med. 2007; 49 (4):409-19, 419.e1-9 In practice usually allocate Incidental, periodic, constant headache. On character The headache can be divided on stupid, pulsing, pressing and Other On localisation - one and bilateral, frontal, occipital, parietal In other zones of a head. In total is 13 variants head Pains. One of variants of classification of a headache. 1.2.0. The Migraine - with or without neurologic and mental signs on support; 1.
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Often At Children Meets Hydrocephaly, Optic Nerve Atrophy,
Often at children meets Hydrocephaly, optic nerve atrophy, paralysis of eye muscles, . Teeth appears late and are badly developed. The liver and a spleen are increased. At Some patients find sharp increase of activity alkaline blood. about l about and with to and - skeleton bones Dense, compact, unstructured, spongy substance as Turns in compact, marrowy cavities are not visible. Bones, Despite compactness, are fragile, quite often there are pathological Crises, are more often damaged bones of a skull, a basin, the ends Femoral and the ends bones, an edge, a spine column, Less often-humeral bones and phalanxes. The forecast adverse, in the course of time Illness progresses. Albert a syndrome (s. Albert), sin. - , , a calcaneal sinew. It is described Albert in 1893 It is shown by a swelling in the field of a place Attachments calcaneal () sinews to a hillock of a calcaneal bone. The movements connected with pressure of a calcaneal sinew, are accompanied Pain. At this disease in to a bag which is between Calcaneal sinew and calcaneal bone, the inflammatory develop The changes which reason is the trauma more often or Repeating .
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
A Flabby, Loose-hanging Membrane In An Ascending Part
A flabby, loose-hanging membrane in an ascending part Membranes, is the most frequent site for (= a tumour), especially in cases when the patient has a paralysis Obverse nerve. Remember that any patient with a paralysis of the obverse should To be checked up on presence !). Then, investigate bone elements of a membrane of an ear - Examine a forward part of a membrane and investigate a hammer. Look On umbo (the central and well visible point of an eardrum) and The hammer handle. Low sensitivity of a membrane often offers nerve damage (sign Itard-Cholewa). Estimation of possible false sounds When the patient complains of extraneous sounds, to check up it it is possible by means of following actions: For example, the unusual pulsing sound can be It is connected with occurrence of a fistula or aneurysms with involving of arteries (more often Sleepy). To check up it, attentively listen to a carotid And-or conduct its ultrasonic research. Thus, if the soft Pressing an artery during listening changes quality of a sound, Perceived by the patient.
Sunday, January 25, 2009
The Metabolic Component Of Fabrics Receives Chemical And
The metabolic component of fabrics receives chemical and Nervous stimulus from a chest wall and a lung depending on Level 2 and 2. At a metabolism quickly there is an accumulation Considerable quantity of coal acid (carbonaceous = 2) in Body fabrics. The metabolism of fats and carbohydrates conducts to formation most Considerable quantity 2, which at connection with water of fabrics Forms coal acid (H2CO3). Lungs a changeable share 2 Through ventilation and consequently constant decrease pH () Fabrics does not occur. Pressure of carbonic acid in blood (PaCO2) in Normal conditions it is strongly supported in a range 39-41 mm Hg. On Ventilation of lungs influence and PaCO2, PaO2 and Indicators pH located in a trunk of a brain, which in commonwealth with Nervous impulses from receptors of a stretching of a lung and impulses from Fabrics of a bark of a brain operate breath biomechanics. Refusal of any of these Mechanisms leads to hypoventilation development, and . alveoluses a venous stream of blood from Pulmonary capillary network allows a pulmonary fabric to participate in Gas exchange of an organism.
Thursday, January 22, 2009
To Define Zone Displacement . Then To Measure
to define zone displacement . Then to measure this distance. It also will be a range of movement of a diaphragm. Normal values at people of different growth are various, but at the person Average growth a range of movement of the diaphragm, defined , Makes 6-8 the Lung see is filled by air 99 %. it Creates a resonance - bright with a shade of lightness a sound. Zones The lung, the deprived lightnesses in various degree, at Answer with more stupid shades of a sound. a thorax allows to reveal on To zones a sound extensive or average size ( About 1st segment of lungs) consolidations (= ) a pulmonary fabric Or presence pleural more than 500 ml. it is possible to reveal And hyperresonant zones on a thorax, for example at an emphysema and . However it is necessary to remember that as a method Researches of patients possesses rather low sensitivity (15-20 %) also are used exclusively as a tentative estimation method Conditions of patients. Maitre B et al; Eur Resp J 1995; 8:1584. (Is more detailed than sm in section 3).
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
I Result One Of Many Variants Of Algorithm
I result one of many variants of algorithm according to the nature of such pains. SYMPTOMS Diagnostics beginning First aid AND QUESTIONS 1. The pain amplifies after you will eat great volume of food? NO Pass Go Question 10 YES 2. Whether you feel pressure in top a stomach which amplifies when you bend or at night? YES It is necessary to think of hernia HIATAL HERNIA. YES To limit food volumes, a fractional food. inspection NO 3. Whether pains are connected with reception ? YES Probably be ill are connected with a gastritis, ulcers. Illness ULCER or eructation HEARTBURN YES A fractional food without fats, a diet. Additional inspection at is necessary. NO 4. The pain begins in top, average or top by the right a stomach and is connected with fat food? YES To exclude illness GALLSTONES or a cholecystitis. YES Careful a stomach, ultrasonic of bodies of a belly cavity, etc. Inspection kinds. NO 5. The pain amplifies, when you at ? YES Think about IRRITABLE BOWEL SYNDROME or Spastic variant .
Consultation . NO Source: American Academy Of Family
Consultation . NO Source: American Academy of Family Physicians. Family Health and Medical Guide. Dallas: Word Publishing; 1996 In addition sm: abdominal pain, The algorithm ONLY is resulted For the general orientation also does not apply for diagnostic accuracy! The list of the minimum trouble-shooting tests usually (Abdominal pain) used in for an estimation of the nature of belly-aches includes: The general displays - search of a jaundice, signs of fast loss of weight of a body (weight loss), etc. Whether * shock signs? [Low pressure of blood (blood pressure), high ], strengthening or offering possible perforation , obstruction of intestines or a sharp pancreatitis. * a stomach - that To estimate intensity of a belly wall, the sizes of separate bodies the belly Cavities and to feel presence of any formations and weights. * a stomach on presence of hernias * intestines sounds - To estimate possible obstruction of intestines. * straight line audit Guts - to note any formations or blood presence.
It Is Shown That Elderly Patients With Atypical
It is shown that elderly patients with atypical Signs of coronary illness have higher 3-year-old death rate In comparison with group of patients of the same age with Typical signs. Besides, accompanying diseases complicate The clinical picture is increased also by risks diagnostic and Therapeutic procedures. The Diastolichesky form of warm insufficiency at elderly patients The Diastolichesky form warm ( H) - a clinical syndrome in which patients have signs and symptoms H with normal or about normal fraction of emission from the left and certificates dysfunctions (the defective Filling of a cavity left and superfluous is final Pressure in a cavity left ). Among patients with H in 40-60 % Cases there is normal or nearby a normal fraction of emission ( LVEF). Prevalence forms H considerably increases With the years. Thus, at such patients in the anamnesis comes to light is more often High arterial pressure and is more rare a myocardium heart attack. Besides these Patients have lower hospital death rate.
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
D. At Test Treatments Clopidogrel + Aspirin, Was
D. At test treatments clopidogrel + aspirin, was available quantity Ischemic complications in comparison with the scheme - + aspirin 8. On the basis of supervision on to influence of preparations, which of the following Statements is true? A.Nizkomolekuljarnyj (=LMWH; enoxaparin) - not safe alternative (=UFH) at treatment of patients with high risk of Construction Department. Enoxaparin carries out a secondary role, providing independent (other) action. Enoxaparin showed modest increase in risk of a bleeding in comparison with UFH. D. In 30 days frequency of death rate or myocardium heart attacks at treatment enoxaparin'o, was Considerably above in comparison with treatment UFH. 9. What recommended ACC/AHA duration for therapies by aspirin and clopidogrel' at patients from Construction Department? And. 1-month Century of 6 months With. 12 months D. Vaguely long 10. What of following statements is true? Clopidogrel blocks activity cyclooxygenase and formation A2 V.Konechnye the general points of a congestion - GP IIb/IIIa receptors antagonists.
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Gipovetiljatsionnye Syndromes Develop Usually In Connection With Alveolar
Gipovetiljatsionnye syndromes Develop usually in connection with alveolar hypoventilation central The nature, fatness, anatomic infringements of walls of a thorax, diseases and conditions, and chronic Obstructive diseases of lungs (COPD). Besides, it is necessary to remember that Hypoventilation and oxygen often develop and worsen in Dream current as, secondary components of ventilation the answer on and Increased PaCO2. Thus reduced tone of muscles developing in a phase of a fast dream (REM) strengthens hypoventilation again. Hypoventilation can be caused and Depression of the respiratory centre. At patients with the primary alveolar Hypoventilating syndrome (= a syndrome Undines), the reasons Hypoventilation and are not known yet. Patients with a syndrome Primary alveolar hypoventilation have normal - Arterial gradients on oxygen also are capable to execute any way Hyperventilation of lungs and to normalise gas constants PaCO2 and RaO2. Phrase "the central alveolar Hypoventilation "is used to allocate patients with Forms of alveolar hypoventilation, its secondary kinds, more often Neurologic aetiology.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009
-- Electrocardiogram Check In Dynamics With The Previous
-- Electrocardiogram check in dynamics with the previous records. It is desirable to consider and confirm degree of risk of the patient on scale TIMI (L presence of each point corresponds to one point) -- Age more than 65 years. -- 3 or quantity of risk factors for Developments high the HELL [the Diabetes, smoking of cigarettes, atherosclerotic , presence at persons - relatives of the first level vascular Causes of death (in 55 years and younger)]. -- Astable arterial pressure (or the confirmed stenosis more than 50 %). -- 2 or more confirmed attack of a stenocardia in last 24 hours. -- High level of activity of "warm" enzymes. -- Depression (or lifting) segment ST on an electrocardiogram more than 0,5 mm in 2 assignments. TIMI an index - 0-2 = low degree of risk; 3-4 = intermediate degree of risk; 5-7 = a zone of high risk. Thus the major factors defining degree of risk include: -- Age; ; the HELL; Blood; a class of warm insufficiency; factors leaders to a stop Hearts; a deviation of segment ST on an electrocardiogram (lifting or depression); lifting Activity of warm enzymes), etc.
Monday, January 12, 2009
Assotsiirovannye Diseases - A Leukaemia, , Rheumatism And
Assotsiirovannye diseases - a leukaemia, , rheumatism and an arthritis rheumatic fever, ulcer ulcerative colitis, etc. Erythema nodosum Usually comes to light on shins, but it can be shown also and on others Body parts (buttocks, hips, anklebones and the top finitenesses). Damages Begin as the isolated hot, red, painful knots and stains The skin in diameter about 3 is see Within several days by them can To become purple-red, then in some weeks disappear to Brownish colouring on a skin in the form of a patch. System reaction can To include a fever, weakness and other symptoms. patch. fever malaiseJoint aches. Skin redness, Biopsy Queyrat - pre-malignant illness cancer a mucous membrane mucous membrane a member penis, shown by irritation and a rash rash inside a bag. It find at not cut off men is more often. - an inflammation Intestines caused by a bacterial, virus infection or others The reasons. The inflammation often also involves mucous a stomach (gastritis) And thick intestines (colitis).
Sunday, January 11, 2009
A Thick Gut, Congenital Segmentary-sin. - Iraseka -
a thick gut, congenital segmentary-sin. - Iraseka - Tsjultsera - Wilson a syndrome - the form of illness of Girshsprunga, at which in the thick To gut are available one or two zones with a normal site Gut fabrics between them; thus does not extend on Rectum. (. agape love) - sacrificial love with a dark oblivion of own interests in care about favourite. (. gastёr - a stomach, gastros - a stomach) - anomaly of development - absence of the top part of a belly wall and bodies of the top half of belly cavity. (grech.geusis-taste) - loss of flavouring sensitivity. (-742.2) - , absence of crinkles of a bark of the big hemispheres of a brain. (agitophasia; an armour. agito to raise + . phasis speech) - the fast, hasty, obscure speech observed in a condition of mental excitation. (an armour. agnatio) - relationship on a man's line. - loss or absence of a teeth. (.aggravo - to burden, worsen) - exaggeration by the patient of symptoms of really available disease. (-784.69) - ability infringement to write.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
He Only Notices That Many Dreams - Result
He only notices that many dreams - result defined Organism conditions. Interpreters can do nothing with them, The only thing that they need - to advise having dreams to pray. "The prayer, supposes the author of this work, it is good, but, appealing to The help of gods, the person should take a burden part on itself ". In the ancient time books of Gippokratova of the case have been translated on Latin, Syrian and Arabian languages. was engaged in practical treatment much Patients also has cured many well-known and known in the history of patients, Including the king of Macedonia whom it surveyed and has helped to recover from Serious illness of lungs (it is possible from a tuberculosis!). The role is huge and during the period when he struggled against a plague in Athenes (430-427 B.C.E.) within three years. His career and popularity peak was, probably, In Peloponessky War (431-404 B.C.E.). During the same period of Gippokrat was engaged much Problems of training of pupils. It had practice of training of set Students were entered also by a number of interesting technologies of training.
Friday, January 9, 2009
* - Grey Points On A Gum Surface
* - grey points on a gum surface assume a poisoning (sign Burton'). * Pale violet decolouration on a line Gums about a teeth are offered by a poisoning with copper (sign Corrigan'). A dental health estimation After research of gums carefully examine Teeth. Erosion on on a surface assumes caries or deterioration and a tooth. If a gum in this place and nearby red and , Consider an abscess. At patients with Fever of not clear origin it is necessary to check up each tooth, To be convinced of absence an abscess. Insufficient hygiene of an oral cavity increases chances of development of serious medical problems Type (conditions) a pneumonia. The increased intervals between a teeth demand Attention on revealing of possible symptoms . Are rather informative colouring and stains On a teeth and their colour can help to reveal variety Syndromes. Greenish colour a teeth says that the patient had the obvious Jaundice at children's age. A dead teeth () looks more dark, grey in comparison with other teeth.
Monday, January 5, 2009
3. (=). The Epidermalnyj Layer Incorporating To A
3. (=). The epidermalnyj layer incorporating to a nail plate. (Illustration sm) The major role of nails - Protection. Infringements of appearance and structure of nails more often Are caused by illnesses of a skin, infections and variety of the general medical Pathological conditions. Quality check of nails to be spent taking into account the following scheme: Softness and flexibility of free nail edge; The form and colour of a nail at normal illumination; Quality fabrics; Estimation of growth rate of a nail (approximately 6 Months from to edge at the age of 60 years). Time significant for Health of events can be approximately estimated from a site of a sign to . (Illustration sm). -- Research of nails The information on a condition The person can be estimated considering about 6 last months lives On approximately 10 square centimetres of the area of all nails. H on hand fingers grow approximately in 4 times faster, than standing. Research Nails can help the doctor and any person to find out set of the general And enough certain factors, including the following: quality of an exchange Substances, an internal emotional condition, I.
Sunday, January 4, 2009
The Basic Written Certificates Activity Of Gippokrata Are
The basic written certificates Activity of Gippokrata are considered about 70 works of collected works "Cases Gippokrata" which show amazing contrast with Known written sources on medicine of that time and in many respects Are free from all "magic and supernatural. In this meeting Works, for the first time in history medicine, it is shown completely the rational The prospect of illnesses, whose reasons and signs speak now in Quite natural (as today it seems to us) terms. Importance of this revolutionary transition for The subsequent development of medicine can be hardly probable overestimated. This was The present emancipation of medicine from philosophy of magic and superstitions, was Result of opinion, which naturalistic philosophy representatives for the first time in history Have given to the world. Ancient Greek medicine (to Gippokrata) Always used postulates supernatural, religious Character and "magic art". God of healing, Asklepius (Aesculapius in the Roman terminology [25] ), Whose priests and temples prospered in ancient Greece (at least During an era of the Homere) when to it in dreams the patient who entered addressed In a temple for "therapy by a dream" and hypnosis, Asclepius through priests Gave advice to the patient-dreamer.
Such Form Nails Comes To Light At Children
Such form Nails comes to light at children is more often and with the years disappears. For definition Symptom nails carry out the test of "a water drop". For this purpose Place a water drop on a nail and if the drop does not slide (not Rolls down from a nail) the nail surface is smoothed, and it is Early sign forms of nails. (Illustrations) Skilled see The doctor can at known attention and experience "by sight" at survey Nails to define a symptom nails. The reasons of such form Nails consider the following: Deficiency of iron; the Diabetes; Deficiency of fiber ( Especially fibers with an alpha - containing amino acids (cystein, methionin); Frequent use of solvents and paints without the sufficient Protection; System red ; Illness of Rejnauda. In 1846 Joseph Honor Sajmon Bo (Joseph Honor Simon Beau) has described cross-section lines in structures of nails as Signs of the last sharp illness. Lines look, as small Cross-section grooves on a nail surface. Illnesses and the occurrence reasons Lines of Bo on surfaces of nails the following: the Serious long Infections; a myocardium Heart attack; the Stroke and low arterial pressure; Long ; Extensive surgical interventions.
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