Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Then As Level BNP> 400 Pg/ml Convincingly Testifies

Then As level BNP> 400 pg/ml convincingly testifies to presence . Between 100 and 400 g/ml concentration BNP admits an interval as Uncertain also cannot be significant without others Signs. Certain problems at inspection and Treatment of elderly and old patients it is possible to present or meet Following life-support systems: Nephritic dysfunctions and urine incontience. Nephritic function definitely decreases with the years and a filtration Primary urine can decrease to <50 ml/min even without signs Nephritic diseases. Ageing also is connected with the worsening Mechanisms electrolits, including sodium and water. It Promotes an overload in volume of a liquid at patients who have or Are inclined to development . It is known that are less effective with Age at patients also can sometimes worsen current together with Other medicines, type angiotensin 11 and receptors. At the same time lead often to a disbalance. Besides, appointment can To strengthen symptoms of a condensation of blood and an urine incontience.


  1. Take body builders or weight-lifters. Their weight at average growth can reach and hundred and hundred twenty kgs, but all it not fat and muscles. Situation, by the way, too not so healthy. The organism does not suffer surplus and consequently problems with health can arise both at surplus of fat and at surplus of a muscular fabric. And doctors now start to reflect on it. Whether and so all this body building is useful? And in general, whether professional sports are useful to health? Happens and so - weight like normal, however the fat maintenance in an organism exceeds *.

  2. In a key of our problem this law could sound so: the immediate cause of increase of weight of fat in an organism always one also consists in prevalence of energy eaten over energy spent. In other words, if the person eats more than food, than he is capable to spend for service of power expenditure, how believe, fat, a fatty fabric should pass surplus of energy in fat, after all, is that other, as an energy stock. This nutrient which the person constantly drags with itself. And substance rather rich with energy.
